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Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books 26, rue des Béguines 41100 Vendôme - France Email: orders@fritsknuf.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
78787: ARCHIVES NATIONALES - Les Papiers de Sully Aux Archives Nationales. Inventaire.
58082: VÖCKLER UND NAUMANN. - Handeinbände Und Werkstattarbeiten.
72245: NAUWELAERTS, W.A. - Het Letterkundig Werk Van de Nederlandse Humanist Christophorus Vladeraccus.
53720: NAVE, F. DE & D. IMHOF (EDS.). - Christoffel Plantijn en de Iberische Wereld / Christophe Plantin Et le Monde Ibérique.
2785: NAVILLE, ROBERT. - Festgabe Robert Naville Zum 60. Geburtstag 10. Februar 1944.
80548: O'NEAL, WILLIAM B. - Charles Smith. His Work in Bookdesign. A Checklist
57411: NEBEHAY, CHRISTIAN M. - WIEN. - Liste 40/(1970): Kunstgeschichte Und Illustrierte Bücher.
29710: NEBEHAY, CHRISTIAN M. - WIEN. - Catalogue 126/N.D. : Historismus Des Zeitalten Kaiser Franz Josefs I.
55145: NEBEHAY, CHRISTIAN M. - WIEN. - Catalogue 40/C. 1973: Illustrierte Bücher, Handschriften, Graphik, Aquarelle & Handzeichnungen.
54663: NEBEHAY, CHRISTIAN M. - WIEN. - Catalogue 32/1972: Graphic Arts, Illustrated Books.
32605: NEBEHAY, CHRISTIAN M. - WIEN. - Catalogue XIX/(1970): One Hundred Illustrated Books, Manuscripts, Lithographs Etc.
55155: NEBEHAY, CHRISTIAN M. - WIEN. - List 74/N.D. : Calligraphy. Autographs, Old Master Drawings, Manuscripts, Writing Books.
32606: NEBEHAY, CHRISTIAN M. - WIEN. - Catalogue XXII/N.D. : Illustrierte Bücher, Manuskripte.
78658: NEBEHAY, INGO - WIENER ANTIQUARIAT - Liste 89 : Musiker, Autographe.
78772: NEBEHAY, INGO - WIENER ANTIQUARIAT - Liste 97 : Dichter - Autographe.
78812: NEBEHAY, INGO - WIENER ANTIQUARIAT - Liste 98 : Künstler Und Gelehrte.
78970: NEBEHAY, INGO - WIENER ANTIQUARIAT - Liste 120/1999 : Staatsmänner, Künstler, Gelehrte.
79372: NEBEHAY, INGO - WIENER ANTIQUARIAT - Liste 100/1992 : Musiker - Autographe.
52560: NEBENZAHL, KENNETH - CHICAGO. - Catalogue 31/1976: Books of the American Revolution.
81814: GRAFISCH NEDERLAND. - Christmas Issue 1989/1990: De Tijden Veranderen. De Mens Als Informatie-Individu.
53907: GRAFISCH NEDERLAND. - Christmas Issue 1989/1990: De Tijden Veranderen. De Mens Als Informatie-Individu.
53908: GRAFISCH NEDERLAND. - Christmas Issue 1969: Versieren.
25350: GRAFISCH NEDERLAND. - Geordend en Gedrukt. Vier Eeuwen Nederlandse Handelscatalogi. Kerstnummer 1985.
58050: GRAFISCH NEDERLAND. - Kerstnummer 1977. Hoor Mij... Volg Mij! [Geschiedenis Van de Reclame]
60246: VAN OTTERLOO - NEDERLAND - Catalogus 4/N. D: Boeken Uit de Bibliotheek Van S. L Hartz, Boeken Door Hem Gedrukt,Verzorgd,Geillustreerd of Geschreven en Boeken over Hem
68933: GRAFISCH NEDERLAND. - Christmas Issue 1969: Versieren.
68912: GRAFISCHE NEDERLAND - Terug Naar Het Natuurlijke
31030: GRAFISCH VORMGEVERS NEDERLAND. - Illustratoren Tekenen.
8137: DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD - AUTOLIJN - GRAFISCH NEDERLAND - (Combined with Autolijn Since 1952; Named Grafisch Nederland Since 1969).
17552: NEDERLANDSCHE VEREENIGING VOOR BOEKDRUKKUNST/ MAYER, F. - Ter Herinnering Aan Charles Nypels, 1895-1952.
18616: NEEDHAM, PAUL. - The Printer & the Pardoner. An Unrecorded Indulgence Printed by William Caxton for the Hospital of St. Mary Rounceval, Charing Cross.
66688: NEIDHARDT, FRITZ - STUTTGART - Katalog 6, Kostbare Und Illustrierte Bücher Des 16. Bis 19. Jahrhunderts, Dekorative Graphik ( Illustrierte Bücher Des 16. -19. Jahrhunderts / Naturwissenschaften / Technik / Kulturgescichte / Geographie / Deutsche Literatur / Jugendstil / Buchwesen... )
51666: NEIDTHARDT ANTIQUARIAT F., STUTTGART - Catalogue5: Kostbare Und Illustrierte Bücher Des 16. Bis 19. Jahrhunderts. Dekorative Graphik.
68286: NEIGE, MADELEINE - L'Impression Hébraïque à la Bibliothèque Nationale
71946: NEITE, WERNER - Schöne Abzüge Auf Beliebigem Papier? Zur Papierfrage in Der Frühzeit Der Photographie.
30031: NEITZERT, W.A. - Schweißen Und HeißSiegeld Von Kunstoff-Folien.
60499: NELLEN-PISKE, JUTTA - Berichte Des Instituts Für Buchmarkt-Forschung. Erziehung Zum Lesen IM Unterricht
4254: NELSON, ROBERT G. - The Iconography of Preface and Miniature in the Byzantine Gospel Book.
72983: NEMEC, JAROSLAV - International Bibliography of Medicolegal Serials 1736-1967.
16324: NÉRET, JEAN-ALEXIS. - Histoire Illustrée de la Librairie Et Du Livre Français Des Origines à Nos Jours Avec Deux Cent Dix Figures Dans le Texte.
56049: NESBITT, ALEXANDER. - An Appreciation of Walter Mckay's Columbia.
81624: NESBITT, ALEXANDER. - The History and Technique of Lettering.
52479: NESCH, ROLF). - Rolf Nesch. Sammlung Reinhard Des Arts.
9325: PRINTING IN THE NETHERLANDS). - Catalogus Der Tentoonstelling Van de Ontwikkeling Der Boekdrukkunst in Nederland.
65689: GRAAF DE - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue 87, Renaissance, Reformation - Humanism, Part I : A - L
65690: GRAAF DE - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue 87, Renaissance, Reformation - Humanism, Part II : M - Z
65691: GRAAF DE - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue 10, Incunabula, Sixteenth Century Books
65692: GRAAF DE - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue 10, Incunabula, Sixteenth Century Books
60468: DE GRAAF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue No. 101/N. D: Books of Typographical Interest Followed by a Number of Books Printed by Ten Famous Presses: The Aldine Press, Badius Ascensius, Blado, Bodoni, the Estiennes, the Giutine Press, Mazzocchi, the Plantin Office, Torrentino, de Tournes
61001: DE GRAAF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue No. 92/N. D: Part I: A - J: Renaissance & Humanism in Italy
61002: DE GRAAF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue No. 92/N. D: Part II: L - Z + Addenda: Renaissance & Humanism in Italy
66806: GRAAF DE - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue 98, Books Printed During the Seventeenth & Eighteenth Centuries
66807: GRAAF DE - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue 96, Incunabula & Sixteenth Century Books, Theology, Philosophy, Literature, History, Sciences
66808: GRAAF DE - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue 84, Americana and European Books of American Interest
61069: ROSENTHAL LUDWIG - THE NETHERLANDS - Catalogue No. 226/N. D: Religion
67177: GRAAF DE - NETHERLANDS - Catalogue, 1964, Verlagsverzeichnis, Fondscatalogus
71843: ROSENTHAL LUDWIG - THE NETHERLANDS - Sale 26. -28. April 2001 ( Amsterdam ): European Antiquarian Book and Print Fair
75114: BRABANT ANTIQUARIAAT - THE NETHERLANDS - Catalogue No. 20/1 - 1994 : Old Books.
