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Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books 26, rue des Béguines 41100 Vendôme - France Email: orders@fritsknuf.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
28302: LINDEN, J. TER; A. DE VRIES & D. WELSINK (EDS.). - A Is Een Aapje. Opstellen over ABC-Boeken Van de Vijftiende Eeuw Tot Heden.
81587: LINDEN, F. VAN DER & A.S.A. STRUIK. - De Jas Van Het Woord. De Boekband en de Uitgevers 1850-1950.
79346: LINDEN, FONS VAN DER. - In Linnen Gebonden. De Geschiedenis Van de Nederlandse Uitgeversband 1840-1940.
23590: LINDER, HANS R. - Geliebtes Buch!
55925: LINDERS, JOKE. - Kinderboek Van Het Jaar 1954-1988.
71425: LINDT, JOHANN. - Die "Typographische Gesellschaft" in Bern
13884: LINGG, HERMANN. - Johan Spielmann. Ein Deutscher Freund W. Shakespeares.
47772: LINKENBACH, HANS LUDWIG. - Johanniswunder. Ein Festspiel Zur Gutenberg-Feier in Mainz.
55888: LINNING, BENJAMIN. - Nouvelle Série de Bibliothèques Et D'Ex-Libris D'Amateurs Belges Aux Xviie, Xviiie Et Xixe Siècles.
2343: LINNING, BENJAMIN. - Nouvelle Série de Bibliothèques Et D'Ex-Libris D'Amateurs Belges Aux Xviie, Xviiie Et Xixe Siècles.
19594: LINOTYPE. - Text and Display Faces. A Selection from the Wide Range of Linotype Faces of Particular Interest to Printers of Newspapers, Periodicals, and Jobbing Display.
19600: LINOTYPE. - Linotype Type Faces for Books.
53000: LINOTYPE. - Candida Mit Kursiv Oder Mit Halbfetter.
53003: LINOTYPE. - Cornelia Mit Kursiv Oder Mit Halbfetter.
53004: LINOTYPE. - Trump-Mediäval Mit Kursiv Oder Mit Halbfetter.
53042: LINOTYPE. - Baskerville-Antiqua Mit Kursiv Oder Mit Halbfetter.
53046: LINOTYPE. - Garamond-Antiqua Mit Kursiv Oder Mit Halbfetter.
53047: LINOTYPE. - Bodoni-Antiqua Mit Kursiv Oder Mit Halbfetter.
53048: LINOTYPE. - Janson-Antiqua Mit Kursiv.
21748: LINOTYPE. - A Calendar for the Year 1923 Containing Twelve Plates Representing the Twelve Ages of Man Which Appeared in a Book of Hours Printed Thielman Kerver in Paris in 1523.
52880: LINOTYPE. - Typefaces, Schriften, Caractères.
54568: LINOTYPE. - Neuzeit-Buchschrift Mit Kräftiger.
54587: LINOTYPE. - Linotype Caledonia Roman, Italic & Bold Face.
16698: LINOTYPE. - The Origins of the Newspaper. A Shortened Version of Stanley Morrison's 1954 St. Bride Lecture. The 14th Congress of Linotype Group for Presentation to Participants in the A. Typ. 1 at the R.C. A.
16878: LINOTYPE. - Linotype Faces. Quick Reference Index.
69520: LINOTYPE. - Linotype Faces. Quick Reference Index.
69522: LINOTYPE. - Linotype Faces. Quick Reference Index.
71264: LINOTYPE - Melior Mit Kursiv Oder Mit Halbfetter
71274: LINOTYPE - Linotype Grosskegelschriften
73004: MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - Itc Benguinat Series.
73005: MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - Stempel Folio Series.
73006: MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - Stempel Egyptienne F. Series.
73007: MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - Italia Series.
73008: MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - Berthold City Series.
73009: MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - Mergenthaler Raleigh Series.
73011: MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE - Simonicini Life Series.
73970: LINOTYPE. - Stratford.
74205: LINOTYPE. - The Origins of the Newspaper. A Shortened Version of Stanley Morrison's 1954 St. Bride Lecture. The 14th Congress of Linotype Group for Presentation to Participants in the A. Typ. 1 at the R.C. A.
74207: LINOTYPE. - The Origins of the Newspaper. A Shortened Version of Stanley Morrison's 1954 St. Bride Lecture. The 14th Congress of Linotype Group for Presentation to Participants in the A. Typ. 1 at the R.C. A.
74208: LINOTYPE. - The Origins of the Newspaper. A Shortened Version of Stanley Morrison's 1954 St. Bride Lecture. The 14th Congress of Linotype Group for Presentation to Participants in the A. Typ. 1 at the R.C. A.
74209: LINOTYPE. - The Origins of the Newspaper. A Shortened Version of Stanley Morrison's 1954 St. Bride Lecture. The 14th Congress of Linotype Group for Presentation to Participants in the A. Typ. 1 at the R.C. A.
18673: LINOTYPE. - Technische Informationen Etc.
79208: LION HEART AUTOGRAPHS, INC NEW YORK - Catalogue N°20, 1989. 75 Autographs from Six Centuries.
53885: LIPSCHITS, I. - Honderd Jaar Niw. Het Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad 1865-1965.
52906: O MUNDO LO LIVRO - LISBOA. - Catalogue 4/1964. Catalogó Geral. Libros Novos E Usados Sobre Arte, Historia, Literatura, Ciencias, Raridades Bibliograficas, Etc.
24122: O MUNDO LO LIVRO - LISBOA. - Catalogó de Livros Raros.
5959: MUSEU CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN - LISBOA. - No Tempo de René Lalique. Arte Do Livro.
70332: MUSEU CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN - LISBOA. - No Tempo de René Lalique. Arte Do Livro.
70335: MUSEU CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN - LISBOA. - No Tempo de René Lalique. Arte Do Livro.
70333: MUSEU CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN - LISBOA. - No Tempo de René Lalique. Arte Do Livro.
70334: MUSEU CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN - LISBOA. - No Tempo de René Lalique. Arte Do Livro.
69649: MUSEU CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN - LISBOA. - No Tempo de René Lalique. Arte Do Livro.
71319: LISTER, ANTHONY - Catalogus Bibliothecae Kingstonianae.
57863: LITERATURE). - Literaturkalender Spektrum Des Geistes 1960 Ein Querschnitt Durch Das Geistesschaffen Der Gegenwart. Herausgegeben Von Hartfrid Voss.
21617: DEUTSCHER BIBLIOPHILEN UND LITERATURFREUNDE. - Jahrbuch. Vierzehnter Und Fünfzehnter Jahrgang. Doppeljahrgang 1927/1928. Hrsg. Von Hans Feigl.
74016: SNTL - NAKLADATELSTVI TECHNICKE LITERATURY - Papir a Celuloza Pcelau 33 (1) 1-24 (1978).
8511: LITHOGRAPHY) - Senefelder a Praha
21592: LITHOGRAPHY). - Lithographie 1800-1950. Kunst en Techniek.
25929: LITHOPINION. - (New York). The Graphic Arts and Public Affairs Journal of Local One, Amalgamated Lithographers of America.
55838: LITTLE, BRYAN. - English Historic Architecture.
71528: LITTLE, GEOFFREY - Coleridge's Copy of Lyrical Ballads, 1800 and His Connexction with the Irving Family
71360: LITTLETON, ISAAC T. - The Literature of Agricultural Economics: Its Bibliographic Organization and Use
80838: LIVINGSTON, ALAN & ISABELLA. - The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Graphic Design and Designers.
79665: LIVINGSTONE, LUTHER S. - Auction Prices of Books. A-Z. Vols 1-4.
26561: ART ET MÉTIERS DU LIVRE. - No. 151 - Juillet/Aout/Septembre 1988: Revue Internationale de la Reliure, de la Bibliophilie Et de L'Estampe.
69190: ART ET METIERS DU LIVRE - Revue No. 149/Mars-Avril 1988: "Art Et Métiers Du Livre"de la Reliure, de la Bibliophilie Et de L'Estampe.
71506: ART ET METIERS DU LIVRE - Revue No. 215/Juillet - Août - Septembre 1999: "Art Et Métiers Du Livre", Reliure, Bibliophilie, Caligraphie, Estampe.
71509: ART ET METIERS DU LIVRE - Revue No. 227/Décembre 2001 - Janvier 2002: "Art Et Métiers Du Livre", Reliure, Bibliophilie, Caligraphie, Estampe.
72587: ART ET METIER DU LIVRE - Revue No. 228/Février-Mars 2002 : Bibliothèque Historique de Paris: Reliures Contemporaines, Exposition Brindeau, la Valeur Des Livre Anciens, Les Grandes Heures D'Anne de Bretagne, René Jeanne Maître Typographe, Les Carnets inédits de Jean Delpech.
72588: ART ET METIER DU LIVRE - Revue No. 229/ Avril-Mai 2002 : Le Siècle de Louis XIII: Abraham Bosse Reliures à Chantilly, Exclusif Fila: Entretien Avec Leprésident Du Slam, Grenoble: Les Trésors de la Bibliothèque, Saporito, Relieur, Livres D'Artistes: Jacques Fournier, L'Imprimerie. .
57692: LÖB, KURT. - Bibliofiele Boekillustratie. Vandaag en Gisteren.
72874: LÖB, KURT. - Bibliofiele Boekillustratie. Vandaag en Gisteren.
82353: LÖB, KURT. - Buchillustration - Heute [Da Gibts Nur Wenig Zu Lachen]. Ein Vortrag.
81152: LOCARD - Recherches Historiques Sur la Coquille Des Imprimeurs.
57817: LOCARD - Recherches Historiques Sur la Coquille Des Imprimeurs.
80221: LOCHE, RENÉE. - Lithography.
20776: ANTIQUARIAT JUNK - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 26/1956: Scripta Miscellanea Geologica III.
53945: COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 4/1975: History of Physics and Chemistry.
53946: COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 5/C. 1975: History of Medicine and Psychology.
53947: COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 35/N.D. : Paleontology.
53948: COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 36/N.D. : Geology.
53950: COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 45/N.D. : Geology Incl. A Section of Old and Rare Books.
53951: COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 46/N.D. : Paleontology Incl. A Section of Old and Rare Books.
53952: COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 48/N.D. : Geology Incl a Section of Old and Rare Books.
53953: COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LOCHEM. - Catalogue 50/N.D. : Zoology Incl a Section of Old & Rare Books.
79558: LOCHLAINN, COLM O - An Irish Tpographical Link with Germany.
65263: LÖCKER, ANTIQUARIAT - Katalog 58: Kunst Und Illustrierte Bücher.
65293: LÖCKER, ANTIQUARIAT - Katalog 51 N. D Philosophie, Theologie, Religion
66097: LÖCKER, ANTIQUARIAT - Exportkatalog 34 N.D. Kunst Und Illustrierte Bücher
75777: LÖCKER, ANTIQUARIAT - WIEN - Exportkatalog 61/ N.D. : Ausgewählte Bücher Des 16. -18. Jahrhunderts.
14822: LOEBEL, H. (ED.). - Das Evangeliar Heinrichs Der Löwen.
72912: LOEBENSTEIN, HELENE - Die Papyrussammlung Der ôsterreichischen Nationalbilbliothek. Katalog Des Ständigen Ausstellung.
72275: LOEBER, E.G. - Prehistoric Origins of Paper.
72267: LOEBER, E.G. - Von Butterpackung Und Autobahnbau.
23841: LOESCHER, ERMANNO & CO - ROMA. - Catalogue 87/N.D. : Storia Italiana.
56812: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Catalogue 142/1939 : Variete Bibliophilique.
56813: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Catalogue 141/1939 : Livres Choisis. Beaux Livres Illustres Et Editions Originales Rares Et Recherchees. Nombreux Exemplaires Avec Envoi D'Auteur.
21012: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 78/N.D. : Livres.
21024: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue No. 57/N.D. : Livres Illustrés Modernes éditions Originales.
20405: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 87/1971: (Beaux Livres).
21066: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 81/N.D. : Livres.
22014: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 84/N.D. : Beaux Livres.
22015: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 62/N.D. : Livres Illustrés Modernes - Aquarelles - Dessins - Gravures - Reliures D'Art.
22016: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 67/N.D. : Beaux Livres Illustrés Modernes - éditions Originales - Reliures D'Art.
22017: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 64/N.D. : Livres Illustrés Modernes.
22018: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 70/N.D. : Beaux Livres Illustrés Modernes - Reliures D'Art.
53009: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Cat. 138/1955: Livres Choisis. Editions Originales Rares Et Recherchées - Nombreux Exemplaires Avec Envoie D'Auteur. Collections Les Beaux Livres(Mornay, éditeur) Et Des Maîtres Du Livres(Crès, éditeur).
53010: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Cat. 132/1955: éditions Originales Anciennes, Romantiques Et Modernes. Autographes. I. Livres Choisis - Beaux Exemplaires la Plupart en Grand Papier Ou Avec Envoi D'Auteur - D'Autres Avec Notes Marginales Ou Corrections de L'Auteur - Lettres Autographes.
53031: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Catalogue 153/1966: Beaux Livres Anciens, Romantiques Et Modernes. édirions Originales Rares Et Recherchées. Quelques Beaux Livres Illustrés.
