Author: ASOCIACION DE IMPRESORES Y ANEXOS DEL URUGUAY. Title: Artes Graficas. Segunda Exposicion Nacional.
Description: . Montevideo, 1950. Richly illus. in colour with examples of Uruguay printing. Spiral binding (sl. dam.).*Beautiful production including also the following articles: Speroni Vener, Julio. Los Precursores de la Bibliografia Uruguaya (pp. 21-29) Illus. in b/w. & Pivel Devoto, Juan E. La Imprenta de la Patria Vieja 1815-1816. (pp. 11-19) Illus. in b/w & 1 folding plate..
Keywords: Presses, Design, Catalogues Ontypographie Typography
Price: EUR 175.00 = appr. US$ 190.20 Seller: Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books
- Book number: 55455
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Typography, Type Specimens, Printing History, Fine Printing, Private