77607: BRABANT ANTIQUARIAAT - THE NETHERLANDS - Catalogue No. 20/1 - 1994 : Old Books.
81856: NEUBURG, VICTOR E. (ED.). - Thomas Frognall Dibdin: Selections.
71332: NEUDOERFFER, NORMA C. - The Function of a Nineteenth-Century Catalogue Belonging to the Cambridge Philosophical Library.
56909: NEUF MUSES, LES - PARIS - Catalogue No Nr. /N.D. : Dix Ouvrages Remarquables.
78664: NEUF MUSES, LES & FORGEOT, BENOIT- PARIS - Catalogue No Nr. /1999 : Dessins D'écrivains Des Xixe Et Xxe Siècle
81284: HÔTEL DE VENTES - NEUILLY. - Vente 13 Juin 2006: Livres Anciens, Architecture, Chasse, Régionalisme. Livres Illustrés Modernes, Livres Illustrés par François-Louis Schmied, Collection Des Oeuvres de Zola.
11396: S.P.H. (SCHWEIZER PAPIER-HISTORIKER) NEUJAHRSGABEN. - 1984: Kälin. Papierherstellung in Den Kantonen St. Gallen Und Appenzell Vor 1800.
22596: S.P.H. (SCHWEIZER PAPIER-HISTORIKER) NEUJAHRSGABEN. - 1997: Schmidt-Westman, H. Chronik Und Wirkunsfeld Der Basler Papiermühle.
21900: SACHS H.; E. BADSTÜBER & H. NEUMANN. - Christliche Ikonographie in Stichworten.
14277: NEUMÜLLER, W. & K. HOLTER (EDS.). - Markus Und Der Löwe. Die Evangelisten Und Ihre Symbole IM Codex Millenarius.
52818: RÜBEL HANS KUPFERSTICHHANDLUNG - NEUSTADT. - Catalogue 7/N.D. : Bundesrepublik, Ostgebiete, Ausland.
52844: RÜBEL HANS KUPFERSTICHHANDLUNG - NEUSTADT. - Catalogue 10/N.D. : Bundesrepublik - Ostgebiete - Ausland.
52845: RÜBEL HANS KUPFERSTICHHANDLUNG - NEUSTADT. - Catalogue 9/N.D. : Bundesrepublik - Ostgebiete - Ausland.
52858: RÜBEL HANS KUPFERSTICHHANDLUNG - NEUSTADT. - Catalogue 3 & 4/N.D. : Kurpfalz (3) Bundesrepublik - Ostgebiete - Ausland. (4)
52860: RÜBEL HANS KUPFERSTICHHANDLUNG - NEUSTADT. - Catalogue 8/N.D. : Bundesrepublik - Ostgebiete - Ausland.
77652: NEVILLE, ANTHONY - Catalogue No. 21/Summer1992: 17th-19th Century, Bibliotheca, Collections Sarah Bernhardt and Winston S. Churchill, Dictionnaries, Military History, Modern First Editions, Private Press and Limited Editions, Italian and Russian Sets,Travel and Mountaineering
73604: NEWCOME, MARY - Notes on Gregorio de Ferrari and the Genoese Baroque.
58139: NEWELL, L.F. - Stereotyping and Electrotyping
54575: MONOTYPE NEWSLETTER. - No. 90, November 1971: 'Monophoto' Times Condensed.
54577: MONOTYPE NEWSLETTER. - No. 94, June 1973: Rockwell.
56146: MONOTYPE NEWSLETTER. - Décembre 1960.
69031: MONOTYPE NEWSLETTER. - Décembre 1960.
69586: MONOTYPE NEWSLETTER. - No. 94, June 1973: Rockwell.
53487: NEWSPAPERS). - Adieu Zuiderdiep. Rust Er Een Embargo Op Canard?
16740: NEWTON, A. EDWARD. - The Greatest Book in the World & Other Papers.
22000: NICAISE, LIBRARIE - PARIS. - Catalogue 17/1975: Livres Illustrés, éditions Originales, Livres Objets, Peintures Gouaches, Estampes.
60389: NICAISE, LIBRAIRIE - PARIS - Catalogue No. 19/Janvier 2002: Bibliophilie Contemporaine, édition Originales, Litterature, Poésie, Illustrés Modernes par la Peinture, le Dessin, la Gravure, Et la Photographie
65772: LIBRAIRIE JEAN-ETIENNE HURET & LIBRAIRIE NICAISE - Catalogue N°18/Décembre 2001 Livres Anciens Et Modernes
17364: NICHOL, DONALD W. - Pope's Literary Legacy: The Book-Trade Correspondence of William Warburton and John Knapton. With Other Letters and Documents 1744-1780.
71945: NICHOLLS, GRAHAM - Samuel Johnson's 'Lost' Books'.
53726: NICHOLSON, MARGARET G. (ED.). - Americana 1492-1886.
71114: NICHOLSON, MARGARET G. (ED.). - Americana 1770-1800.
71115: NICHOLSON, MARGARET G. (ED.). - Americana 1770-1800.
56748: ISRAËL RARE BOOKS - AMSTERDAM.NICO - Catalogue 14/N.D. : Fifty Nine Interesting Books, Manuscripts, Atlases. Maps.
56749: ISRAËL RARE BOOKS - AMSTERDAM.NICO - Catalogue 10/N.D. : Old and Rare Books. Americana. Geography. Voyages and Travels.
56751: ISRAËL RARE BOOKS - AMSTERDAM.NICO - Catalogue 20/1978 : Important Old Books on Various Subjects.
56754: ISRAËL RARE BOOKS - AMSTERDAM.NICO - Catalogue 24/1986 : Books on Geography, Travel and Exploration.
54134: ISRAËL RARE BOOKS - AMSTERDAM.NICO - Catalogue XI/N.D. : Catalogue Issued on the Occasion of the 'First International Antiquarian Bookfair'.
60060: NICOLAS RAUCH S.A, GENEVE - Livres Precieux Du Xveme Au Xxeme Siecle Livres de Medecine, Catalogue Numero 7
60070: NICOLAS RAUCH S.A, GENEVE - Vente Du 2 Au 4 Mars 1953 Manuscrits Enluminés Incunables Xylographies Tres Beaux Livres Du Xvieme Au Xixeme Siecles Editions Originales Des Xixeme Et Xxeme Siecles
60071: NICOLAS RAUCH S.A, GENEVE - Vente 18 Et 19 Mai 1960 Voyage Decouvertes Americana, Troisieme Partie Manuscrits Incunables Livres Anciens Et Modernes Dessins Anciens Et Modernes
78602: NICOLAS, ALAIN - Catalogue No Nr/1995 : Autographes.
78749: NICOLAS, ALAIN - Catalogue No Nr/1992 : Autographes, Manuscripts, Photographies.
