Author: GAZETTE DU LIVRE MEDIEVAL. Title: No. 1 (Automne 1982) - No. 5 (Automne 1984).
Description: . 5 vols. 29;34;26;34 & 30pp. Illus. in b/w. Wrs. The collection*Contains a.o.: K. Gnirrep, Quantative techniques in the study of early printed books. The Netherlands in the 15th and early 16th centuries; G. Ouy, Plaidoyer pour les mangeurs de manuscrits; F. Gasparri, Écriture de chartes, écriture de livres; G. Malouvier, Les premiers manuscrits de ventes publiques & D.C, L'incunable, un bâtard du manuscrit? etc. etc..
Keywords: Autographs, Catalogues of Autographsmanuskripte Manuscripts Handschriften Manuscrits
Price: EUR 25.00 = appr. US$ 27.17 Seller: Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books
- Book number: 55891
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