53032: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Catalogue 130/1953: Très Beaux Livres Illustrés Modernes (Intéressantes Occasion). Beaux Livres Illustrées - Belles Reliures de Maitres.
53033: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Catalogue 154/1968/1969: Bibliophilie.
52446: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 89/N.D.
51800: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Catalogue 131/1954: Beaus Livres Illustées Et éditions Originales.
21830: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 85/1968: Beaux Livres Illustrés - Modernes Reliures D'Art.
22741: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 72/77/79, N.D. : Beaux Livres Illustrés Modernes. Reliures D'Art.
53523: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Catalogue 134/1956: éditions Originales Des XIX & XX Siecles. I. Livres Choisis - Beaux Exemplaires la Plupart Bien Relies, en Grand Papier Ou Avec Envoi D'Auteur - Collection > II. Desiderata.
54910: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 57/N.D. : Llivres Illustrés Modernes - éditions Originales.
54911: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 80/N.D.
54912: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 82/N.D. .
54913: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 83/N.D. .
54914: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 88/(1972)
54915: LOEWY, EDOUARD - PARIS - Catalogue 149/1964: Beaux Livres Et éditions Originales Rares. Livres Illustrés: 170 Chefs - D'Oevre D'édition.
18336: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 56/N.D. : Beaux Livres Illustrés Modernes éditions Originales Reliures D'Art.
19101: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 75/N.D. : Beaux Livres Illustrés Modernes. Reliures D'Art.
65259: LOEWY ALEXANDRE, LIBRAIRIE - Catalogue N°79
60325: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS - Catalogue No. 80/N. D
66659: LOEWY EDOUART, LIBRAIRIE - Catalogue N°148/1964 éditions Originales Rares, Beaux Livres Illustrés, Reliures de Maîtres
68208: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 77/N. D,
70835: LOEWY, ALEXANDRE - PARIS. - Catalogue 81/N.D. : Livres.
81969: LOF, NICO VAN DER (ED.). - "It" Drukwerk Van Emile Puettmann.
82212: LOF, NICO VAN DER (ED.). - De Tsjechische Avantgarde en Het Boek.
2366: LÖFFLER, KARL. - Einführung in Die Katalogkunde.
14692: LOGNON, J. & R. CAZELLES. - The Très Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry.
2370: LOHMANN-DE ROEVER, B. - Bibliografie Van de Geschriften Van Dr. Isabella Henriëtte Van Eeghen.
56826: LOIDL, MATHIAS - Catalogue 28/N.D.
65751: ANTIQUARIAT MATTHIAS LOIDL - Katalog 31 N.D. ältere Literatur, Literatur 20. Jahrhunder, Illustrierte Bücher - Bibliophilie, Kunst+Künster, Buchwesen Kultur- Und Sittengeschichte, Geschichte - Biographien, Orts- Und Landeskunde, Reisen, Italien, Philosophie, Varia...
56843: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 105/N.D. : Beaux Livres Curieux Et Rares. Livres Illustres Editions Originales, Reliures.
56845: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 110/N.D. : Editions Originales, Livres Illustres, Romantiques Et Modernes.
56848: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 108/N.D. : Livres Illustres. Editions Originales. Reliures.
54824: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 93/C. 1960: Livres Illustrés. éditions Originales. Reliures.
54825: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 100/C. 1963: Livres Illustrés. éditions Originales. Reliures Aux Armes. Livres en Tous Genres.
54826: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 101/C. 1965: Livres Illustrés. éditions Originales. Reliures Aux Armes. Dessins Et Aquarelles.
54827: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 106/C. 1966: Autographes. Manuscrits.
54828: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 109/C. 1970: I. Livres Illustrés. éditions Originales. Reliures. Livres Rares. II. Varia.
54829: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 111/C. 1971: Beaux Livres Anciens Du Xve Au Xviiie Siècle. Poètes Et Prosateurs. Livres Illustrés. Reliures.
54898: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 97/C. 1964: Livres Illustrés. éditions Originales. Reliures Aux Armes. Dessins Et Aquarelles.
56410: LOLIÉE, MARC - PARIS. - Catalogue 98 / N.D. : Beaux Livres , Illustres , Editions Originales, Reliures Aux Armes, Livres en Tous Genres
26057: LOMAN, A.D. & J.G.D. MARTENS (EDS.). - Catalogus Van de Bibliotheek Van Het Evangelisch Luthersch Seminarium.
2372: LOMAS, S.C. (ED.). - Report on the Mss of the Earl
54889: LOMBARDI, LUIGI - NAPOLI. - Catalogue 1/1983: Libri Rari E Figurati Dal XV Al XIX Secolo. Legature.
54890: LOMBARDI, LUIGI - NAPOLI. - Bulletin 1/1983: Italia Meridionale, Gastronomia, Caccia, Arte, Manuali Hoepli, Varia.
9304: LOMMEN, MATHIEU. - De Grote Vijf. S.H. De Roos, J.F. Van Royen, J.V. Krimpen, C. Nijpels, A.A. M. Stols.
82107: LOMMEN, MATHIEU. - Jan Van Krimpen & Bruce Rogers.
82165: LOMMEN, MATHIEU. - Letterontwerpers.
15071: LONDENBERG, KURT. - Bucheinbände.
24140: LONDENBERG, KURT. - Bucheinbände. Austellungsveröffentlichung Der Herzog August Bibliothek. Nr. 26.
70221: LONDENBERG, KURT. - Bucheinbände.
81973: LONDENBERG, KURT. - Kurt Londonberg. Bucheinbände.
80017: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6 December 1988: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
82195: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 146/1992: Fine Bindings and Distingiushed Provenances.
19166: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 985/1978: Military and Naval History.
19167: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1008/1980: Military and Naval History.
19168: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1013/1981: Military and Naval History.
19170: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15 October 1974: A Collection of Books on Arms and Armour and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
32961: A. SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 8/30 Jan. 1986: Rare and Early Books.
18529: W. & G. FOYLE LTD. - LONDON. - Catalogue No Nr/1933: A Catalogue of Rare and Early Printed Books and Modern First Editions.
56491: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 113/N.D. : Engravings & Etchings ( Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries ); Recent Acquisitions.
56492: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 114/N.D. : Modern Etchings ( Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries).
56493: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 104/N.D. : Modern Etchings and Engravings
56494: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 105/N.D. : Engravings (Fifteenth to Ninetenth Century).
56495: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue108/N.D. : Graphic Works of the Nineteenth Century
19190: A. SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue XII/(C. 1988)
55846: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 November 1984: The Thanet Dinner Service Paul de Lamerie. London 1742-1746.
17904: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 699/1993: English Drama; a Catalogue of Plays and Players.
81144: TYPOGRAPHY) BLOOMSBURY BOOK AUCTIONS - LONDON - Sale 8 June 2009: Distinguished Typography from the Library of Jan Van Der Marck
17949: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14-17 April 1930: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books. Literary and Mediaeval Mss, Autograph Letters Etc. Comprising a Remarkable Series of the Principal English First Editions of the XVIII and XIX Centuries, the Majority in Most Desirable State.
10009: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18 May 1981: Catalogue of Western Illuminated Manuscripts. The Property of the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island.
10018: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 June 1987: Western Mss and Miniatures.
10023: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6 Dec. 1988: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
10024: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 June 1994: Western Mss and Miniatures.
17958: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 386/1929: A Catalogue of Books Printed in Europe During the 15th & 16th Centuries. Part II: 16th Century.
42032: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 July 1998: English Incunabula from the Wentworth Library.
17975: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 April 1979: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books Mainly Relating to the Reformation in England in the 16th and 17th Centuries.
27001: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 November 1982: Decorative, Sporting and Topographical Prints and Maps.
40812: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 814/1961: English History and Literature.
40822: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 817/1961: English Literature and History (Including Translations) Printed After 1700, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts, Music and Dancing.
40842: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 747/1955: A Catalogue of Books, Autographs & Manuscripts in English History and Literature.
40862: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 657/1948: A Selection of Interesting Books on a Great Variety of Subjects. With 20 Illustrations.
57172: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 212/N.D. : Old English Literature. Part V : Stuart Literature. Charles I CIVIL War 1645-1649.
57173: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 217/N.D. : Old English Literature Part IX : Stuart Literature. James II and William III. 1685-1702.
57174: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 233/N.D. : Old English Literature. Part XV Victorian, Edwardian.
40882: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 805/1960: Books on Africa. English History and Literature and French History and Literature.
56537: DALIAN BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 41/1984 : Modern First Editions.
40892: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 788/1959: European History, Literature, Philology and Travel.
56545: DAWSON RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 267/N.D. : History of Science
19251: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 274/1911: Decorative Engravings (French and English Schools) - Sporting Prints.
19254: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 39/N.D. : The Documentation of Art. Modern Illustrated Books and Books on the Fine and Applied Arts.
55963: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - British Book Production 1962. These Books Shown at Frankfurt Were Printed and Published in Great Britain and Are Available at British Booksellers. They Are Selected from Those Chosen for the National Book League by Kenneth Day, Richard Guyatt and Alan Ste
55966: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - British Book Production 1966. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Books Published in 1965 and Chosen for the National Book League by Ashley Havinden, Michael Unwin, Philip Wallis.
18621: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 997/1979: Ancient, Medieval & Modern 19. 245 Nos. Index. 8 Plates. With: Cat. 1005/1980: Ancient, Medieaval & Modern 20. 225 Nos. 9 Plates. Index. 1011/1980: Ancient, Medieaval & Modern No. 21.
18638: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 54/N.D. : Fine Illustrated Books on a Variety of Subjects & the Art of the Book.
18642: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 790/1958: The Study of War.
18644: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17/18 November 1958: First Editions in English Literature, Private Press Books and Bibliography. The Property of the Late Michael Sadlein Esq.
25862: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 654/1984: Science, Technology, Medicine.
55951: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - British Book Production 1970. An Exhibition of Books Published in 1968/9 Selected by Anthony Bell, Maxwell Martyn and Richard Wadleigh.
55952: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - Third International Exhibition of Book Design 1949.
55953: BRITISH COUNCIL - LONDON. - Exhibition of British Book Design 1951. A Selection of Books Published in 1950 Chosen for the National Book League by Harry Carter and Douglas Cleverdon.
55954: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - Exhibition of British Book Design 1952. A Selection of Books Published in 1951 Chosen for the National Book League by Harry Carter and Philip James.
55957: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - Fifth International Exhibition of Book Design 1955.
18764: QUESTOR RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Nr. 8/N.D. :...
55960: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - Seventh International Exhibition of Book Design 1959.
55961: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - International Book Production 1961. Catalogue of the Eight International Exhibition Arranged by the National Book League.
55962: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - British Book Production 1962. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Books Published in 1961 and Chosen for the National Book League by Kenneth Day, Richard Guyatt and Alan Steele.
18663: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Cat. 324/1913: Military Literature, Engravings and Original Drawings. Including British Regimental Histories and Records, Costumes of British and Foreign Armies, Army Lists, Tactics, Art of War, Napoleon and His Campains, Wars of the Indian Empire, Crimea
74900: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON - Sale 26 April 1991: Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures.
12062: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 April 1979: Valuable Books 16th & 17th Century. George Goyder - Reformation in England.
40902: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 789/1959: The Fine Arts, Including Archaeology, Architecture, Decorative and Industrial Art, Arms and Armour, Costume, Furniture, Glassware and Stained Glass, Metal Work, Pottery and Porcelain, Textiles, Painting, Drawing and Engraving, Auction Catal
40942: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 798/1959: English Books of the 16th and 17th Centuries. French, German and Italian Books.
40952: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 776/1958: A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts and Documents in English Literature and History Including Many Books from the Library of the Late Viscount Mersery, P.C.
40962: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 777/1958: A Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts (Including a Section on Oriental Art) and the Ballet.
56970: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. & PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 235/N.D. : English Literature. Part X. (Mal-Mon)
40972: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 778/1958: A Catalogue of Books of English Literature and History (Including Translations) Printed After 1700, Together with a Few Autograph Letters and Manuscripts.
40982: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 780/1958: A Selction of Interesting Books on a Great Variety of Subjects.
81272: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON - Sale 8 June 2006: Continental Books, Manuscripts and Science.
40992: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 783/1958: A Catalogue of Books of English Literature and History (Including Translations) Printed After 1700, Also Books on Music and Dancing.
25902: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 662/1986: English Books and Manuscripts.
77522: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 May 1995: The Dr. Sali Guggenheim Collection of French Illustrated Books of the 17th - 19th Century.
19361: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 978/1977: Printed Books and Manuscripts.
19362: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 April 1993: Sammlung Rudolf Von Gutmann. Including Chinese School Watercolours in Two Albums Conatina Fine Landscapes and Interiors (C. 1790); Melchior Pfintzing Teuerdank Printed on Vellum (1517) and the Talman Albums C. 1720.
18721: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20/21 October & 4 November 1992: Books, Maps and Bonds. Incl. : Children's and Illustrated Books and Related Drawings, Art Reference, Japanese Bonds and Music.
18732: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 31 March/April 1952: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books. Western & Oriental Mss. , Autograph Letters & Historical Documents Etc.
