Author: GOOVAERTS, ALPHONSE. Title: Histoire Et Bibliographie de la Typographie Musicale Dans Les Pays-Bas.
Description: . (1880). Reprint Amsterdam 1963. 608pp. Illus. in b/w. Index. Cloth.*This monumental book gives a survey of the printing and publishing of music in the Netherlands: from the first beginnings in Antwerp, Symon Cock, the flourishing in Amsterdam, 17th century, to about 1850. After a historical introduction, bio- and bibliographical details followes the extensive bibliographical part with 1415 descriptions in chronological order, supplemented by an alphabetical index..
Keywords: Typographie Typography Printing Imprimerie Typografie Druckkunst Drukkunst Knuf Music
Price: EUR 65.00 = appr. US$ 70.65 Seller: Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books
- Book number: 82271