78944: NICOLAS, ALAIN - Catalogue No Nr/1993 : Autographes, Livres, Documents.
32741: NICOLET, ANDRE. - Encyklopaedier Og Konversationslexika Gennem Tiderne.
11125: NIEBELSCHÜTZ, WOLF VON. - Die Weisse Kunst. 125 Jahre J.W. Zanders.
51753: NIEBELSCHÜTZ, WOLF VON. - Die Schönen Bücher. Plaudereien.
55822: NIEDERMEYER, GERHARD. - Deutsche Dome.
66591: SCHOMAKER & NIEDERSTRASSER - Katalog 30/1981 Kunstwissenschaft, Kunstgewerbe, Architektur, Archäologie
66595: SCHOMAKER & NIEDERSTRASSER - Katalog 37/Juni 1982 Allgemeine Kunst, Künstlermonographien, Kunstgewerbe, Architektur, Nachtrag
66596: SCHOMAKER & NIEDERSTRASSER - Katalog 32/September 1981 Allgemeine Kunst, Künstlermonographien, Kunstgewerbe, Architektur
66597: SCHOMAKER & NIEDERSTRASSER - Katalog 35/Februar 1982 Allgemeine Kunst, Künstlermonographien, Aussereuropäische Kunst, Archäologie, Kunstgewerbe, Architektur, Nachtrag
66598: SCHOMAKER & NIEDERSTRASSER - Katalog 39/September 1982 Allgemeine Kunst, Künstlermonographien, Kunstgewerbe, Architektur
6901: NIELSEN, LAURITZ. - Boghistoriske Studier Til Dansk Bibliografi 1550-1600.
52731: NIELSEN, LAURITZ. - Den Danske Bog. Forsog Til en Dansk Boghistorie Fr Den Aeldste Tid Til Nutiden.
18394: DAL & NIELSEN (EDS). - Exh. Cat. Paris, 1960. L'Art Du Livre Au Danemark, 1940-1960.
12641: NIELSEN, C.P. & R. BERG. - Danmarks Bogbindere Gennem 400 Aar.
61103: NIELSEN, ORLA - Roger Powell. En Engelsk Bogbinder.
6905: NIELSON, A.C. - Latijnse Zinspreuken Op Nederlandse Boekmerken.
65013: BURGER & NIERMANS - Sale 308 24-25 November 1998, Book and Print , Various Librarie & Collections ( Prof. Dr B. Van Selm, H. J Witkam )
65028: BURGER & NIERMANS - Sale 288 December 13 Th-14th 1988, Books and Periodicals on Classical Antiquity, Literature, Dutch Printing Art, Dutch History and Topography, Non European Peoples, Law, Philosophy, Religion, Picture Postcards, Old and Rare Books
65029: BURGER & NIERMANS - Sale 304 19-20 November, 1966, Book and Print, Prof. Dr. P. Berbenzon ( History of Law& Topography ), Prof. Dr. G. I Lieftinck ( Codicology )
65030: BURGER & NIERMANS - Sale 7th 8th and 9th June 1988 Books and Periodicals on Classical Antiquity Literature Dutch History and Topography
65035: BURGER & NIERMANS - Book and Print Auction Sale 13-14 May 1997 the Libraries of Mr. Dr. J Belonje, Prof. Dr. J. W Schulte Nordholt
65036: BURGER & NIERMANS - Book and Print Auction Sale 14th 15th 1995 the Classical Library of the Late A. M Hakkert (Publisher)
65039: BURGER & NIERMANS - Auction Sale May 16th-17th 1995 the Library of Prof. Dr. GabriëL Nuchelmans (Philosophy)
65045: BURGER & NIERMANS - Book and Print Auction Sale 22-23 May 2001 the Libraries of Pr. Dr. E.F. Van Der Grinten , Prof. Dr. Henri Baudet
65053: BURGER & NIERMANS - Book and Print Auction 19-20 November 1996 the Libraries of Prof. Dr. P. Gerbenzon (History of Law and Topography) and Prof. Dr. G.I. Lieftinck (Codicology)
65066: BURGER & NIERMANS - Book Auction Sale 285 June 16th-17th 1987: Books on Classical Antiquity, Fine Arts, Language and Literature, Dutch History and Topography, History of Culture, Old and Rare Books.
65067: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Book Auction Sale 286 December 1st - 2nd 1987, Books and Periodicals on Classical Antiquity, Patristics, Byzantium, Literature, Dutch History and Topography, Non European Peoples, Law Philosphy, Religion, Books from Libraries of : Van Groningen, Rozemond
65079: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Book Auction Sale 284 December 16th and 17th 1986, a Fine Collection of Books on Asia Minor, Fine Arts, Language and Literature, Dutch History and Topography, Occultism, Old and Rare Books, Maps and Prints
65088: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 300 29-30 November & 1 December 1994, Part I of the Library of Prof. Th. H. Lunsingh Scheurleer ( Applierd & Decorative Art ), Prof. Dr. A. E Cohen ( Medieval Studies ), Old & Rare Books, a Large Number of Prints
65104: BURGER & NIERMANS - Book and Print Auction Sale 23rd and 24th November 1993 the Libraries of: Prof. Dr. H.J. Drossaart Lulofs Classical Literature and Philosophy
65105: BURGER & NIERMANS - Book and Print Auction Sale 17th and 18th May 1994 the Libraries of the Late Dr. H. Reeser and Dr . P de Jonge Asa Well As Other Collections of Books and Prints
65109: BURGER & NIERMANS - Book Auktion Sale 17th 18th 19th Junuary 1984 Books and Periodicals on Classical Philology, Non European Language and Literature,... From the Libraries of : Drs. W.F. Jongloed, Veendam; Mr. Spies, Merano, Italy; Dr . Imke V.D. Steur , Amsterdam
65487: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 14th-15th 1996, a Gentleman's Library ( History and Topography of Zeeland ), the Library of Prof. Dr. E.M. Bruins ( 1909-1990) ( History of Science )
65492: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 300, 29-30 November & 1 December 1994, Part I : Prof. Th. H. Lunsingh Scheurleer ( Applied & Decorative Art ) & Prof. Dr. A. E Cohen ( Medieval Studies ), Old & Rare Books & a Large Number of Prints
65493: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 295, May 19th-21st, 1992, the Libraries of : Prof. Mr. O.A. C. Verpaalen, and the Collection J.S. Part 2 ( Old and Rare Books ).
71857: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 315, 21-22 May 2002: Book, Prints, Manuscripts. The Libraries of Dr. Henriëtte Boas (Judaica), Prof. Dr. A.E. Cohen (History), As Well As Other Libraries and Collections.
77013: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Auction Sale 313, 22-23 May 2001: Book and Print. The Libraries of Prof. Dr. E.F. Van Der Grinten ( Architecture & ( Applied ) Art), Prof. Dr. Henri Baudet (Industrial Design and Economic History), F.B. Hotz.
75654: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 322, 15-16 November 2005: Book, Prints, Manuscripts. Incl. The Library of Prof. Dr. A.W. Grootendorst.
75902: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 316, 19-20 November 2002: Book, Prints, Manuscripts. The Libraries of Prof. Dr. J.M. S. Baljon, Prof. Dr. W. Den Boer, Dr. H.W. Fotgens, Drs. The Siauw Giap, Prof. Dr. M.A. Wes.
76927: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 320, 16-17 November 2004: Book, Prints, Manuscripts. Incl. The Library of Prof. Mr. L. De Gou, Prof. Dr. S.R. Slings and the Royal Aociety for Physics, Diligentia.