18735: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17-19 March 1952: Catalogue of the Important and Valuable Library, Formed by the Late E.J. Bullrich, Esq. , and Now the Property of D.L. Albear, Esq.
25985: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 June 1957: Catalogue of the Highly Important Papers of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville F.R. S. (1729-1811), Relating to the Seven Year's War in Canada, the Foundation of the First Colony on the Falkland Islands, His Voyage Around the World and the Am
18777: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24/25 October 1938: Catalogue of an Extensive and Valuable Collection of Books on Bibliography. The Property of a Gentleman. Resident on the Continent.
12191: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 964/1976: A Catalogue of Books on Europe & the Orient.
19402: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 1/2 May 1939: Catalogue of a Valuable Library of French & Other Literature in Fine Old and Modern Bindings.
19412: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24/25 March 1980: English Medical Books, Mainly of the 17th and 18th Centuries But with a Few Continental Books of an Earlier Period.
19415: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 February 1981: Printed Books Mainly Relating to Medicine and Science.
19416: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1080/1987: Medicine.
57393: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 94/1982: Varia Incl. Editions of the Classics, Travel, Natural History.
19460: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1028/1982: Books on the Arts: Ancient and Medieval Art, Architecture & Perpective. Ceramics, Glass & Metalwork, Costumes & Textiles, Decorative Art & Furniture, Orietal Art, Graphic Art, Addenda.
19472: SAWYER - LONDON. - Catalogue 259/1961: Books from the Reader and Collector, Incl. Fine Bindings, Coloured Plak Books, Dickens, Early Printed Books, Private Presses, Sporting Books, Natural History, Fine Art, English Literature.
19474: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1022/1982: A Catalogue of Private Press Books and Other Limited Editions, Including Some Finely Bound Sets.
18833: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 100/1983: Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
20048: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 34/(C. 1955): Fine Illustrated Books from the 15th to the Present Day. Costume, Travel and Topography, Natural History, Science and Medicine, Bibliography Etc.
20053: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - List XII/(C. 1955): Costume, Including Military Uniform and Festival Books & Textiles Including Tapestries and Carpets.
18863: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 April 1992: Indian Miniatures and Company School Paintings, the Collection of Baron & Baroness Bachofen Von Echt.
18864: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 Dec. 1975: Catalogue of Western Mss and Miniatures.
50162: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 20/23 November 1998: The Library of the Late Sir Brian Mackenna.
20088: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 10 March 1976: Various Printed Books, Manuscripts and Historical Documents of the 13th to 17th Centuries.
20090: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 June 1976: Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts.
20091: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14/15 June 1981: Valuable Atlases, Globes and Maps and of Printed Books Relating to Travel and Exploration.
20092: MARTIN BRESLAUER - LONDON. - List XLIII/1976: A Miscellany of Rare Books, Mss & Autographs from the Fifteenth to the Present Century on a Great Variety of Subjects.
54107: E.P. GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON. - Catalogue 21, N.D. Manuscripts, Incunabula, Woodcut Books. Resp. Nos. 1-31; 32-143; 144-197. Illus. Indexes.
54110: GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON.E.P. - Catalogue IV, No Date: Manuscripts and Early Printed Books (1463-1600).
12412: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 666/1938: A Classified Catalogue of Books in Foreign Languages of All Periods.
57403: WARRACK & PERKINS - LONDON. - Catalogue Ns 7/1981.
57423: THOMAS ALAN G. - LONDON. - Catalogue 25/N.D. : Fine Books.
57426: THOMAS ALAN G. - LONDON. - Catalogue 26/N.D. : Fine Books.
57427: THOMAS ALAN G. - LONDON. - Catalogue 53/(C. 1991): Fine Books.
11699: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 550/1931: English Literature and History from the 15th to the 18th Century.
57463: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - List 75/1987: Newton.
56856: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 86/1980 : Finely Printed and Illustrated Books, Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
56853: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 75/1974 : Natural History Books, Travel and Topography.
56854: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 22/*N.D. : Old Atlases, Botanical Books, Scientific Books, Colour Plate Books and Many Other Rare and Intersting Items.
56855: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 34/N.D. : Fine Illustrated Books from 1500 to the Present Day. Costume, Natural History, Science and Medicine, Bibliography and Many Other Rare and Intersting Items.
56858: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1256/1998 : Bibliography.
56859: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 866/1959 : Ancient Mediaval and Modern No. 4 Acatalogue of Manuscripts & Books, Being Recent Acquisitions Including Bindings, Aldines, Incunabula, Western & Oriental Mss. , Music.
8357: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 561, 1931: Books from Famous Presses...
56881: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 85/1979 : Architecture and Allied Arts with a Supplement on Botany, Gardening, Forestry and Agriculture.
18950: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 106/N.D. : An Illustrated Catalogue of Modern Etchings.
18951: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 109/N.D. : Engravings and Etchings (15th-18th Century).
18953: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 117/N.D. : Engravings and Etchings (15th-18th Century).
20154: PICCADILLY RARE BOOKS & REED & SIMMS - LONDON. - Catalogue of Books on Merchant Shipping and Associated Subjects.
20157: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 984/1974: A Catalogue of Naval and Maritime Books.
20161: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 903/1967: Ships and the Sea.
20164: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 723/1952: Ships and the Sea. Naval and Mercantile History, Shipbuilding, Whaling, Navigation, Pirates, Ship Models, Yachts, Etc.
11735: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 484, Xmas 1926: Books Printed in France and French Books Printed in Other Countries from 1470 to 1700 A.D.
27451: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1121/N.D. : 20th Century. German, French, Spanish & Spanish American Literature.
9019: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23/24 Jan. 1969: Catalogue of an Important and Extensive Collection of Bibliographical Books.
9020: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18/20 April 1966: Catalogue of Bibliography and Books of Reference.
26801: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 March 1979: The Mercator Atlas of Europe.
19617: NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE - LONDON. - The Second International Exhibition of Book Design, Arranged by the National Book League at 7 Albemarle Street.
56937: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 172/1997 : Varia.
56939: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 60/N.D. : Modern Illusrated Books and Books on the Fine and Applied Arts Ind. Rare and Important Works of the 16th - 18th Centuries.
9083: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 737/1955: Bibliography and Facsimiles.
26861: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 September 1982: Printed Books.
9088: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1011/1980: Bibliography, Palaeography, Modern Fine Printing.
56952: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 225/N.D. : Addenda to a Collection of Rare Books of (with Some Exceptions) Old English Literature Arranged Chronogically. Second Portion (1502-1924).
56953: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 229/N.D. : A Collection of Old and Rare Books of (with Some Exeptions) English Literature. Pat IV ( Col-Def)
56954: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 663/1986 : Medical Books
56955: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 672/1988 : Medical Books
56957: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 208/N.D. : A Collection of Rare Books of (with Some Exeptions) Old English Literature Arranged Chronogically. Part I : Tudor Literature (1485-1603).
58032: DAVIS & ORIOLI - LONDON. - Catalogue 167/C. 1960 : Rare Books.
81277: HÜNERSDORFF RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Cat. 19/2004: Military Art, Chivalry & Allied Subjects. A Selection of Books, Manuscripts, Prints and Paintings.
56961: QUESTOR RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 22/N.D. : About the Book
56962: QUESTOR RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 10/1992 : About the Book.
56963: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 247/N.D. : English Literature Addenda ( Oxf-Sne)
56964: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 244/N.D. : Addenda. ( Bro-Cum)
56965: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 245/N.D. : English Literature Addenda ( Cum- Hey).
56966: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 240/N.D. : English Literature Part XV ( Smo-Swi)
56967: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 239/N.D. : English Literature Part XIV (Set-Smo)
56968: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 238/N.D. : English Literatur Part XIII (Qua-Set)
56969: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 237/N.D. : English Literature Part XII (Pat-Qua)
19665: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 July 1950: Catalogue of Valuable Illuminated Mss and Illuminated Leaves (and the Grand Bâtard de Bourgogne's Manuscript of Othéa la Déesse with 100 Miniatures.
56971: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 234/N.D. : English Literrature Part IX (Kem-Mal)
56972: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 230/N.D. : English Literature Part V (Def-Eli)
56973: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 231/N.D. : English Literature Part VI (Ell-Gla)
56974: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 232/N.D. : English Literatur Part VII (Gla-Hol)
56975: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 233/N.D. : English Literature. Part VIII (Hol-Kem)
56982: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - List 28/1983 : Economic History.
56983: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - List 38/1983 : Theology and Religious Controversy.
56997: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue No Nr/N.D. : An Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Rare Books.
56998: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 202/C. 1920 : Choices Old and Rare Books. Part XI ( Scot-Stap).
56999: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 195/C. 1920 : Choice, Old and Rare Books. Part IV (Dav. Eyre).
19691: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 5 Dec 1996: Continental Books and Mss, Including Science and Medicine.
13433: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue, No Number/1931: A Catalogue of Illuminated and Other Manuscripts Together with Some Works on Paleography.
13083: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - The Mostyn Hall Library. Printed Books and Manuscripts.
13107: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue, No Number/1931: A Catalogue of Illuminated and Other Manuscripts, Together with Some Works on Paleography.
12427: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 655, 1937: Très Beaux Livres Du Xviie Au Xixe Siècle.
13088: DAVIS & ORIOLI - LONDON. - Cats. 137, 138 & 139.
13097: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 661/1938: Très Beaux Livres: Empire - Restauration - époque Romantique - Livres Illustrés - Très Belles Reliures - Reliures Mosaïques.
12461: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1068/1986: Catalogus Illustrium Medicorum (Medicine).
57638: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 395/1920: Manuscripts, Incunables, Woodcutbooks and Books from Early Presses.
57640: DAVIS & ORIOLI - LONDON. - Catalogue 137/N.D. : A Large Collection of Books on Medicine and Science; a Clearance List of Books on Various Subjects.
26911: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 7/8 May 1973: Catalogue of Printed Books.
26921: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25/26 October 1982: Printed Books. Including: General Books, Art Reference, Bibliography, Bindings, Natural History, Sporting Books, Travel, Maps and Literature.
9159: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21/22 March 1929: Illum. Mss; French Illus. Books and Fine Old and Modern Bindings.
9162: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26/27 Febr. 1951. Books, Mss, Fine Bindings. Collection Mrs. Evelyn Stainton.
19725: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19/20 Dec. 1938: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Illuminated Mss, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
19730: BASILISK PRESS - LONDON. - Catalogue5/1986.
19733: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 Dec. 1977: Catalogue of Western Mss and Miniatures.
19741: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 Dec. 1976: Catalogue of Western Mss and Miniatures and a Hebrew Scroll.
19760: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23/24 Feb. 1959: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Medieval Mss and Autograph Letters.
19761: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 June 1978: Catalogue of the Highly Important Toulouse Philidor Collection of Manuscript and Printed Music and Other Valuable Mss and Printed Books.
26991: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 November 1982: Printed Books English and Continental Books of the 17th and 18th Centuries, Science, Travel and Australiana.
20681: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 June 1995: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. With a Collection of Hebrew Incunabula.
20689: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 3 July 1984: Catalogue of Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
12521: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1048/1985: Hispanic Books.
36071: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 231/1904: A Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Works on the Fine Arts, Including an Important Collection of Early Books Illustrated with Woodcuts. Part III.
35491: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18 & 19 November 1974: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Including Fine Natural History Books, Autograph Letters and Literary and Historical Manuscripts.
57723: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15/16 May 1969: Catalogue of Printed Books Comprising Publications of the Middle Hill Press from the Celebrated Collection Formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. (1792-1872).
34871: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 28 & 29 April, 13 & 14 May 1992: Books and Maps, Including Children's Books, the Performing Arts and Related Drawings.
21011: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 741/1955: Palaeography/Bibliographical Catalogues Etc.
21050: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 120/N.D. : Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
19866: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 June 1979: Valuable Early Printed Books and Manuscripts.
19867: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1101/1988: Early Printed Books.
20679: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 June 1988: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
21072: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 87/1980: Illustrated Books and Books on the Fine and Applied Arts.
19876: MYERS & CO. - LONDON. - Catalogue 257, 310 & 320/1927, 1936, 1938: Catalogues of Rare Books: Mss, Autograph Letters Etc.
19882: SOLDANS LTD. - LONDON. - Corvinus.
19888: SOLDANS LTD. - LONDON. - The Design for Summer. Trafton Script & Corvinus.
36171: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 496/1934: A Catalogue of Books Including Bibliography & Palaeography - Economics - Fine Arts - Hakluyt Society's Publications - Occult Sciences - Philosophy, and a Very Large Selection of Works Relating to Scotland, Including Antiquities, History, Lit
35521: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 November 1967: Catalogue of Modern Illustrated Books, Periodicals, Works of Reference and French Literature.
35531: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 3 May 1966: Catalogue of Modern French and German Illustrated Books and Periodicals.
36191: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 875/1966: A Catalogue of Books Suitable for Presentation Including English Literature & History (Printed After 1700) - Press Books - Fine Arts - Sports - Topography and Travel - and a Selection of Recent and Forthcoming Books.
20687: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 7 December 1992: Catalogue of Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
19949: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 30 March to 1 April 1931: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books. Autograph Letters & Historical Documents, Etc.
10793: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19 June 1990: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
10795: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 Nov. 1990: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
19992: SOLDANS LTD. - LONDON. - Allegro.
