Author: CARVIN, DENIS. Title: La Reliure Medievale D'Après Les Fonds Des Bibliothèques D'Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Carpentras Et Marseille.
Description: . Arles, 1988. 160 pp. Numerous illus. & 62 plates (bindings, rubbings and tools etc.) Indexes, bibliography. Bds. Dustjacket.* Study of 14th and 15th century bindings which not only deals with the bindings themselves but also with the techniques that were used..
Keywords: Bookbinding Bucheinbände Boekbanden Religatura Reliures Buchbinden
Price: EUR 102.00 = appr. US$ 110.86 Seller: Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books
- Book number: 82197