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DAWSONS OF PALL MALL - Catalogue 149/N.D. : Rare Books and Manuscripts Ind. A Section on Early Science & Medecine.

Title: Catalogue 149/N.D. : Rare Books and Manuscripts Ind. A Section on Early Science & Medecine.
Description: . 879 nos. 163pp. Wrs. contemp. copy of letter pour Galilei Cialileo to Gallanzoni.*Details descriptions..

Keywords: Autographs, Catalogues of Autographskatalogen Catalogs Catalogues Inkunabel Frühdrucke Early Printed Books Incunabelen Incunabula Incunables Manuskripte Manuscripts Handschriften Manuscrits

Price: EUR 18.00 = appr. US$ 19.56 Seller: Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books
- Book number: 56525

See more books from our catalog: (Medieval) Manuscripts & Miniatures, Calligraphy, Palaeography