19993: SOLDANS LTD. - LONDON. - Gillies Gothic. A Contemporary Design.
36211: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 502/1935: A Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts, Including General Art, Archaeology, Architecture, Decorative Art, Painting and Engraving, Views.
29000: LUZAC & CO. - LONDON. - Catalogue No Number/1929: New & Second-Hand Books on India, Burma and Ceylon.
36221: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 507/1935: A Catalogue of Books in English Literature and History (Including Translations). Printed Since the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century, Together with Books from Modern Presses and Autograph Letters.
36231: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 510/1935: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Printed Books Including Autograph Letters and Other Manuscripts - Americana - Bibliography - Botany - Chronicles and Memorials, of Great Britain and Ireland - Early Printed Books - English Literature - Europea
2152: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1006/1976: Pure and Applied Science. Mathematics, Medicine, Technology, Transport Etc.
29020: PROBSTHAIN & CO - LONDON. - Catalogue 33/1923: Buddhist Catalogue.
36241: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 511/1935: A Catalogue of Books Including a Large Number of Important Bibles in Commemoration of the Quatercentenary of the First Coverdale Edition, Also Africa - America - Australasia - Classics - English History & Literature & English & Foreign Book
36251: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 512/1935: A Catalogue of Books on Oriental Art, Including a Selection of Oriental Miniatures, Drawings and Paintings.
36261: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 513/1935: A Catalogue of Printed Books, Autographs, Deeds and Documents.
12749: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1015/(1978): Bindings and Illustrated Books.
36271: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 516/1936: A Catalogue of Books in English Literature and History (Including Translations), Printed Since the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century, Together with Books from Modern Presses.
36281: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 517/1936: Annals of English Literature 1483-1925.
21215: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 114/1986: Architecture and Allied Arts. Botany, Gardening and Estate Management, Etc.
21216: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 68/1971: Books on Architecture, Furniture, Decoration and Ornament and Garden Architecture and Design.
10690: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 30 March 1994: Highly Important Incunabula, Bibles, Early Greek Printing and Colour-Plate Books from the Beriah Botfield's Library (1807-1863).
8839: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 888/1968: A Catalogue of Books on English Trade 1700-1750.
21258: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2/3 Feb. 1970: Scientific and Medical Books from the 15th to the 20th Century.
21259: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 12-14 March 1973: Medical and Scientific Books, Autograph Letters and Scientific Manuscripts.
21260: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20/21 Jan. 1975: Printed Books Relating to Medicine and Science.
21261: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6 Oct. 1975: Printed Books, Letters and Manuscripts Relating to Science and Medicine.
21262: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25/26 Oct. 1976: Printed Books Relating to Science, Natural History & Medicine.
21263: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 7 March 1977: Printed Books Relating to Science and Medicine.
21264: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4 July 1977: Printed Books on Science, Medicine and Natural History.
21265: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 1 December 1980: Printed Books Relating to Science and Natural History.
21273: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4/5 March 1963: Medical and Scientific Books. With a Few Manuscripts.
14071: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 December 1975: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures Comprising the Property of the Late Robert Bennett, the Property of St. John's Seminary, Wonersh and Other Properties.
50742: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1072/1987: Medicine.
50752: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1107/1989: Medicine.
36321: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 468/1933: A Catalogue of Greek and Latin Classics, Including Commentaries and Translations, Together with Some Works by Later Authors of Repute, and a Considerable Section on Classical Archaeology, History, Etc.
50762: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1065/1986: Philosophy and Logic.
20680: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 1 December 1987: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
20685: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6 December 1993: Catalogue of Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
20686: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 June 1994: Seventy-Six Important Hebrew and Samaritan Manuscripts from the Library of the Late David Solomon Sassoon.
36331: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 472/1933: A Catalogue of Books Illustrating the Development of the English Novel from the Earliest Times to the Twentieth Century, Together with a Miscellaneous Selection of Foreign Romances, Novels, Tales, Fables, National Legends, Epic Poems, Balla
20692: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 June 1993: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
36351: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 491/1934: English Poetry from Earliest Times to the Twentieth Century, Together with a Miscellaneous Selection of Biographical and Critical Literature.
12831: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1140/N.D. : English Books in Various Fields, 1660s-1740s.
36371: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 546/1938: The Eighteenth Century.
29160: LUZAC & CO. - LONDON. - Catalogue No Number/1899: Catalogue of Second-Hand Books on India, Burma and Ceylon to Which Are Added a Collection of Books on Buddhism.
36381: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 550/1938: A Selection of Interesting Books on a Great Variety of Subjects.
36391: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 561/1939: A Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts, Including Archaeology, Architecture, Arms and Armour, Costume, Decorative Art, Furniture, Glass, Metal Work, Pottery and Porcelain, Textiles, Etc.
52052: REES JOHN - LONDON. - Catalogue 26/N.D. : Antiquarian & out of Print Law Books.
21313: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 279/1905: Books on Art. Illustrated Books, Collections of Portraits.
52088: ROGERS TURNER - LONDON - Catalogue No Number/(1978): Pamphlets on a Variety of Practical & Learned Subjects.
21366: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 1 July 1975: Russian Printed Books, Continental Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
20711: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1008/1980: Eighteenth Century English Literature.
21373: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15 March 1979: Printed Books, General Literature, Sporting Books, Law and Books in Russian and on Russian and Eastern Europe.
20718: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 661/1986: The English Eighteenth Century.
14165: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 October 1979: Catalogue of Atlases and Maps. The Property of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and Other Properties.
20732: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 December 1986: Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.
2448: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 890, 1964. Early Presses and Monastic Libraries of North-West Europe.
35891: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 541/1937: A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Autographs and Documents, English Literature, Printed After 1700 - European Family History, Genealogy and Heraldry - Fine Arts, Music - a Most Important Series of Chronicles and Memorials of Great Brita
10457: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15/16 Oct. 1979: Valuable Incunabula and 16th Century Printed Books - Comprising the Property of Mr. S. Pottesman, Deceased.
10465: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 April 1988: Books from the John Rylands University Library of Manchester.
2146: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19-21 June 1972: Catalogue of an Interesting Collection of 15th-16th Century Continental Books. Mainly Printed in France.
20841: LINDLEY LIBRARY - LONDON. - Catalogue 1927: Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, Mss and Drawings.
53539: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 976/1977: Ancient, Medieval and Modern. No. 15.
44382: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 3 May 1978: Valuable Atlases and Natural History Books.
20865: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 December 1974: Cat. Of Modern French and German Illustrated Books.
29302: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 696/1992: Science.
2447: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 574/1932. Curiouser and Curiouser! - Cried Alice. A Catalogue of Strange Books and Curious Titles.
29312: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 707/1993: Medicine.
29322: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 682/1990: Science.
29332: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 657/1985: Science and Engineering; Medicine.
35901: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 545/1938: A Catalogue of Books Including Works on Bibles, Liturgies, Bibliography, Palaeography, European History, Genealogy, Etc.
29342: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 681/1990: Medicine.
35911: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 763/1957: American & European History & Literature.
29352: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 675/1989: Science & Medicine.
35921: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 769/1957: Books on All Aspects of the Fine Arts, Numismatics, Palaeography.
29362: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 659/1986: Science and Engineering.
29372: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 690/1991: Medicine.
35941: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 759/1956: English History and Literature (Books and Manuscripts).
35951: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 760/1956: A Catalogue of Books Suitable for Presentation, Including English Literature & History (Printed After 1700), Finely Illustrated Books and Books from Modern Presses, Bookbindings, French Literature and History, Fine Arts, Etc.
35961: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 761/1956: Books and Periodicals on the Fine Arts Including Many Choice Items.
35971: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 746/1955: A Catalogue of Books of English Literature & History (Including Translations) Printed After 1700, Together with Books from Modern Presses and Finely Illustrated Books.
3601: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 12 June 1978: Valuable Printed Books... Including a Block-Book.
3610: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 March 1972: A Fine Collection of Calligraphic Books and Mss. The Property of Mrs. E.F. Hutton of New York City.
3613: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18 June 1991: Western Mss and Miniatures, with the Froissart of Cardinal D'Amboise (Spec. Sep. Cat. ) and Incl. The Prayerbook of the Anti-Pope, Clement VII.
3614: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 30/31 May 1938 & 20/21 June 1938.
52466: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 62/1969: Early Printed Books 1470-1530 from the Warwick Castle Library and Other Sources. Arranged Alphabetically with Three Indexes.
46412: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sotheby's 216th Season, October 1959 - July 1960.
21504: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 753/1955: Books on Transport Through the Ages. Land, Sea and Air. Also Recent Purchases Including History of Trade & Commerce, General Literature, Private Presses Etc.
21505: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 754/1955: The American Continent. Books of Travel, History & Exploration from the 16th to the 19th Century.
21507: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Catalogue 6/7 April 1982: Australiana. Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books and Manuscripts Illustrating the Early History of Autralia and New Zealand.
51607: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue List 31/1984: Scientific and Medical Manuscripts.
10016: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 June 1986: Western Mss and Miniatures.
51622: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 665/1987: Science.
81269: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON - Sale 4 June 2008: Valuable Manuscripts and Printed Books.
51636: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue36/Nd. : Costume, Travel and Topography, Natural History, Medicine & Science, Early Books on the Arts, Reference Books...
52298: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 June 1971: Twenty-Nine Valuable Printed Books. The Property of the Pierpont Morgan Library.
3113: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 717/1953; 741/1955; 785/1958 & 821/1961.
21551: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 983/1978: Books on the Fine and Applied Arts.
14344: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1210, N.D. : One Hundred Important Books.
21563: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 770/1956: Military History, Uniforms, Regimental Records, Arms and Armour, Memoirs Etc.
21569: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 798/1959: South America, Central America, Mexico, the West Indies and Bermuda. Books of Travel, History and Exploration.
21571: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 971/1977: Press Books and Modern First Editions, Including Some Autograph Letters and Manuscripts.
51665: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 127/1988: Illustrated Books from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century.
81217: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18 June 1991: Jean Froissart Chronicles of the Hundred Years' War. From the Libraries of Cardinal D'Amboise and Baron Horace de Landau.
15013: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 844/1957: Reference Works. Bibliography, Typography, Illustration, Bookbindings, Manuscripts, Illumination, Painting Etc.
15488: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 June 1987: Max Ernst. A Major Collection of His Literary and Illustrative Work.
22276: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 & 23 Nov. 1988: The Library of the Late Sir Brian Mackenna.
45152: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 285/1912: Choice Collection of Engraved Portraits and Decorative Engravings (by and After the Most Distinguished Artists of the Xviiith and Xixth Centuries, in Mezzotint, Stipple and Line Manner).
52375: NAN SHAN TANG LTD - LONDON - Catalogue 19/N.D. : Ukiyo-E Japanese Woodblock Prints.
14417: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 1/2 July 1940: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books.
14418: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15/16 July 1957: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Fine Bindings, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
51729: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 83/1978: Some Recent Acquisitions.
52395: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 31 March & 1 April 1969: Catalogue of Printed Books Including Science and Medicine.
21661: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1051/1985: Science.
44552: A. SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 9/(C. 1986): Rare and Early Books.
37352: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19/20 May 1980: Catalogue of Printed Books, Including a Collection of Books and Pamphlets by Jonathan Swift and His Contemporaries.
2614: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 915/1969: Four Centuries of Military Books.
37362: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1055/1985: German Literature 1750-1950.
37372: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 863/1964: The Study of War.
36832: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 28 June 1995: The Marjorie Moon Collection of Rare Georgian Children's Books. Including Fine Fruns of Picture Books Described by Mrs. Moon in Her Standard Bibliographies of the Author Mary Belson Elliot and the Publishers John Harris and Benjamin Tab
53001: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 61/N.D. : Travel & Topography.
28980: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 337/1914: The Indian Empire: Afghanistan, Ceylon, Burmah, China and the Malay Archipelago (Incl. Books from the Library of Sir W. Lee-Warner.
53078: SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON.A. - Catalogue 10/(1987).
53079: A. SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 14/(C. 1989)
53080: SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON.A. - Catalogue 19/N.D.
53081: SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON.A. - Catalogue 16/N.D.
53089: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1160/1993: Continental Books.
53091: SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON.A. - Catalogue 13/N.D.
53092: SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON.A. - Catalogue 11/(C. 1987).
53093: SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON.A. - Catalogue 17/(C. 1990)
53094: SOKOL BOOKS - LONDON.A. - Catalogue 21/(1993)
52469: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 148/1992: Bibliography and Printing History with a Miscellany on Various Subjects.
15162: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1094/1988: Italian Art and Architecture.
52470: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 110/1985: Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
22391: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23-24 April 1987: Travel, Atlases and Natural History.
14524: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 10/11 June 1976: Catalogue of Modern French, German and Russian Illustrated Books and Literature.
14531: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1057/1985: Science.
14552: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18-20 March 1957: Catalogue of Valuable Bibliography, Art Books and Other Printed Books.
14558: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 October 1969: Catalogue of Modern Illustrated Books, Continental Literature, Important Periodicals and Works of Reference.
14560: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 3 July 1972: Catalogue of Modern French and German Illustrated Books.
