Author: INTERLIBRUM - VADUZ. Title: Catalogue 298/(1984): Foundations for Modern Social Science. The Conservative Anti-Enlightenment 1790-1830. A Collection Formed When the Books Were Published.
Description: . 197 nos. Illus. in b/w. Wrs.*From the introduction: Some of the major documents illustrating that most interesting period whose repercussions are felt to the very day, are offered in the following catalogue. The collection described was actually formed by a contemporary and thus an eye-witness of the events shaking all Europe. The collection was housed in an old private library for well over a hundred years until it was recently discovered... Remarkable is the fact, that with a very few exceptions, all books in this library are present in their original wrappers as issued..
Keywords: Bookselling & Publishing, Biograkatalogen Bookselling Librairies Buchhandlung Boekhandel Catalogues
Price: EUR 21.00 = appr. US$ 22.82 Seller: Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books
- Book number: 71121
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