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SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale Ln7755 11th December 1997: English Literature and History, Incl: Shakespeare, Bacon, Brönte, Joyce E.O.

Title: Sale Ln7755 11th December 1997: English Literature and History, Incl: Shakespeare, Bacon, Brönte, Joyce E.O.
Description: . 404 Nos. 183pp. Index. Illus. in b/w and colour. Wrs.; 4to.

Keywords: (Catalogues on) Music and Literakatalogen Bookselling Librairies Buchhandlung Boekhandel Catalogues

Price: EUR 25.00 = appr. US$ 27.17 Seller: Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books
- Book number: 74775

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