76975: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 321, 24-25 May 2005: Book and Prints. Part II: The Print Collection of Robert o. Muller.
76979: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 297, 25th-27th 1993, Important Libraries on Classical Antiquity, the Netherlands, Art, Literature, Bibliography & Illustrated Books, Topograhical Prints & Graphic Arts
76980: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 296, November 24th-26th, 1992, Important Libraries on Art, Literature, Bibliography & Railway History, Coloured Plate Books & Topographical Prints
76981: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 295, May 19th-21st, 1992: The Libraries of : Prof. Mr. O.A. C. Verpaalen, and the Collection J.S. Part 2 ( Old and Rare Books ).
76982: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 294, November 26th-28th, 1991: From the Libraries of J.B. Charles (W.H. Nagel) and the Collection J.S. And the Library of Prof. P.H. A. De Boer, and Many Other Collections.
77010: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 320, 16-17 November 2004: Book, Prints, Manuscripts. Incl. The Library of Prof. Mr. L. De Gou, Prof. Dr. S.R. Slings and the Royal Aociety for Physics, Diligentia.
77011: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Auction Sale 314, 20-21 November 2001: Book and Print. The Library of Prof. Th. H. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Architecture & ( Applied ) Art, Part II
77012: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Auction Sale 313, 22-23 May 2001: Book and Print. The Libraries of Prof. Dr. E.F. Van Der Grinten ( Architecture & ( Applied ) Art), Prof. Dr. Henri Baudet (Industrial Design and Economic History), F.B. Hotz.
77142: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 321, 24-25 May 2005: Book and Prints. Part I.
77370: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 315, 21-22 May 2002: Book, Prints, Manuscripts. The Libraries of Dr. Henriëtte Boas (Judaica), Prof. Dr. A.E. Cohen (History), As Well As Other Libraries and Collections.
77793: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 298, 23-24 November 1993: Ithe Libraries of Prof. Dr. H.J. Drossaart Lulofs, Classical Literature and Philosophy and Prof. Dr. E.J. Riewald (English Literature), Jacques de Kadt, Josine Meijer, As Well As Other Collections of Rare Books and Prints.
77796: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 300, 29-30 November & 1 December 1994: Part I of the Library of Prof. Th. H. Lunsingh Scheurleer (Applied & Decorative Art) & Part of the Library of Prof. Dr. A. E Cohen (Medieval Studies), Old & Rare Books & a Large Number of Prints
77797: BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS - Sale 299, 17-18 May 1994: Books and Prints. Comprising the Libraries of the Late Dr. H. Reeser and Dr. P. De Jonge, As Well As Other Collections of Books and Prints. Classical Antiquity, Law, Reference Works, Literature,...
55146: NIEUW ACADEMIA, ANTIQUARIAAT - GRONINGEN. - Catalogue 9/1980: Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, Illegale en Clandestiene Bellettrie (+ I.V. M.).
56614: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 9/1965 : Bibliography. A Selection of Standard Works
56615: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - List. 147/C. 2000 : Remonstrants and Counter- Remonstrants.
19456: ANTIQUARIAAT DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 2/N.D. : Bibliography and Typography, Part III (N-Z).
20013: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 33/N.D. : Reformation & Humanism in Germany.
20074: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 37/N.D. : Eighteenth Century Books on a Great Variety of Subjects.
26780: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 11/N.D. : Medicine, Magic and Science. Old Books, Related Histories, Bibliographies.
26961: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 18/(±1969): Text and Comment - the Bible As a Source of Inspiration.
21229: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 79/N.D. : Respublica Litteratum. Epistolography.
14621: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 69/N.D. : Five Centuries of Illustrated Books. Dutch and Foreign Master Prints.
16089: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 60/N.D. : Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany 1517-1546.
54049: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 81/(1989): Renaissance, Humanism & Reformation in the French Speaking Countries.
54052: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 87/N.D. : Renaissance, Reformation, Humanism.
54055: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 90/N.D. : Rare and Interesting Books Printed During the Seventeenth Century.
54056: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 77/N.D. : Reformation & Counter Reformation in Germany.
54058: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 14/ N.D. : Medicine & Science.
54060: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Lists 128 & 129/N.D. : Contemporaries of Erasmus. A Short-Title List.
52893: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 3/N.D. : Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
54179: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 6/C. 1963: Bibliography. A Selection of Standard Works.
54180: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 23/C. 1970: Bibliography, History of Typography, Reference Books.
54181: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 88/C. 1991: Philosophy.
54182: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 91/(1993): An Interesting Collection of Books Printed During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.
54184: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - List 137/C. 1993: Bibliography.
54185: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - List 142/1999: European Antiquarian Bookfair, Amsterdam.
18145: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 10/N.D. : Incunabula, Sixteenth Century Books.
56110: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 20/N.D. : Renaissance, Reformation and Humanism in France and French-Speaking Switzerland.
56111: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 39/N.D. : Sixteenth Century Books Printed in France.
56112: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 19/N.D. : Reformation, Humanism & Neo-Latinism in the Low Countries.
56113: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 35/N.D. : One Hundred Rare and Valuable Books. Incunabula, Xvith Century Books, Humanism, Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Xviith Century Books, Illustrated Books from the Xvith to the Xviiith Century, Science.
56115: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 30/1975: Humanities. Classical Antiquity, History, Law & Politics, Literature, Philosophy & Education.
56116: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 41/N.D. : Sixteenth Century Books.
56117: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 59/N.D. : Reformation & Humanism in the German-Speaking Countries. Over Threehundred Scholarly Books.
56118: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 58/N.D. : Two Hundred Old & Rare Books. Theology (Mainly Reformation History), Humanism, Neolatinism, Education, History, Classics, Literature, Oriental Studies, Etc.
56119: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 25/N.D. : Renaissance, Reformation, Humanism. Books Printed Before 1800. Part I - a; Part II - B; Part III - C; Part V - F-G; Part VI - H-K; Part VIII - L-M.
18367: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 27/N.D. : Bibliography.
18419: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 85/N.D. : Books from the Low Countries, 1601-1621.
18475: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Bibliography, History of Typography & Related Subjects.
66809: GRAAF DE - NIEUWKOOP - List 127, la France Savante, French Scholarship and Science During Renaissance and Baroque
69925: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 7/(1964?): Medicine, Magic and Science. Old Books, Related Histories and Bibliographies.
69448: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 80/N.D. : Officina Plantiniana. The Plantin Offices at Antwerp and Leiden and Other Contemporary Presses Active in the Low Countries.
69481: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 50/N.D. : One Hundred German Incunabula & Post Incunabula/Hundert Deutsche Frühdrucke 1455-1520. With Some Related Bibliographical Material.
69661: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 87/N.D. : Renaissance, Reformation, Humanism.
69662: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 90/N.D. : Rare and Interesting Books Printed During the Seventeenth Century.
69663: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Lists 128 & 129/N.D. : Contemporaries of Erasmus. A Short-Title List.
69666: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 85/N.D. : Books from the Low Countries, 1601-1621.
70019: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 33/N.D. : Reformation & Humanism in Germany.
74947: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 68/N.D. : Old Books for Libraries. Standard Works, Sets, Source Books, Opera Omnia, Etc, in the Field of the Humanities. Printed Prior to 1800.
74948: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 54/N.D. : Italy ; Books in Italian, by Italian, Printed in Italy, of Italian Interest.
74949: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - 14th International Antiquarian Book Fair. Cologne, 10-13 September 1992. Books Printed in the German Speaking Countries 1476-1600.
74951: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - General Catalogue 1989/90, Verlagsverzeichnis, Catalogue de Fonds.
