Author: Title: Revue Internationale de philosophie 21e année, N° 79-80, 1967, Fasc. 1-2 - Josiah ROYCE
Description: Bruxelles, 1967, gr. in-8, br., 228 p. Bon ex. (Au sommaire : Andrew Reck, Royce's Metaphysics; Milic Capek, Time and Eternity in Royce and Bergson; Charles Hartshorne, Royce and the Collapse of the Idealism; Daniel S. Robinson, Royce's Contributions to Logic; John E. Smith, The Contemporary Significance of Royce's Theory of the Self; André A. Devaux, Aspects de la relation entre l'humain et le divin dans la dernière philosophie de Josiah Royce; Peter Fuss, Interpretation: Towards a Roycean Political Philosophy; etc.)
Price: EUR 25.00 = appr. US$ 27.17 Seller: Chemin des Philosophes
- Book number: 11222