Author: ESMERIAN, BIBLIOTHEQUE RAPHÄEL. Title: Vente Paris, 1972.
Description: . Vol. I: MSS à peintures, Livres des XVe et XVIe S. Reliures ornies et mosaiquées... partly priced. Vol. II, I: Reliures. Partly priced. Vol. II, 2: Douze tableaux synoptiques sur la Reliure au XVIIIe S. 3 vols.*Howard Nixon's own copies, with his marginal annotations and prices, a list of concordances (B.M.?). Several rubbings and a list of conversion of English pounds into French Francs. Also included a letter to H.N. asking for his advice on how to describe a certain binding, with a draft of his reply..
Keywords: Bookbindingsbookbinding Bucheinbände Boekbanden Religatura Reliures Buchbinden Katalogen Bookselling Librairies Buchhandlung Boekhandel Catalogues Buchwesen Bibliography Bibliographie
Price: EUR 794.00 = appr. US$ 862.96 Seller: Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books
- Book number: 1226
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