74952: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 71/N.D. : Rare and Interesting Books from the 16th-17th Centuries.
74953: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Nederlandse Antiquarenbeurs, Haarlem, 1-3 November 1991; Literature in Five Languages: French, German, English, Italian, Dutch.
74954: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Library Catalogues. November 1990.
74955: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 82/N.D. : Eighteenth Century Books with a Supplement Listing Some Interesting 19th-20th Century Books.
74956: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - 13th European Antiquarian Book Fair. Amsterdam, 27-29 February 1992. 15th and 16th Century Books.
74957: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Renaissance Studies, Reformation, Humanism, Neolatinism.
74958: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 52/N.D. : A Selection of Printed Books.
74959: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 70/N.D. : Spiritualists Nonconformists and Dissenters.
74960: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 75/N.D. : Judaica, Orientalia, Law and Political Science, Philosophy, Pedagogics and Education, Occultis;, Science, Medicine, Dutch Topology, Geography and Travel.
74961: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 78/N.D. : Early Christianity and the Middle Ages Theology, Philosophy, History, Literature, Etc...
74962: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 78/N.D. : Early Christianity and the Middle Ages Theology, Philosophy, History, Literature, Etc...
74963: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 81/N.D. : Renaissance, Humanism and Reformation in the French Speaking Countries.
74964: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 87/N.D. : Renaissance, Reformation and Humanism. Part I: A-L.
74965: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 87/N.D. : Renaissance, Reformation and Humanism. Part II: M-Z.
74966: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 88/N.D. : Philosophy and Allied Subjects.
74994: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue No. 105/N.D. : The Humanities. A Miscellany of Old- and More Recent Books on a Great Variety of Subjects; Theology, Humanism, Reformation, Philosophy, Literature, History, Bibliography, Etc...
75037: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 50/N.D. : One Hundred German Incunabula & Post Incunabula/Hundert Deutsche Frühdrucke 1455-1520. With Some Related Bibliographical Material.
75038: GRAAF DE - NIEUWKOOP - List 125 : One Hundred Renaissance Books.
75980: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 110/N.D. : Books Published During the 18th Century.
77423: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 109/N.D. : Theology and Ecclesiastical History.
75036: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 50/N.D. : One Hundred German Incunabula & Post Incunabula/Hundert Deutsche Frühdrucke 1455-1520. With Some Related Bibliographical Material.
54183: GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP.DE - Catalogue 96/C. 1993: Incunabula & Sixteenth Century Books. Theology, Philosophy, Literature, History, Science.
19428: DE GRAAF - NIEUWKOOP. - Catalogue 7/(1964?): Medicine, Magic and Science. Old Books, Related Histories and Bibliographies.
54085: NIJHOF, PETER & ARTHUR STEEGH. - Grafische en Papiermusea in Nederland en Net over de Grens.
69708: NIJHOF, PETER & ARTHUR STEEGH. - Grafische en Papiermusea in Nederland en Net over de Grens.
19230: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 766/1965: Communism, Socialism, Trade-Unionism, Labour, Slavery.
19234: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 732/1958: Periodicals and Books on Communism, Socialism, Labour, Trade-Unionism.
55926: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Keur Van Werken Uitgegeven Door Martinus Nijhoff.
18788: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 699/(1950): Catalogue of Books on Bibliography, Typography and the Booktrade.
35001: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 758/1963: Periodicals and Books on International Law and International Relations.
35011: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 773/1965: Periodicals and Books on History and Geography of Africa/America/Arctic/Asia/Australia/the Pacific.
35021: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 651/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes, Afrika - Architectuur, Sculptuur - Biographieën - Canada, Etc.
35031: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 647/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
35041: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 746/1961: Periodicals and Books on History.
35051: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 711/1953: Catalogue of Books on Various Subjects.
35061: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 644/N.D. : Catalogus Van Oude en Nieuwe Boeken, Middeleeuwen en Renaissance I, Bibliographiën - Tijdschriften - Staatkundige en Kerkelijke Geschiedenis Etc.
35071: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 608/N.D. : Catalogue de Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Histoire Ecclésiastique Des Pays-Bas, 1re Partie. Périodiques, Encyclopédies, Collections, Recueils de Biographies, Etc.
35081: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 803/1969: Books and Periodicals on European History.
35091: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 706/1952: Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts. Periodicals and General - Painting and Graphic Arts - Architecture and Sculpture, Etc.
19417: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 574/1932: A Selection of Early Medical Books and of Medical Periodicals.
19475: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 761/1964: A Collection of Books and Periodicals on Bibliography & Typography Including a Section of Books Printed Before 1540.
35111: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 704/N.D. : Catalogue of Books and Periodicals on International Law and Diplomatic History.
35121: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 677/N.D. : Catalogus Van Boeken over Nederlandsche en Vlaamsche Letterkunde Van de Middeleeuwen Tot 1800.
35131: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 738/1959: Periodicals and Books on Linguistics and Literature.
35141: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 701/N.D. : Catalogue of Books on European History, Folklore and Literature.
35151: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 697/N.D. : Catalogue of an Important Collection of Books on France and Genealogy and Heraldry.
35161: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 694/N.D. : Catalogue of a Collection of Books on Literature and Linguistics.
35171: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 725/1956: Catalogue of Books on Roman Catholic Theology and Ecclesiastical History.
35181: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 698/N.D. : Catalogue of Books and Periodical Sets on Philosophy, Theology, Ecclesiastical History.
35191: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 609/N.D. : Histoire Ecclésiastique Des Pays-Bas, Deuxième Partie. De la Réforme Jusqu'a la Fin Du 18e Siècle - Vie Religieuse Et Ecclésiastique Protestante Du Commencement de la Réforme Jusqu'a la Fin Du 18e Siècle, Etc.
19532: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 824/1971: Books & Periodicals on Russian Literature and Russian Literary History.
19533: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 832/1972: Books and Periodicals on Political Science and Government.
19534: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 812/1970: Periodicals & Books on Philosophy and Psychology.
19535: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 818/1971: Geography and History of All Parts of the World (Except Europe).
19538: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 790/1968: Periodicals and Books on Literature and Linguistics.
26781: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 799/1969: Books & Periodicals on Russian Literature, with a Section on Slavic Linguistics, Literary History - Literature.
56882: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 623/N.D. : America Part II.
56883: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 367/1909 : Catalogue Sur le Portugal Et Ses Colonies.
56884: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 406/C. 1912 : Livres en Langue Portugaise Et Sur le Portugal Et Ses Colonies.
35201: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 742/1960: Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical History - Cartularia - Abbeys, Convents, Etc.
35221: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 685/N.D. : Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts.
35231: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 717/1954: Catalogue of Books and Periodicals on Bibliography, Typography and the Booktrade.
35241: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 730/1958: Periodicals and Books on Linguistics and Literature.
35251: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 814/ 1970: Periodical Collections & Books on the History of France.
35261: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 720/1955: Catalogue of Books on Theology.
35271: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 668/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
35281: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 705/1952: A Catalogue Relating to Social and Political Economy.
35291: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 722/1955: A Catalogue of Second-Hand Books Relating to Social and Political Sciences.
56902: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 207/1888 : Books and Pamphlets Americana.
56903: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 436/N.D. : Biographies, Correspondances, Memoires. Iie Partie : Chartes de Bourbon - Louis XI de France.
56905: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 437/1918 :
56906: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue No Nr. /1893 : Catalogue de Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
56907: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 620/1938 : America.
20221: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 695/(C. 1948): A Very Important Collection of Books on Belgium. Also Containing a Number of Fine Early Printed Books 1483-1650.