14561: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2/3 April 1974: Catalogue of Modern French and German Illustrated Books.
14562: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 April 1970: Catalogue of Modern French and German Illustrated Books and Bindings, Important Periodicals and Works of Reference.
14565: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 November 1975: Catalogue of Modern French and German and Russian Books.
14567: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2/3 April 1974: Catalogue of Modern French and German Illustrated Books.
14569: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4 May 1978: Catalogue of Continental Illustrated Books, Periodicals, and Literature.
37432: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - List 122/1990: British Intellectual Life in the Eighteenth Century.
14577: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 March 1977: Catalogue of French and Russian Literature and Continental Illustrated Books.
14581: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 16/17 April 1973: Modern French and German Illustrated Books.
14660: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 259/Nov. 1907: Rare and Valuable Books, Manuscripts, Early Printed Books (Some with Woodcuts), Bookbindings, Bibles and Liturgies, Americana, English Literature and a Collection of Autographs, with Some Important New Books.
14583: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 October 1968: Catalogue of Modern Illustrated Books, Continental Literature, Important Periodicals and Reference Books.
14586: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24/25 March 1969: Catalogue of a Collection of Fine French Illustrated Books and Bindings of the Eighteenth to Twentieth Century. The Property of Senhor Nicolau Lunardelli.
36851: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1034/1983: English Books Before 1701.
36891: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 501/1935: A Catalogue of Books on Egypt and Egyptology, Including the Publications of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt, British Museum, Cairo Museum, Etc.
22401: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26/27 November 1987: Music, Continental Manuscripts and Printed Books, Science and Medicine.
53155: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 115/1986: Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
53163: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 56/1967: Modern Illustrated Books and Books on the Fine and Applied Arts Including Rare and Important Works of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries, Drawing Books, Pattern Books, Etc.
22421: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 July 1993: The Library of the Rt. Hon. The Earl of Granard.
22431: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6/7 and 28/29 May 1987: Printed Books, Maps and Ephemera.
22449: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 794/1959: Printed Books, English and Continental of the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries and Manuscripts.
22451: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14/28 January 1986: Printed Books.
15239: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 527/1936: A Catalogue of Books on General Fine Arts, the Decorative Arts, Painting and Engraving, Also Some Important Auction Sale Catalogues Including Items from Two Small Private Libraries Recently Purchased.
15245: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 444/1931: A Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Books on Bibliography, Classics, Early Printed Books, European History, Genealogy and Topography, Ireland, Numismata, Palaeography, Newspapers and Other Periodicals Including a Large Number of the Roxburghe
15246: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 728/1952: Military History. Books on the Armies of the World and Their Equipment.
52555: HÜNERSDORF RARE BOOKS & MANUSCRIPTS - LONDON. - Cat. 11/Nd. : Language, Literature, Learning. A Selection of Books and Manuscripts from the 15th to the 20th Centuries Including Americana, Archeology, Bibliography, Biography, Books from Famous Presses, Calligraphy, the Classics, Dictionaries, Grammars &
52680: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - (Bulletin) Number 1/1986: Islamic Calligraphy and Illumination.
22471: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2/3 April 1985: Natural History, Scientific and Medical Books and Books from the Collection of the Late Irvin Davis.
15255: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 749/1954-5: Military History. Uniforms, Regimental Records, Arms and Armour, Memoirs Etc.
15257: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Cat. 722/1952: English Books, Printed Before 1640. Together with a Varied Selection of Books - Covering Subjects of Wide Interest - Including Birds, Anthropology, Music and the Theatre. Economics, Arts and Crafts. Private Presses, General Literature Etc.
14601: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1134/(C. 1990): Science and Hermetic Philosophy.
15266: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1145/N.D. : Italian Books XV-XVIII Centuries.
15267: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - New Series: Bulletin 8: Natural History. Recent Acquisitions.
15268: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1004/1980: English Books Before 1701.
52572: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - List 123/1990: Medicine.
52575: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 125/1988: Fine Bindings, Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
14612: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23/24 March 1959: Catalogue of the Library of Valuable Printed Books, Fine Bindings, and Autograph Letters.
14613: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 793/1959: Bibliography and Facsimiles.
14614: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 771/1957: Bibliography and Facsimiles.
22491: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 3,4,14 July 1989: Books and Maps.
52581: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1149/1993: Bibliography.
81270: SOTHEBY 'S - LONDON - Sale 5 June 2007: Continental Books, Manuscripts and Science.
15293: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1049/1985: Art and Architecture.
37522: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 982/1977: Royalty 2400 Bc - Ad 1977. A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Charters, Medals, Coins and Portraits.
51963: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1090/(1988): Bibliography.
51964: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1053/1985: Bibliography.
51972: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 87/1980: Illustrated Books and Books on the Fine and Applied Arts.
17020: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale: 11th December 1997: English Literature and History, Incl: Shakespeare, Bacon, Brönte, Joyce E.O.
36911: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 738/1955: Books on Africa, America and Australasia.
36921: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 730/1954: English Literature and History Printed After 1700. Including a Few Autograph Letters. Music and Dancing.
36931: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 742/1955: Manuscripts (Western and Oriental) and Early Printed Books (15th, 16th and 17th Centuries).
36941: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 689/1951: A Catalogue of Books of English Literature & History (Including Translations) - Books from Modern Presses - Autographs and Manuscripts.
53200: RODGERS - LONDON. - Catalogue 4/N.D.
52601: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 78/1976: Some Fine Books, Prints and Drawings and Bibliography.
52602: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 67/1971: Bibliographica Et Varia.
22521: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 28/29 May 1992: Continental Printed Books, Mss & Music.
15305: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 March 1967: Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
22531: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 28 May 1986: Music, Continental Mss and Printed Books.
22541: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 November 1989: Fine Printed & Manuscript Music, Including the Autograph Manuscript of Schumann's Piano Concerto in a Minor, Op. 54.
53296: HAN-SHAN TANG LTD - LONDON. - List 36/N.D. : Chinese and Japanese Lacquer.
53297: HAN-SHAN TANG LTD - LONDON. - List 28/N.D. : Chinese Jades (1-113) Latest Acquisitions and New Publications.
52687: HESKETH & WARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 17/N.D. : Continental Books.
15384: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 Oct. 1980: Catalogue of Ephemera from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day.
15385: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 8/9 Feb. 1982: Catalogue of Printed Books Including an Extensive Selection of Printed Ephemera.
15394: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1025/1982: Printed Books.
23202: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 849/1958: Florence & Tuscany. Music.
31082: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1020/1979: Voyages, Travels and Slavery.
23220: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1060/1986: Art and Architecture.
16006: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 146/1992: Fine Bindings and Distingiushed Provenances.
23230: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1059/1986: Science.
22601: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 9&10 April & 1&2 May 1990: Books, Maps and Manuscripts.
22621: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 9/10 May 1985: Music, Continental Manuscripts and Printed Books.
22631: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21-22 July 1992 : English Literature and History, Private Press and Illustrated Books, Related Drawings and Animation Art.
16076: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 783/1958: Tudor Britain. A Catalogue of Books on All Phases of Life During the Tudor Period 1485-1603.
16077: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 695/1949: South America, Central America, Mexico, the West Indies & Bermuda. Books, Prints and Maps, Including Zumarraga, Printed in Mexico 1543; Ona, Auraco, Lima 1596 and Molina, Mexico, 1571.
16078: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 716/1951: Military History. Books on the Armies of the World and Their Equipment. With a Selection of Books on Costume, Folklore, History, and Publications of the Roxburghe Club, &C.
16202: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 5 Dec. 1994: Western Mss and Miniatures Comprising: The Property of the Earl of Roseberry and Midlothian D.L. , the Property of Dr. Warren G. Smirl, the Property of the Public Library and the Art Gallery. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum Sold by Order of the T
16083: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 912/N.D. : Books from Famous Presses of the 19th & 20th Centuries.
53391: ROTHWELL JOHN - LONDON. - Catalogue 9/N.D. : Old Plays and Books of the Theatre.
16098: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Cat. 1077/1987: An Extensive Collection of Natural History, Science and Medicine Including a Collection of Dissertations from the Library of Prince Furstenberg, Books on Grasses and Popular Natural History from the Collections of C.E. Hubbard and the Late
16099: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 724/1952: South America, Central America, Mexico, the West Indies & Bermuda.
22671: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 12/13 & 27 January 1987: Printed Books, Atlases, Maps, Manuscripts, and Music.
52862: HENEAGE THOMAS - LONDON. - Catalogue 29/N.D. : Monographs Artists to 1900.
52883: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 5 July 1976: Catalogue of Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. Comprising the Property of Dr. Gert Naundorf, Professor Ray Winfield Smith, D.L. Buchanan, Esq. , the Contemporary Dance Trust and Other Properties.
52884: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6 Dec. 1971: Catalogue of Western and Hebrew Manuscripts and Miniatures, Including the Property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Saltoun, the Rt. Hon. Lord Brownlow, the Property of a Gentleman (from the Willis King III Library) and Other Properties.
52885: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 July 1974: Catalogue of Western Manuscripts and Miniatures and a Hebrew Manuscript, Comprising the Property of the Norton Simon Foundation, Lancing College, Sir Tom Hickinbotham, the Late J. Worth, Esq. And Other Properties.
52886: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 10 Dec. 1973: Catalogue of Western Manuscripts and Miniatures Comprising the Property of Sybil, Viscountess Portman, the Property of the Late the Hon. Robert Gathorne-Hardy and Other Properties.
3612: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale (1976) of the Wellknown Collection of... Dr. A.N. L. Munby.
14890: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 903/1966: Ancient Mediaeval and Modern No. 7.
31112: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1027/1980: Naval & Military Books, Manuscripts & Autographs.
29962: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1054/1985: English Books 1450-1900.
16151: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 Dec. 1992: The Jeffrey Young Collection.
16153: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 624/1938: Rare Books, Also, Illuminated Manuscripts, Books of Engravings, Notable Bindings, Early Printed, Old Bibles, Economics, Medical and Books and Autographs from the Library of Sir J.M. Barrie.
16158: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 November 1985: Music, Continental Manuscripts and Printed Books.
52800: LEICESTER ART BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 19/(1983): Monographs on Artists and Exibition Catalogues.
39022: CRADDOCK & BARNARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 118/N.D. : Modern Etchings (Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries).
16160: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19 June 1978: Catalogue of Spanish Books. The Property of the Late Professor Edward M. Wilson, F.B. A.
16161: BLOOMSBURY BOOK AUCTION - LONDON. - Sale 287, 24 October 1996: Catalogue of the Fine Maritime, Library of the Late Mario Max Witt.
16163: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 April 1976: Catalogue of Printed Books Comprising Art Reference Books, Incl. Some of Islamic Interest. Bibliography and Typography. Private Press Books.
16164: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 Dec. 1989: Printed Books and Mss. Properties of S.C. Christensen, D & G Devine, P. Fiebleman, W. First, L. Graham, M.S. Neumann.
16165: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 September 1997: Exploration and Travel.
16166: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4 May 1995: Illustrated Books, Children's Books, Ephemera, Performing Arts & Related Drawns.
16169: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 10/11 April 1997: Printed Books and Maps.
52811: SIMS REED FOG - LONDON. - Catalogue 66/C. 1986: Art Books.
52816: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 124/1987: Illustrated Books and Prints and Books on the Fine and Applied Arts.
16170: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22/23 March, 6 April 1995: Printed Books and Maps, Incl. Art Reference Books from the Library of Julius Böhler.
16171: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 April 1996: The Library of Horace N. Pym.
16172: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 June 1996: Valuable Printed Books, Music and Mss.
16175: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 30 March 1994: Highly Important Incunabula, Bibles, Early Greek Printing and Colour-Plate Books from Beriah Botfield's Library.
16178: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13/14 June 1955: Catalogue of the Valuable Stock of Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Mss of Messr. G. Michelmore and Co.
52828: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1165/1993: Books from the Foreign Office Library.
15520: E.P. GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON. - Catalogue XV/N.D. : Rare and Valuable Books, Comprising Manuscripts, Early Printed Books... , Rare Xvith and Xviith C. Books.
16190: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26/27 June 1997: Valuable Printed Books: Comprising Natural History, Atlases, Maps, Travel, Early Printed and Continental Books.
16193: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 30/31 Oct. & 1 Nov. 1950: Catalogue of Highly Important Printed Books, Fine Bindings, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
16194: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 Nov. 1995: Illustrated Books, Children's Books, Performing Arts & Related Drawings.
16195: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 11 Dec. 1972: Catalogue of Western Mss and Miniatures, Comprising the Property of Sir Peter Smithers (and Other Properties).
16196: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 5 Dec. 1997: Fine Printed and Manuscript Music.
16198: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 December 1994: English Literature and History.
16199: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22/23 Oct. & 5/6 Nov. 1990: Books and Maps.
14930: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - New Series: Bulletin 29/1985: Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Technology.
14950: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1028/1982: First Editions of English Literature 19th & 20th Centuries, Together with Library Editions, Illustrated Books, Natural History, and a Selection of Bindings.
14990: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 838/1956: Rare Books and Manuscripts. Issued on the Occasion of the 10th Annual Conference of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers.
14998: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 816/1953: A Century of Printed Books (1462-1562) and Some Mediaeval Manuscripts.