20263: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 645/(C. 1941): Middeleeuwen en Renaissance II. Godsdienstige en Humanistische Stroomingen, Letteren, Kunsten en Wetenschappen.
35301: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 750/1962: Periodicals and Books on Commerce, Trade, Finance, Banking, Industry.
35311: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 675/C. 1945: Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
35321: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 672/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
35331: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 713/1953: Catalogue of Books on Ecclesiastical History.
35341: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 719/1954: Catalogue of Books on Netherlands and Flemisch Literature and Linguistics.
35351: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 728/1957: Catalogue of Books and Periodicals on Folklore.
35371: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 665/N.D. : Catalogus Van Oude en Moderne Boeken, Letterkunde.
35381: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 826/1971: Books and Periodicals on Literature & Linguistics.
57697: NIJHOFF, P. - Langs Monumenten Van Papier- en Grafische Industrie in Nederland.
26951: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 408/1915: La Belgique. Première Partie: Géographie - Ethnographie - Topographie.
35571: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 816/1970: Books and Periodicals on Fine Arts with a Large Section on Oriental Arts.
35581: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 708/1952: An Important Collection of Books on Philosophy.
35591: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 664/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
34961: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 748/1962: Books on Law and the History of Law.
34971: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 691/N.D. : An Important Collection of Books on Philosophy.
34981: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 745/1961: Bibliography & Typography.
34991: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 762/1964: Periodicals and Books on Commerce, Trade, Finance, Banking, Industry.
19932: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 783/1967: Reference Works - Bibliography - Bookbinding - Booktrade - Palaeography - Paper - Press - Typography - Library Science.
35601: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 749/1962: Periodicals and Books on Asia.
35611: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 716/1954: Catalogue of Books on Music and Theatre.
35621: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 744/1961: Periodicals and Books on Indonesia.
35631: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 752/1962: Periodicals, Books and Collections on Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.
35641: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 735/1959: Periodicals and Books on Commerce, Trade, Finance, Banking and Industry.
35651: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 734/1959: Periodicals and Books on Exact and Natural Sciences.
35661: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 710/1953: Catalogue of Books on Ancient, Especially French and Modern Law.
35671: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 692/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
35681: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 821/1971: Varia. Classical Antiquity - Folklore - Ethnology-Games - Genealogy - Heraldry - Military Science and History, Etc.
35691: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 823/1971: Books and Periodicals on Austria, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain - Ireland, Greece, Italy, Scandinavia - Finland, Spain - Portugal, Switzerland.
21232: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 847/1974: Literature and Linguistics. German, Dutch, English American, French, Scandinavian, Italien - Spanish - Portuguese, Hungarian and Finnish.
35701: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 765/1965: Slavic and Non European Linguistics & Literature.
35711: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 747/1961: Books, Periodicals and Collections on Communism, Socialism, Labour, Trade-Unionism and Slavery.
35721: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 729/1957: Important Collection of Periodicals and Books on Law.
35731: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 733/1958: Periodicals and Books on History.
35741: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 751/1962: Periodicals and Books on Linguistics and Literature.
35751: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 740/1960: Periodicals and Books on International Law and International Relations.
35761: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 712/1953: Catalogue of Books on the History of France and Other European Countries.
35771: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 723/1956: Catalogue of Books on Ancient, Especially French and Modern Law.
35781: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 772/1965: Linguistics and Literature. Partly from the Library of the Late Prof. J. Van Ginneken S.J.
35791: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 831/1972: Books and Periodicals on Theology and Ecclesiastical History.
21306: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 291/1898: Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Dictionnaires Et Grammaires. Chrestomathies.
20769: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 386/N.D. : Ethnographie. Voyages. Périodiques. Descriptions Et Voyages Généraux, Introduction à L'Ethnologie, Anthropologie, Etc. Afrique. Amérique. Régions, Archiques.
35801: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 839/1973: Books and Periodicals on Fine Arts with a Section on Oriental Arts.
35811: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 819/1971: Books and Periodicals on the History of Revolutionary and Labour Movements in Imperial Russia. Revolution - CIVIL War - and the U.S. S.R.
35821: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 787/1967: Books & Periodicals on Fine Arts.
35831: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 788/1967: Periodicals & Books on History and Geography of Africa - America - Arctic and Antarctic - Asia - Australia - Pacific.
35841: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 789/1967: An Important Collection of Periodicals & Books on Philosophy.
35851: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 820/1971: Reference Works, Bibliography, Typography.
35861: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 768/1965: Collections, Periodicals, Books on History.
35871: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 753/1963: Periodicals and Books on History.
14332: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Fondscatalogus 1853-1926.
51688: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 739/1960: Periodicals and Books on Philosophy, Psychology and Pedagogics.
53016: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 186/1885: Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Littérature Néerlandaise Du Moyen-Age Provenant en Partie de la Bibliothèque de M. Le Professeur W. -J. -A. Jonckbloet.
52435: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue No Name, No Nr. /1917: Nijhoff's Catalogus Van de Belangrijkste Oorspronkelijke Nederlandsche Boeken Van Den Laatsten Tijd.
52436: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 3/1928: Miscellanius.
21715: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 786/1967: Books and Periodicals on Slavic Literary History, Literature, Linguistics, Dictionaries.
21716: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 792/1968: Books & Periodicals on Russian Literary History - Literature, Linguistics, with a Section on Other Slavic Languages.
21717: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 838/1973: Books and Periodicals on Russian Literature and Literary History.
21718: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 825/1971: Books & Periodicals on Russian and Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Literary History.
21740: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 829/1972: Russian Books and Periodicals on Various Subjects, Printed Before the Revolution.
53110: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 362/1908: Philosophie.
53154: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Fondscatalogus 1853-1913.
52504: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 700/N.D. : Catalogue of an Important Collection of Books and Periodical Sets on Geography, Cartography, Voyages and Travels, Ethnography, Colonial History Etc.
52595: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 852/1974: Books and Periodicals on Reference Works, Bibliography, Typography and Allied Subjects, Incl. A Section in Russian.
53229: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 663/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Amerika, Boekhouden en Handelsstudie, Italië, Nederland, Philosphie, Taal- en Letterkunde.
53231: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 658/N.D. Duitse Letterkunde Tot 1700, Fransche Letterkunde, Vlaamsche Letterkunde, Philosophie.
53232: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 657/N.D. : Amerika, Amerikaanse Grenskwesties, Beschavingsgeschiedenis, Engeland, Engelsche Letterkunde, Nederland, Philosophie, Scheikunde, Spoorwegen, Zeewezen, Opvoedkunde.
53233: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 655/C. 1942: Duitsche Letterkunde 1750-1900.
53293: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - List 366/1958: Bookd and Periodicals on Protestantism a-K.
52732: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 667/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
52734: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 666/N.D. : Catalogus Van Oude en Moderne Boeken, Letterkunde.
14812: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 795/1968: History of France. Books, Periodicals, Collections.
22731: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 272/1896: Livres Anciens Et Modernes - Ouvrages Sur la Russie Et la Pologne - Voyages Arctiques - Atlas Et Cartes.
23511: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 426/N.D. : Livres Anciens Et Modernes - la Russie, la Pologne, Et Les Pays Arctiques.
54346: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 741/1960: Catalogue of Books, Periodicals and Pamphlets on the History of the Netherlands.
16405: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 764/1964: History of the Netherlands. A Catalogue of Books, Periodical Sets, Pamphlets and Collections.
16423: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 709/ 1953: Catalogue of Books, Periodical Sets and Pamflets on General and Local History of the Netherlands.