24000: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 12 March 1979: Printed Books Incl. German Literature of 16th to the 19th Century.
54140: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26/27 June 1986: The Collection of the Late Lionel Robinson, Esq. , Cbe, MC.
54145: GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON.E.P. - Catalogue 92/(1950): Literature - History - Philosophy and Religion Till A.D. 1700. (
54146: GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON.E.P. - Catalogue 101/(1952): History, Literature, Scholarship.
54151: GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON.E.P. - Catalogue 127/(1963): Medicine and Science.
54155: GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON.E.P. - List XVII/1978: One Hundred Recent Acquisitions.
54156: GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON.E.P. - Supplement XVIII/1984: Recent Acquisitions.
16201: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 11 July 1996: English Literature and History.
16203: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 April 1990: Continental and Russian Books and Mss, Science and Medicine, Incl. The Collection of the Late Erwin Heurlimann of Freudenberg, Former President of the Swiss Reinsurance Company.
16211: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 28/29 Sept. 1988: Architecture Books on Engineering, Industrial Arts and Sciences, Garden Design, Theatres & Festivals, Travel, Costume, Furniture, Ornament & Decoration, Sculpture Etc. The Property of Henry Sotheran Ltd.
16212: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 June 1980: Catalogue of Western Mss and Miniatures.
16222: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 30/31 Oct. 1988: Valuable Travel & Natural History. Books and Atlases.
16236: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6 Dec. 1996: Fine Printed & Manuscript Music.
16249: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 Nov. 1994: The L.H. P. Klotz Collection of Incunabula, German Illustrated Books and Atlases.
16252: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 Nov. 1992: Illuminated Mss, Autograph Letters, Valuable Print Books and Historical Bindings.
16205: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 27/28 Oct. 1980: Catalogue of Autograph Letters, Literary Mss and Historical Documents, the Property of Newnham College, Cambridge and of Other Owners.
16210: CHRISTIE'S EAST - LONDON - Sale 2 Dec. 1994: Printed Books. Autographs, Maps and Decorative Graphics: Incl. Art Books, Historical Autographs, Literature and Sets & Bindings.
16213: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 March 1985: Valuable Autograph Letters, Historical Documents and Music Mss.
16220: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 10 April 1997: Exploration & Travel: America, Africa, Asia, Pacific & Australia, Arctic & Antartic.
16221: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 Sept. 1996: Exploration & Travel.
16223: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 9/10 April 1984: Printed Books, Incl. Atlases, Maps, Travel and Typography, Natural History, Science and Medecine, Literature, History and Continentla Works.
16224: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 July 1997: English Literature and History.
16226: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 June 1997: Modern French Bindings and Illustrated Books, Incl. The Property of a Private French Collector, the Property of Mrs. Beatriz Plaza.
16227: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6-8 June 1979: Catalogue of English Illustrated and Private Press Books.
16228: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 31 Oct. 1997: Fantasy and Illustrated Books, Children's Books and Related Prints and Drawings.
16229: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24/25 June 1993: Valuable Printed Books and Mss, Comprising Natural History, Atlases, Travel Continental Books and Mss Incl. Science & Medicine.
53538: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 808/1952: Reference Works. Bibliography, Typography, Illustration, Palaeography,Illumination, Painting Etc.
16230: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 Nov. 1997: Printed Books and Maps.
16234: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4/5 Dec. 1997: Continental Books and Mss. Incl. Science & Medicine.
16235: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18/19, 28/29 July 1988: Printed Books and Maps.
16237: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15 May 1996: The Novello Collection: Autograph Letters, Music Mss and Books from the Novello Collection.
16238: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 5 Dec. 1984: Western Mss and Miniatures.
53549: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1118/1991: Bibliography.
16244: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 12/13 June 1997: Printed Books and Maps: Incl. The Library of R. Nicholson, Esq. A Collection of Books Illustrated by J. & T. Bewick, the Property of the Society for Italic Handwriting, the Railway Library of the Late P.D. J. Roos, a Collection of Boo
16245: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 Dec. 1990: English Literature and History.
16246: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 1/2 Dec. 1994: Music, Continental Printed Books & Mss, Incl. Science & Medecine, Comprising Autograph Letters, Mss and Printed Books.
16248: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 June 1997: Valuable Printed Books, Mss and Music.
53550: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1087/1988: Bibliography Incl. A Portion of the Library of Tanya and Hans Schmoller, Removed from Steadings, Winsor.
16250: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 11 November 1994: Printed Books in the History of Science Incl. Atlases.
16254: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 Nov. 1994: Valuable Printed Books and Mss, Illuminated Mss, Autograph Letters & Mss, Printed Books, Natural-History Books, Travel Books and Atlases, Maps.
16255: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 May 1995: The Dr. Sali Guggenheim Collection of French Illustrated Books of the 17th - 19th Century.
16257: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 Oct. 1987: Fine Printed and Manuscript Americana.
46342: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - List 30/1983: Medicine.
16260: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 July 1995: English Literature and History.
16262: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 Nov. 1990: Fine Music Mss, the Property of the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadephia. Autograph Mss by Mozart (the Fantasy and Sonata in C Minor, K. 475 & 457), Haydn, Meyerbeer, Spohr and Johann Strauss.
16268: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 10 April 1990: Libri, Autografi E Stampe.
16271: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 7 June 1990: Mss, Drawings and Printed Books from the Frederick R. Koch Foundation.
16312: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18/19 June 1973: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Centuries.
16399: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 10 July 1968: Western, Oriental and Hebrew Mss and Miniatures.
16278: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 May 1992: American Historical Letters and Documents; Incl. The Collection of Mr. And Mrs. Harry Spiro.
39142: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1040/1984: Theories of Art and Architecture.
16280: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 & 21 Sept. 1984: Important Printed Books, Atlases and Maps.
16281: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18 May 1995: Continental Mss and Music, Comprising Autograph Letters, Mss and Printed Books.
16282: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18 Dec. 1985: English Literature and History, Comrpising Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Mss.
15628: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 Nov. 1991: Atlases, Travel and Natural History.
16284: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 & 23 Nov. 1984: Continental Books, Mss and Music.
16285: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4/5/18 Nov. 1993: Printed Books and Maps, Incl. The Geoffrey Gollin London Collection.
16286: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 & 24 Nov. 1986: Topography, Travel, Prints and Natural History.
16287: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 10/11 March 1994: Printed Books and Maps.
16288: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 31 Oct. , 1/14/15 Nov. 1988: Books, Maps & Mss.
16289: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14/15 Dec. 1992: English Literature and History, Private Press and Illustrated Books and Related Drawings.
16291: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 Dec. 1989: English Literature and History, Incl. The Trumball Papers.
16292: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 May 1987: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Autograph Manuscript of 9 Symphonies.
16293: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23/24 Feb. & 9/10 March 1987: Printed Books and Maps.
16297: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22/23 July 1985: English Literature and History, Comprising Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Mss.
16298: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 12 Dec. 1984, 15 Jan. 1985: Printed Books, Incl. Art Reference, Bibliography, Illustrated and Children's Books, Juvenilia, Continental and Early Printed Books, Sport, Natural History, Science and Medecine.
16299: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18 Dec. 1986: English Literature and History, Comprising Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Mss.
15689: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 725/1952: English Books 1641-1700 with a Section of Recent Purchases on a Large Variety of Subjects.
54244: HÜNERSDORF RARE BOOKS & MANUSCRIPTS - LONDON. - Catalogue 5/N.D. : Pietro Aretino 1492-1556.
23500: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1064/1986: The Far East - the Pacific - the Americas.
23510: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1061/1986: Continental Books.
16300: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 Feb. & 11 March 1986: Printed Books and Ephemera, Incl. Atlases, Maps, Travel, Topography, English Literature, Early Printed and Continental Books, Natural History, Science and Medecine.
16302: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 Feb. 1987: Hebrew Books and Works of Art.
16303: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 Nov. 1990: Fine Printed and Manuscript Music: Incl. L.V. Beethoven, 2 Autograph Letters Signed W.A. Mozart, Autograph Manuscript of the Opening of an Unrecorded Piano Quintet, R. Wagner, Autograph Manuscript of Das Liebesmahl Der Apostel, Fine Bo
16304: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 Nov. 1990: Continental and Russian Books and Mss, Science and Medecine, Comprising Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Mss, Incl. Lactantius Opera 1468, German Bible 1561, Erasmus' Annotated Copy of the Adagio (1523), Marat's Annotated Set of L'a
24180: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 & 26 January 1979: Catalogue of Art Reference Books.
16309: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 March 1981: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books and Related Drawings.
23530: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1105/1989: Art and Architecture.
16317: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 1 May 1980: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books and Related Drawings Incl. A Hitherto Untraced Copy of William Blake's Song of Innocence and Experience, 1789-1794.
46402: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Cat. 259/1910: Old Time Literature Part II. Works in Foreign Languages, Chiefly Prior to 1800. Comprising Examples of Early Stamped Bookbindings, Incunabula, Illuminated Mss. , Early Books with Woodcuts, Specimens of the Aldine and Elzevier Presses, Etc.
16320: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 Oct. 1979: Catalogue of English Illustrated and Private Press Books.
16323: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 July 1978: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Century. (No. 19; '77-'78).
16326: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26th Oct. 1978: Catalogue of English Illustrated and Private Press Books.
16332: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 Oct. 1979: Catalogue of English Illustrated and Private Press Books.
16337: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20/21 Nov. 1980: Catalogue of Continental Illustrated Books, Periodicals and Literature.
16341: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18-20 Feb. 1974: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries.
15703: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 690/1940: Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
4501: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 690/1951: A Catalogue of Books on Genealogy and Heraldry and Recent Purchases of Topography and Local History.
15720: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15 December 1987: English Literature and History.
22940: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1078/1987: Government and Law.
16389: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 July 1983: Printed Books Incl. Scottish Topography, Travel and Natural History, Bibliography and Modern Literature. The Property of the Hon. John Leslie.
16398: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 July 1983: Printed Books Incl. Scottish Topography, Travel and Natural History, Bibliography and Modern Literature. The Property of the Hon. John Leslie.
15743: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 April 1974: Catalogue of Private Press Books and Other Modern Books.
15756: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 928/1973: Press Books and Other Fine Editions.
15758: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 May 1995: Valuable Atlases, Travel and Natural History Books.
40872: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 801/1960: American, English and European History and Literature with a Few Manuscripts, Including Important Volumes from the Collection of the Late C.W. Dyson Perrins, D.C. L. , F.S. A. .
17017: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 July and 9 July 1993: The Stock and Reference Library of E.P. Goldschmidt and Eo. Ltd.
17018: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale: 28 June 1996: Modern First Edition 5, Letters and Manuscripts; the Property of Anthony Hobson Esq.
17019: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale: 30th October 1996. Valuable Architecture, Atlases and Natural History Books Incl. Books on Architecture and Design from the Library of the Late Major Thomas Hohler.
17023: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale: 22 May 1997: Illustrated Books and Drawings: Incl. : Continental and English Illustr. Books, Private Press Books, Children's Books and Juvenilia and the Performing Arts.
17026: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale: 15 and 16 May 1997: Fine Music and Continental Manuscripts, Incl. Chaim Weizmann's Unpublished Letters to Sophia Getzova.
17028: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22nd June 1995: Valuable Printed Books Comprising Natural History, Atlases, Travel, Early Printed and Continental Books.
47112: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18/19 February 1957: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Fine Bindings, Autograph Letters, Historical Documents Etc.
17030: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale: 1st and 2nd June 1995: Printed Books and Maps Incl. Books from the Signet Library.
17032: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale: 27th June 1996: Valuable Printed Books Comprising Natural History Atlases, Travel, Early Printed and Continental Books.
17033: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale: 12th and 13th June 1996: Printed Books and Maps and Music.
17036: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Vente 20-22/12/1943: Cat. Of Valuable Printed Books Etc.
17037: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Vente 21, 22/3/1932. Catalogue of Rare Printed Books, Illus. Mss. And Miniatures, Valuable Autograph Letters and Literary and Historical Documents.
47122: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22/23 March 1982: Private Press Books, Modern Illuminated Manuscripts and Fine Bindings.
54347: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13-15 January 1988: The Collection of the Late H.W. Pratley Esq. , of Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
17040: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Illustrated Books & Drawings, Including Private Press Books, Children's Books and Juvenilia, Ephemera, Performing Arts. Sale: 16th May 1996.
17073: DULAU & COMP. - LONDON. - Catalogue 195/1932: A Catalogue for Typophiles.
46502: FROGNAL RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 65/N.D. : Law and Legal History.
54382: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22/23 Nov. 1965: Catalogue of the Collection of English Books of the Seventeenth Century. The Property of the Late Professor F.H. Garner, O.B. E.
16420: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 708/ 1993: William Pickering an His Successors, 1820-1900.
53737: GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON.E.P. - Catalogue 160/N.D. : Continental Printed Books 1480-1700.
16454: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 May 1989: Printed Books Including English Continental and Russian Litterature, Science and Modern Illustrated Books.
16455: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 19 September 1984: Printed Books and Autograph Manuscripts.