55156: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 338/1905: Histoire Des Pays de L'Asie I. Asie Mineure, Arabie. Perse. Terre-Sainte.
55157: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 339/1905: Histoire Des Pays de L'Asie II. Les Indes Anglaises-Asie Centrale.
55159: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 353/1907: Finances.
55160: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 368/1909: Assurances.
55161: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 379/1910: Histoire Economique Et Sociale.
55162: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 371/1909: L'Economique Politique Et Sociale.
55163: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 381/1910: Economie Politique Et Socialisme.
55164: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 374/1909: Population, Hygiene Sociale, Statistique, Travail, Esclavage.
55165: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 376/1909: Socialisme, Communisme en Anarchisme.
55166: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 375/1909: Pauperisme, Alcoolisme, Emigration, Prostitution.
55167: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 373/1909: Le Commerce.
55169: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 522/N.D. : Asia II.
55171: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 670/N.D. : Afrika.
55172: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 676/(1946): Bibliography and Typography.
55173: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 736/C. 1956: History of France. Incl. Church, Ancient Law and Institutions.
55174: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 676/(1946): Bibliography and Typography.
55176: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 702/N.D. : Ancient and Modern Law.
55177: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 861/1975: Philosophy.
55178: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue No Nr. /Zomer 1968. Varia.
32470: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 743/(C. 1960): Voyages & Travels of Discovery and Exploration. To Which Are Added Some Books and Periodicals on Geography and Colonial History.
10374: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 741/1960 & Cat. 764/1964: History of the Netherlands.
26075: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Uitgaven Van Martinus Nijhoff 1853-1918.
56195: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Fondscatalogus 1853-1921.
32691: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 376/1909: Livres Anciens Et Modernes - Socialisme - Communisme Et Anarchisme.
10439: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 714/N.D. : Catalogue of an Important Collection of Early Impressions.
18371: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 870, 1 November 1976: Books and Periodicals on Reference Works, Bibliography, Typography, and Allied Subjects.
10594: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 273/1897: Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Impressions Du 15e/16e Siècle. Avec Une Table Des Imprimeurs.
55729: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 693/(C. 1950): Catalogue of Books and Periodical Sets on French Canada, History of French Abbeys and Catholic Theology.
25657: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 718/1954: Catalogue of Books on International Law and Diplomatic History.
57045: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 408/N.D. : La Belgique. Premiere Parti.
60223: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - NETHERLANDS - Catalog No. 823/1971/ Books and Periodicals on Austria, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain,Ireland,Greece,Italy,Scandinavia,Finland,Spain,Portugal,Switzerland
68988: DE VRIES EN NIJHOFF - Collections - A. Nijland; 2eme Partie.
69622: NIJHOFF, P. - Schetsen Van Papierwatermolens Met (16) Tekeningen Van P. Nijhoff.
69656: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 714/N.D. : Catalogue of an Important Collection of Early Impressions.
70296: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 824/1971: Books & Periodicals on Russian Literature and Russian Literary History.
70441: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 745/1961: Bibliography & Typography.
70442: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 691/N.D. : An Important Collection of Books on Philosophy.
70443: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 748/1962: Books on Law and the History of Law.
70444: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 732/1958: Periodicals and Books on Communism, Socialism, Labour, Trade-Unionism.
70449: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 825/1971: Books & Periodicals on Russian and Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Literary History.
70450: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 825/1971: Books & Periodicals on Russian and Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Literary History.
70451: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 824/1971: Books & Periodicals on Russian Literature and Russian Literary History.
70727: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 695/(C. 1948): A Very Important Collection of Books on Belgium. Also Containing a Number of Fine Early Printed Books 1483-1650.
70728: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 695/(C. 1948): A Very Important Collection of Books on Belgium. Also Containing a Number of Fine Early Printed Books 1483-1650.
70881: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 732/1958: Periodicals and Books on Communism, Socialism, Labour, Trade-Unionism.
71090: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 741/1960: Catalogue of Books, Periodicals and Pamphlets on the History of the Netherlands.
71091: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 741/1960: Catalogue of Books, Periodicals and Pamphlets on the History of the Netherlands.
71092: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 741/1960: Catalogue of Books, Periodicals and Pamphlets on the History of the Netherlands.
71129: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 735/1959: Periodicals and Books on Commerce, Trade, Finance, Banking and Industry.
71130: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 734/1959: Periodicals and Books on Exact and Natural Sciences.
71131: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 733/1958: Periodicals and Books on History.
71132: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 740/1960: Periodicals and Books on International Law and International Relations.
71135: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 708/1952: An Important Collection of Books on Philosophy.
71136: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 708/1952: An Important Collection of Books on Philosophy.
71137: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 731/1958: Periodicals and Books on Fine Arts. Periodicals - Painting, Engraving - Architecture, Sculpture - Industrial Arts, Etc.
71139: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 677/N.D. : Catalogus Van Boeken over Nederlandsche en Vlaamsche Letterkunde Van de Middeleeuwen Tot 1800.
71140: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 738/1959: Periodicals and Books on Linguistics and Literature.
71141: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 697/N.D. : Catalogue of an Important Collection of Books on France and Genealogy and Heraldry.
71142: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 697/N.D. : Catalogue of an Important Collection of Books on France and Genealogy and Heraldry.
71143: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 685/N.D. : Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts.
71144: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 717/1954: Catalogue of Books and Periodicals on Bibliography, Typography and the Booktrade.
71145: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 730/1958: Periodicals and Books on Linguistics and Literature.
71146: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 750/1962: Periodicals and Books on Commerce, Trade, Finance, Banking, Industry.
71147: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 719/1954: Catalogue of Books on Netherlands and Flemisch Literature and Linguistics.
71148: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 719/1954: Catalogue of Books on Netherlands and Flemisch Literature and Linguistics.
74867: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 1979/80 : Old and Rare Standard Works and Serials.
75569: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 883/1981: Old and Rare Books and Periodicals on Fine Arts.
75570: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 886/1982: Old and Rare Books on Classical Antiquity.
75571: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 901/1987: Old and Rare Manuscripts, Books and Periodicals on Law and History of Law Before 1800, Incl. Canon Law, Diplomatic History, Cartularies, Customaries.
76526: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 890/1983: Old and Rare Books and Periodicals Relating to Asia.
76787: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 1978/1979: Old and Rare Standard Works and Serials.
21714: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 785/1967: Periodicals & Books on the History of Russia & the Soviet Union.
35101: NIJHOFF, MARTINUS - THE HAGUE. - Catalogue 731/1958: Periodicals and Books on Fine Arts. Periodicals - Painting, Engraving - Architecture, Sculpture - Industrial Arts, Etc.
53512: NIJKAMP, W.M. - Het Boek in Kleuterland.
82011: NIJKERK, K.J.; ADA STROEVE & NATHALIE KORSMAN (EDS.). - Een Keuze Uit de Collectie Van M.B. B. Nijkerk Tentoongesteld in Het Stedelijk Museum Te Amsterdam.
17807: ANTIQUARIAAT VERZAMELD WERK - NIJMEGEN. - Three of Their Catalogues.
73013: KONINKLIJKE DRUKKERIJ G.J.THIEMENV NIJMEGEN - Letterproef Garamont Diatronic.
82354: NIJSTAD, SAAM. - Van Antiquair Tot Kunsthandelaar. Leven en Werk Van Saam Nijstad en Zijn Ontmoeting Met de Nieuwe Wereld.