16456: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 & 26 May 1988: Printed Books Incl. Bibliography, Literature, Science, Fine Bindings and an Important Collection of Modern Private Press Books.
16459: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 December 1987: Early Printed Books, Medieval and Illuminated Mss.
16504: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 5 Dec. 1996: An Apollo and Pegasus Binding, Sold by Order of the Trustees of the Bibliotheca Wittockiana.
16458: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 16 & 17 April 1985: Valuable Travel & Natural History, Books and Atlases, Incl. Australiana, Property of A.B. L. Humro Ferguson Esq.
16460: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 May 1987: Valuable Printed Books; Including English and Foreign Literature, a Serie of Works T.E. Lawrence, 17th and 18th Century and Modern Illustrated Books, Early Printed Books, Science and a Collection of Works on the History of India.
16463: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 April 1988: Valuable Travel, Atlases and Natural History Books Incl. Important Portolan Charts.
16464: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 16 & 17 April 1986: Valuable Travel and Natural History, Books, Atlases and Architecture.
16465: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 June 1988: Valuable Autograph Letters, Historical Documents and Literary Mss.
16466: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 June 1987: Valuable Autograph Letters, Historical Documents and Literary Mss.
16467: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 & 27 October 1988: Valuable Travel & Natural History Books. The Property of the Late Mrs. E.J. Borthwick-Norton and from Other Sources.
16468: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 April 1987: Natural History, Travel, Atlases, Architecture and a Collection on India and the East.
16472: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 June 1984: Valuable Travel & Natural History, Books & Atlases Including Australiana.
16473: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 15 October 1986: Valuable Travel and Natural History Books, Architecture, Atlases and Australiana.
16474: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 December 1984: Valuable Printed Books and Mss. The Property of D.L. Bnez Trust and Various Other Owners.
16475: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 November 1984: Travel, Natural History & Sporting Books.
16476: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 March 1984: Valuable Travel & Natural History. Books and Atlases.
16477: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 3 April 1996: Valuable Continental Books and Fine Bindings, Mainly Italian.
16482: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 July 1987: 19th Century Art and Architecture, the Library of James o'Byrne.
15827: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue One Thousand.
16483: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 October 1984: Printed Books, the Property of Whaddon Estates Ltd. And Others; Including 19th & 20th Century English Literature, Modern Illustrated and Private Press Books. Russian Futurism, Earlier Continental Works and a Group of Naval Books.
16484: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 April 1989: Valuable Atlases, Travel & Natural History Books.
16485: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 28 & 29 October 1987: Valuable Travel Books & Natural History Books Including John Arlott's Collection with Aquatint Illustrations.
16486: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 May 1986: Valuable Autograph Letters, Historical Documents and Literary Mss.
16492: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 9 November 1983: Valuable Printed Books: Including English Literature and Important Modern First Editions.
16497: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 Nov. 1989: Robert Schumann; the Autograph Manuscript of the Piano Concerto in a Minor, Opus 54.
16499: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 10 May 1984: Music and Continental Books, Autograph Letters and Mss.
15866: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 970/1972: History of Technology, Transport & Related Subjects. Books, Pamphlets, and Manuscripts.
24352: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 990/1979: English Books Before 1701.
54441: GOLDSCHMIDT & CO - LONDON.E.P. - Catalogue 50/(1939): Sources of English Literature Before 1640.
16501: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 16/17 1984: English Literature and English History, Printed Books and Manuscripts.
16503: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 11 Nov. 1994: The Medical Library of Warren G. Smirl, M.D. ,S.C.
16506: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 28/29 March 1996: Printed Books and Maps (on Agriculture and Relating to Borneo).
16507: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15 May 1996: Fine Continental Manuscripts, Printed and Manuscript Music, Including the Napoleon I Collection of the Late Mr. Allan Lazarus.
16510: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 June 1968: Catalogue of Valuable Atlases, Americana. Travel & Navigation.
16511: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6 December 1988: Sammlung Ludwig. Eight Highly Important Manuscripts. The Property of the J. Paul Getty Museum.
16512: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6/20 March 1984: Printed Books and Manuscripts, Including Atlases, Maps, Travel & Topography, Autograph Letters, Manuscripts, English Literature and Others.
16513: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 30/31 Oct. , 9/10 November 1989: Books and Maps.
16515: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21/22 May 1984: Atlases, Maps and Printed Books, Relating to Voyages, Travel and Topography.
16519: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 Dec. 1989: The Trumball Papers*. The Property of the Most Honourable the Marquess of Downshire.
16520: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 Febr. & 3/4/March 1993: Printed Books and Maps, Including the Performing Arts.
16524: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 10/11 July 1986: English Literature and History, Comprising Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts.
16527: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 June 1995: Important Autograph Letters, Mss and Music from the Richard Moncton Milness Collection and Other Properties. The Property of the Descendants of the First Lord Houghton.
16528: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 April 1994: Valuable Natural History and Travel Books. Atlases and Maps.
16535: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19 May, 1/2 June 1994: Printed Books and Maps, Including Children's Books and Juvenilia. Drawings and Watercolours, the Performing Arts, the Residue of the Currer Library and Other Properties.
16538: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 11/25/26 Feb. 1992: Books and Maps Including the Art Reference Library of the Late Dr. Alfred Scharf.
16539: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20 July 1993: Books, Prints and Drawings from the Cavanagh Theatre Collection.
16545: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 May 1994: Continental Mss and Music.
16546: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 May 1995: The Continental Library of Archibald; 5th Earl of Roseberry Nand Midlothian, K.G. , K.T.
16548: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19/20 July 1993: English Literature and History, Private Press and Illustrated Books and Related Drawings.
16551: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19 May 1936: Catalogue of Important Illuminated Mss (Incl. The Evesham Psalter; 11pp. )
16555: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 27-29 June 1927: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Other Mss, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
15903: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - List 33/1984: Criminal News Pamphlets of the Reign of Charles II.
16560: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 16/17 Nov. 1943: Catalogue of Valuable Illuminated Mss, Printed Books, Autograph Letters Etc.
15905: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 786/1958: Books on the Sea.
16562: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 June 1995: The Valuable Stock of Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts of Messrs. G. Michelmore and Co.
46652: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 7/8 June 1990: Illustrated and Private Press Books, Children's Books and Juvenalia, the Performing Arts, Related Drawings.
46662: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 19/20 June 1986: Illustrated and Private Press Books, Children's Books, Juvenilia and Related Drawings.
46672: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 30 Nov. 1994: Illustrated and Private Press Books, Children's Books and Juvenilia, the Performing Arts and Related Drawings.
16590: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 Nov. 1995: Valuable Printed Books and Mss, Autograph Letters & Music.
16595: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4/5 Dec. 1967: Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection Formed by Sir Maurice Pariser of Manchester of the Notorious 19th Century Pamphlets and Other Important Wiseiana Manuscript and Printed. Together with the Properties of John Carter Esq. C.B. E. , Gr
16597: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24 Nov. 1969: The Celebrated Collection of Books and Phamphlets Printed in the Reign of Queen Anne (1702-1714).
4731: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 676/1950: A Selection of Interesting Books on a Great Variety of Subjects.
15964: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 714/1951: Books Relating America. Travel, History and Exploration. The Arctic, Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, South America, Antarctica.
15978: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 928/1969: Military History. Books on Uniforms, Campaigns, Regimental Records, Memoirs, Armour and Weapons Etc.
4781: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 723/1954: Europe. History, Philology, Literature, Travel, Military, Naval & Shipping.
55129: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 136/1990: Fine Bindings, Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
55130: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 95/1981: Bibliography, Cadligraphy & Typography.
55132: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 90/1981: Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
55139: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 859/1958: Ancient Mediaeval and Modern. A Catalogue of Manuscripts & Books.
55140: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1136/(1992): Continental Miscellany.
55141: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 990/1979: Ancient, Medieval & Modern 18.
18253: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 90/1981?: Bibliography, Calligraphy & Typography.
24010: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 5 April 1979: Children's Books Drawings and Juvenilia.
81427: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON - Sale 6044, 11 November 1998: Natural History. Botany, Zoology.
16603: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 16 July 1968: Catalogue of Books, Drawings, Prints and Music Relating to the Ballet and Dancing.
16607: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 July 1970: Catalogue of Important Western Mss and Miniatures.
17267: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 Oct. 1977: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Centuries.
16614: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26 May 1994: Henry Purcell, the Newly-Dicovered Autograph Mss of Harpsischord Music.
16617: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 28/29 July 1994: Printed Books & Maps, Including Aeronautical and Nautical Books.
16642: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 30 November 1995: Valuable Printed Books, Comprising Natural History, Atlases, Travel, Early Printed and Continental Books.
53963: DAWSON RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 287/N.D. : A Catalogue of Rare, Fine and Beautiful Books.
16666: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 28/29 June, 5/6 July 1993: Printed Books and Maps Including a Section on Greece, Cyprus Turkey and the Levant and Children's Books, Related Drawing and Comics.
16679: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 691/1991: Political Economy.
16684: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 8 April 1976: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Century.
55232: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 672/1988: Medical Books.
55233: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 678/(1989): General Catalogue.
31721: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 8/9 March 1979: Part II, the Signet Library Edinburgh. Catalogue of Printed Books Comprising Approximately 25,000 Vols. , with Extensive Collections of Religion, Literature, Travel, Biography, History, Classics, Economics, and the Fine Arts, Etc.
55250: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - New Series: Bulletin 17: The Artist's Assistant in Painting, Drawing, Architecture, Etc.
55275: SIMS REED - LONDON. - Catalogue No Number/N.D. : Illustrated Booksa and Periodicals. The Nineteenth Century.
17323: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20/21 Nov. 1975: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Centuries.
17326: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 6 June 1979: Catalogue of English Illustrated and Private Press Books.
54632: WARRACK & PERKINS - LONDON. - Catalogue. (New Series) 8/1992.
54639: WARRACK & PERKINS - LONDON. - Catalogue. (New Series) 3/1989: Catalogue of Books, Prints and Drawings.
54641: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 625/1936: United States of America. A Selection of Two Hundred and Sixty Books. With 11 Illustrations.
24570: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 December 1978: Catalogue of Important Nineteenth Century and Modern Prints.
17358: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 June 1977: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Centuries.
54660: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 96/1982: A Selection of Books from the Library of a Nobleman.
17361: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 11 Nov. 1976: Catalogue of English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Centuries.
16706: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 598/1934: Three Centuries of English Literature & History, Books, Manuscripts and Documents. The 17th Century M to Z.
16707: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 610/1935: Three Centuries of English History. Supplement to Cat. 390.
16708: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 699/1941: Books Printed in England, Scotland & Ireland, & English Books Printed Abroad.
16713: CENTRAL SCHOOL LONDON. - Lethaby, W.R. 1857-1931. A Volume in Honour of the School's First Principal Prepared by A.R. N. Roberts.
46812: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17/18 December 1984: Continental Illustrated Book, English Illustrated and Private Press Books, Children's Books & Juvenilia, Related Drawings.
46822: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 9/10 December 1985: Continental Illustrated Books, English Illustrated and Private Press Books, Circus and Conjuring, Children's Books and Juvenilia, Related Drawings.
23980: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 26/27 March 1979: Valuable Printed Books, Atlases and Maps. Including Important Manuscript Maps.
33003: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 947/N.D. : Printed Books.
33004: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 950/N.D. : A Catalogue of Printed Books.
33005: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 927/1973: Europe: History, Literature, Philology, Topography & Travel. Martime & Military.
33006: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 930/1973: The Fine Arts.
33007: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 945/1974: Printed Books.
33008: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 940/1974: The Arts.
33009: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 937/1974: Printed Books and Manuscripts.
33010: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1157/1992: Art and Architecture.
33013: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1144/1991: Art & Architecture.
33014: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1137/1991: The World Beyond Europe. Books Relating to Western Discovery and the Human and Natural History of the Non-European World Published between 1500 and 1855.
33015: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 914/1972: Manuscripts and Printed Books.
33016: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 917/1972: The Pure & Applied Arts.
33017: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 921/1972: Periodicals and Publications of Learned Societies.
33018: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 898/1970: A Selection of Interesting Books on a Variety of Subjects.
33019: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 912/1971: A Catalogue of Illustrated Books.
33020: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 909/1971: A Catalogue of Americana and Early English and Continental Books.
33023: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 906/1971: Books on the Fine Arts.
33024: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1007/1980: Philosophy and Human Sciences.
33026: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 994/1979: A Selection of Books on the Fine and Applied Arts.
33027: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1003/1979: Books on the Arts / Colour Plate Books.
33029: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1016/1981: Printed Books.
33030: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 524/1936: A Catalogue of Books, Newsbooks & Pamphlets Printed Before 1700 Relating to Charles I, the CIVIL War and the Commonwealth. 1625-1660. Including a Section on Irish Contemporary Affairs.
33033: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 528/1937: A Catalogue of Interesting Books.
33034: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1006/1980: Travel.
40322: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 820/1961: Manuscripts, Early Continental Books, English History and Literature.
33071: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1019/Autumn 1981: Rare Books in a Variety of Fields from the 15th to 19th Centuries.
33076: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 925/1973: Nineteenth Century Literature.
33077: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1002/1980: Printed Books and Manuscripts.
33078: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1100/1988: Science.
33079: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1024/1982: Human Sciences. Philosophy, Economics, Political Theory, Anthropology, Sociology.
33088: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 957/1976: Printed Books.
33089: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1069/N.D. : Continental Literature.
33093: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1032/1983: European Literature.
33095: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - New Series: Bulletin 50/1988: Astronomy and Gnomics.
33096: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1097/N.D. : English Books. Recent Acquisitions.
81139: SOTHEBY & CO - LONDON - Sale 14 - 16 June 1937: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Fine Illuminated Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents Etc. Comprising the Property of W.H. Woodward Esq. ; the Property of Captain Adrian Bethell, Rise Park, Hull; the Property
25220: PARSONS & SONS - LONDON. - Catalogue 294, Pt. 2/1931: Illustrated Catalogue of Interesting Books.
18014: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 March 1985: Printed Books.
18016: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 16 & 17 April 1997: Printed Books and Maps.
18020: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 10 Nov. 1975: A Collection of Illustrated Books and Volumes of Prints, Mostly of the 18th Century -the Property of a Gentleman.
18021: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 27 & 28 Sep. 1990: Books and Maps, Comprising the Library of the Late Panos Gratsos and Other Properties.
18022: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 & 22 May 1987: Music, Continental Books and Mss, Science and Medecine.
18024: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 14 Dec. 1992: Elizabeth and Essex, the Hulton Papers.
18025: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 16 Oct. 1985: Valuable Autograph Letters, Historical Documents and Music Mss.
18033: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 12,13,25,26 May 1988: Maps, Mss, Music, Printed Books Including Economics and the Library of the Cavalry and Guards Club.
31812: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1118/N.D. : Autograph Letters of Italian Artists and Architects.
18034: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 2 & 3 May 1985: Atlases, Maps, Topographical Prints and Travel Books.
18036: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 &24 July 1987: English Literature and History, Comprising, Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Mss.
18037: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15 & 29 July 1986: Printed Books, Maps and Atlases and Medicine, Sport, Cookery, Law, Travel, and Topography and a Collection of Books on Ballooning.
18040: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 12 June 1992: The Library of George Milne, Including Works by Samuel Johnson and His Circle.
18147: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1009/1977: Incunabula, & English Printed Books Before 1700.
18125: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15-16 Nov. 1979: Continental Illustrated Books, Periodicals and Literature.
32538: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 312/1913: Rare and Interesting Autograph Letters, Signed Documents and Manuscripts.
54711: HESKETH & WARD - LONDON. - Catalogue 10/N.D. : Continental Books.
54713: HESKETH & WARD - LONDON. - Catalogue11/N.D. : Continental Books.
54718: HENEAGE THOMAS - LONDON. - Catalogue 8/N.D. : Rare and Scholarly Books on the Fine and Applied Arts and Archaeology.
25292: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 419/1928: Rare and Valuable Books Incl. Works on Bibles, Bibliography, Classics, Fine Arts, Genealogy and Heraldry, Ireland, Occult Sciences, Oriental History and Literature, Palaeography, Periodicals & Transactions of Learned Societies, Topography,
17424: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 May 1982: Catalogue of English Illustrated and Related Drawings.
17435: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 March 1979: Catalogue of English Illustrated and Private Press Books.
81110: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 574/1932. Curiouser and Curiouser! - Cried Alice. A Catalogue of Strange Books and Curious Titles.
55138: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1141/1992: Early Printed Books.
46922: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 28 June 1994: Modern Illustrated Books.
40332: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 869/1966: A Catalogue of English Literature and History Printed Before 1700. With a Supplement of French Literature.
40342: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 882/1967: English Literature and History (Including Translations), Printed After the Year 1800.
40352: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 745/1955: Genealogy and Heraldry.
40362: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 870/1966: Genealogy and Heraldry.
40382: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 758/1956: Europe. History, Literature, Philology, Travel &C.
40392: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 764/1957: Books on the Orient (Including Egypt) and Australasia.
56041: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4/5 December 1974: Catalogue of American, English and European Contemporary Art 1945-1974. Including Works by Kline, Stella, Kelly, Louis, Noland, Warhol, Oldenburg, Wesselman, Reinhardt, Albers, Manzoni, Fontana, y. Klein, Robyn Denny, Hockney, Kita
33183: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1027/1982: English Poetry Before 1701.
33184: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 995/1979: Printed Books and Manuscripts.
18109: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 830/1955: Printing, Illustration, Binding and Illumination. A Classified Catalogue of Books and Mss XIV-Xixth Century.
56074: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 23 June 1988: The Library of Philip Robinson.
32553: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1029/1982: Continental Selection. Incunabula, Fine Bindings, Editions of the Aldine, Giunta and Plantin Presses. Eighteenth Century Illustrated Books. Books Printed in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Spain.
18123: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 20-21 Nov. 1975: English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Centuries.
18124: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22-23 February 1979: Continental Illustrated Books, Periodicals and Literature.
18126: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 22 February 1982: Printed Books Including Books Relating to Bibliography and the Fine Arts.
32560: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 804/1960: The Fine Arts & Palaeography.
18127: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 24-25 January 1983: Modern Contintental and English Illustrated Books; Private Press Books and Ephemera; Contemporary Bindings; Related Drawings and Watercolours.
18129: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 30 November 1981: Continental Illustrated Books and Periodicals.
18130: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 13 July 1978: English Illustrated Books of the 19th & 20th Centuries.
18131: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 15 November 1979: Continental Illustrated Books, Periodicals and Literature.
18133: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17-18 March 1977: French and Russian Literature and Continental Illustrated Books.
18135: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1006/1980: Books About Books.
32574: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1052/N.D. : The American CIVIL War 1861-1865.
32576: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 652/1937: Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
32577: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 306/1913: Autograph Letters, Signed Documents, Manuscripts Etc.
18148: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 28 April 1966: Important Books and Manuscripts.
18149: CHRISTIE'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 June 1966: Important Books and Manuscripts.
18183: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1005/1976: Naval, Maritime and Military History.
18186: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 983/1974: Military History.
54877: LUZAC & CO. - LONDON. - Catalogue No Number/1910: History, Geography and Languages of Africa and Egypt with a Supplement on Turkey and the Holy Land. Bibliotheca Orientalis VIII.
54878: LUZAC & CO. - LONDON. - Cat. No Number/1938: Near and Far East. Afganistan and Baluchistan, Central Asia, China and Japan, India, Egypt & Africa, Sanskrit Texts & Translations, Ceylon, Birma & Further India, Arabia & Near East, Religion & Philosphy, Iran, Philology, Arabic & Per
54879: LUZAC & CO. - LONDON. - Catalogue No Number/1936: General Literature, Dictionairies, Grammers, Readers Etc, Asiatic Society of Bengal Reprints.
54880: LUZAC & CO. - LONDON. - Catalogue No Number/1932.
54881: LUZAC & CO. - LONDON. - Catalogue No Number/1937: General Oriental Interest. Bibliotheca Orientalis XXXVIII.
16987: KRISSON - LONDON. - Point.
26017: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1043/(1984): Four Centuries of English Books. With a Few Manuscripts.
40462: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 895/1969: Fine Art Books.
26033: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 637/1946: A Catalogue of Books Comprising Americana, Fine Bindings, English Literature and History (from the 16th to the 20th Century), Incunabula, Early Manuscripts.
33251: PICKERING & CHATTO - LONDON. - Catalogue 693/1992: General Catalogue.
26037: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 713/1953: A Selection of Interesting Books on a Great Variety of Subjects.
40472: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 872/1966: Books on Fine Arts.
40482: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 874/1966: Bibliography & Facsimiles.
32616: DALIAN BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 45 (Part One)/N.D. : Twentieth Century English & American Literature.
32617: DALIAN BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 46 (Part Two)/(1987): Twentieth Century English & American Literature.
40492: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 886/1968: Europe. History, Literature, Philology, Travel, Etc. Naval & Military Science. The Sea and Shipping.
26059: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 672/1949: A Catalogue of Books of English Literature & History (Including Translations) Together with Books from Modern Presses and a Selection of Books on Bookbindings, Classics, Fine Arts, French Literature and History, Natural History, Science (in
26063: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 634/1945: A Catalogue of Books of English Literature & History (Including Translations) Printed During the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Together with Books from Modern Presses, Also a Selection of Books on Fine Arts, Music, Natural History, Spo
26064: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Cat. 665/1949: Books on Archeology and Architecture. Reference Works for Collectors of Armour, Coins, Costume, Drawings, Engravings, Furniture, Glass, Illuminated Mss. , Metal Work, Paintings, Pottery & Porcelain, Textiles Etc. . Books Illustrated by Famous
25409: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1085/1988: Romance Languages.
25415: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1062/1986: Natural History.
18202: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 936/1970: Military Books.
56176: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 21 November 1989: Continental Manuscripts and Printed Books, Science and Medicine, Including a Major Collection of Spanish Documents.
56178: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 29/30 November 1989: Illustrated and Private Press Books, Children's Books and Juvenilia, the Performing Arts, Related Drawings.
56179: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 4 June 1998: Travel, Atlases and Natural History.
18211: FRANCIS EDWARDS - LONDON. - Catalogue 819/1961: The Art of War.
55522: SAWYER - LONDON. - Catalogue 300/1978: A Third Century. Being a Description of One Hundred Works Deserving the Attention of Patrons of Literature and the Arts.
55523: SIMS REED - LONDON. - Catalogue 81/N.D. : Modern Art Pert 1. Illustrated Books & Sources.
55524: SIMS REED FOG - LONDON. - Catalogue 93/N.D. : The Fine Arts. Antiquity to 20th Century.
81268: SHAPERO BERNARD RARE BOOKS LONDON - Cat. No Number / 2006: 50 Fine Books.
56183: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Catalogue of Important Impressionist Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture. The Property of Mr. Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. And Others.
56184: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 3 May 1971: Catalogue of Valuable Americana, Voyages and Travel, Atlases and Maps, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
56185: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 18/19 November 1963: Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Latin Americana. The Property of Señor Alberto Dodero of Buenos Aires. The First Portion.
56186: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 12/13 February 1968: Catalogue of Americana, Voyages and Travel, Atlases and Maps, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.
25441: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 936/1974: English Literature and History Printed in the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
32662: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17/18 June 1968: Valuable Continental Books and Autograph Letters.
25452: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1168/N.D. : Art & Architecture.
25462: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1017/1981: Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific.
25472: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1039/1984.
25482: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 1074/1987: Art and Architecture.
54946: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1167/(1994): Fine Books and Manuscripts.
18274: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 956/N.D. : Bibliography.
54940: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 884/1962: Ancient Mediaeval and Modern. No. 6.
54941: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1073/(1987): Ancient Mediaeval and Modern. No. 24.
54943: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1134/(1992): Bibliography.
54944: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1141/(1992): Early Printed Books.
54945: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1143/(1992): Bibliography. A Misscellaneous List.
54947: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 1211/(1995): Continental Books.
54948: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - List XLIII/1990: A Summer Miscellany of Recent Acquisitions from the Stock of...
54949: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 102/1983: Illustrated Books and Books on the Fine and Applied Arts.
54950: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 113/1985: Illustrated Books and Drawings and Prints and Books on the Fine and Applied Arts.
54951: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 121/1987: Varia. English Printing. Books Printed in Scotland. Ireland. France. Germany/Austria. Holland/Belgium. Italy. Switzerland. Spain/Portugal.
54952: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 129/1988: Varia.
54953: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 135/1989: A Selection from Our Stock. Art and Architecture, Calligraphy, Bibliography and Printing History, Binding, General Incl Dictionaries.
54954: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 142/1991: Architecture, Fine and Applied Arts.
54955: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - LONDON. - Catalogue 138/1990: Source Books on Architecture Incl Garden Buildings and Design and the Fine and Applied Arts Incl Early Catalogues and Guides.
17701: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 25 Oct. /3 Nov. 1994: Part I: Greece, Cyprus, Turkey & Levant. Part II: General Printed Books and Maps.
17735: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 29 Nov. 1949: Catalogue of Fine Illuminated Mss.
5802: MAGGS BROS - LONDON. - Catalogue 600, 1934: Books, Manuscripts, Bindings, Sporting Prints and Autograph Letters, Remarkable for Their Interest, Rarity and Beauty.
40502: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 884/1967: Books on the Fine Arts.
40512: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 883/1967: A Catalogue of Books on Various Subjects. Africana, Americana, French Literature, Early Continental Works.
40532: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 852/1964: Oriental Books with Sections on Egypt and Australasia.
40552: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 903/1970: The Orient.
40562: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 876/1967: The Italian Renaissance.
40572: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 865/1965: A Catalogue of Books on Africa, America and Australasia.
40582: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 853/1964: A Catalogue of Books on North and South America.
40592: BERNARD QUARITCH - LONDON. - Catalogue 858/1964: A Catalogue of Rare and Standard Books on the Fine Arts Including Ecclesiastical Art.
32721: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 9 & 10 April 1979: Catalogue of an Important Collection of Valuable Medical and Scientific Books of the Xvith to the Xxth Century. Part I
32742: SOTHEBY'S - LONDON. - Sale 17 February 1958: Unpublished Papers of Generals Leclerc and Rochambeau During the War of Independence in Haïti 1802-3.
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