75724: LEOPARDI - NIJVERDAL - Postzegelveiling Leopardi Nr 133/15 Januari 2005
6903: NIKULA, OSCAR (ED.) - Boktryckarna Frenckell Och Deras Föregångare Vid åbo Akademi. En Krönika I Bilder Om Vårt äldsta Boktryckeri.
12593: NILSSON, AXEL. - Bokbandsdekorens Stilutveckling.
11256: NISHIWAKA, SHINJURO. - (History of the Crèpe-Industrie in Ojiya. Tokyo, 1935).
32541: NITZ, HERMANN. - Die Machinellen Produktionsmittel Der Neuzeitlichen Verlags- Und Lohnbuchbinderei.
81482: NITZ, HERMANN. - Die Materialen Für Buch Und Bucheinband Und Ihre FachgemäßE Verarbeitung.
12421: NIXON, H.M. - British Bookbindings Presented by Kenneth H. Oldaker to the Chapter Library of Westminster Abbey.
12594: NIXON, H.M. - Royal English Bookbindings in the British Museum.
12637: NIXON, H.M. - Grolier's Chrysostom.
24924: NIXON, H.M. - English Restoration Bookbindings. Samuel Mearne and His Contemporaries.
81098: NIXON, H.M. - English Restoration Bookbindings. Samuel Mearne and His Contemporaries.
70636: NIXON, H.M. - British Bookbindings Presented by Kenneth H. Oldaker to the Chapter Library of Westminster Abbey.
70638: NIXON, H.M. - British Bookbindings Presented by Kenneth H. Oldaker to the Chapter Library of Westminster Abbey.
70637: NIXON, H.M. - British Bookbindings Presented by Kenneth H. Oldaker to the Chapter Library of Westminster Abbey.
81735: NIXON, H.M. - Bookbindings from the Library of Jean Grolier.
21892: NOBEL, ALPHONS. - Wir Journalisten. Ein Ratgeber Für Redakteure Und Die Es Werden Wollen.
53241: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 3/1920: Livres Anciens & Modernes en Tous Genres.
53242: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 30/1932: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
53243: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 32/1932: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
53244: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 34/1933: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
53245: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 35/1933: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
53246: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 38/1934: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
53247: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 43/1936: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
53248: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 44/1936-37: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
53249: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 46/1937: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
55180: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 4/1921: Livres Anciens & Modernes en Tous Genres.
55181: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 33/1933: Bibliographie. Bibliophilie. Bibliomanie.
55182: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 36/1934: Bibliographie. Bibliophilie. Bibliomanie.
55183: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 39/1935: Bibliographie. Bibliophilie. Bibliomanie.
55184: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 48/1938: Bibliographie. Bibliophilie. Bibliomanie.
55185: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 49/1938: Bibliographie. Bibliophilie. Bibliomanie.
55186: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 50/1938: Bibliographie. Bibliophilie. Bibliomanie.
55187: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 51/1938: Cent Soixante-Six Beaux Livres Du Xve Au XIX Siècle.
55188: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 52/1939: Bibliographie. Bibliophilie. Bibliomanie.
55189: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 53/1939: Bibliographie. Bibliophilie. Bibliomanie.
55190: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 65/1950: Beaux-Arts.
55191: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 66/1950/51: Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Catalogue Publié Specialement a L'Occasion Du Iie Congrès de la L.I. L.A.
55192: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 89/1965: Livres Sur Les Beaux-Arts, Les Arts Décoratifs Et Les Objets de Collection. Bibliographie, Imprimerie. Supplement: Livres Rares Et Précieux. Recueils D'Estampes. Ornements. 2 Vols.
18385: NOBELE, F. DE. - Catalogue 54/1939: Bibliographie - Bibliophilie - Bibliomanie. Livres Et Bouquins.
73513: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 105/1980: Livres Sur Les Beaux-Arts, Les Arts Décoratifs Et Les Objets de Collection. Bibliographie, Imprimerie.
73514: NOBELE, F. DE - PARIJS. - Catalogue 104/1978: Livres Sur Les Beaux-Arts, Les Arts Décoratifs Et Les Objets de Collection. Bibliographie, Imprimerie.
79202: CHARAVEY NOËL - Bulletin/Catalogue D'Autographes à Prix Marqués N°829. 147e Année. Mars 2001. Lettres Autographes Et Documents Historiques.
73577: NOESSER, LAURA - Fonds Anciens de Littérature Pour la Jeunesse. Catalogue de Littérature de Livres Imprimé S Avant 1914
56919: NOLD, RAINER ANTIQUARIAT - KELSTERBACH - Catalogue 9/1983 : Verlagsalmanache, Buchwesen, Bibliographilie.
36781: NOLD, RAINER ANTIQUARIAT - KELSTERBACH - Catalogue 12/N.D. : Alte Kinderbücher Und Jugendschriften.
51862: NOLD, RAINER ANTIQUARIAT - KELSTERBACH - Antiquariats-Liste 38/1987: Bücher Zur Geschichte Des Buches, Buchillustration Und Bibliophilie.
51863: NOLD, RAINER ANTIQUARIAT - KELSTERBACH - Antiquariats-Liste 36/1987: Bilderbücher, Jugendbücher.
52596: NOLD, RAINER ANTIQUARIAT - KELSTERBACH - Catalogue 59/N.D. : Buch- Und Bibliothekswesen. Bibliophilie, Illustrierte Bücher, Bibliophile Drucke, Vorzugsausgaben, Privatdrucke U.A.
60255: NOLD, RAINER - Liste 17/Juli 1986: 361 Kinder- Und Jugendbücher, Märchen, Sagen
60256: NOLD, RAINER - Liste 67/Juli 1986: 326 Bilderbücher Von 1860 Bis Zur Gegenwart
60257: NOLD, RAINER - Liste 18/Juli 1986: Bücher Zur Geschichte Des Buches Und Des Buchhandels, Gaben Und Drucke Bibliophiler Gesellschaften Sowie Eine Auswahl Illustriter Bücher
68224: NOLD RAINER, ANTIQUARIAT - Katalog 88, Buch Und Bibliothekwesen, Buchhandels Und Verlagsgeshichte, Bibliophilie
65458: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion Am 24. April 1975 Afrika, Asia, America
65511: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion Am 13. November 2000 Sammlung Albert Spindler Pressendrucke Seit 1945
65519: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion Am 24. November 1976 Handbücher Eines Sammlers
65778: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion Am 20. Bis 22. Mai 1987 Wertvolle Bücher, Autographen, Aus Der Bibliothek Eines Kunsthistorikers
65781: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion Am 20. Und 21. Mai 1980 Wertvolle Bücher Autographen Teile Der Anne S.K. Brown Militaria-Sammlung
65793: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion Am 21. Und 22. Mai 1985 Die Insel Und Die Moderne Deutsche Buchkunst
66550: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion Am 9. Und 10. Dezember 1992 Wertvolle Bücher Autographen Insel Sammlung Gerd Plantener
66551: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 295, 24. Und 25. Juni 1992 : Bibliothek Dr. Jur. Viktor Achter
71871: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Die Auktionen 2000 Vorschau Und Rückblick, Our Auctions in 2000 Preview and Review. Aausstellung Und Auktionen, Sommer / Herbst 2000, Exhibition and Auctions, Summer / Fall 2000.
74517: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 295, 24. Und 25. Juni 1992 : Bibliothek Dr. Jur. Viktor Achter
75698: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 332, 27. - 28. Mai 1998: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
75705: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 302, 24. - 25. November 1993: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
75706: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 298, 26. - 27. Mai 1993: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
75707: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 295, 24. Und 25. Juni 1992 : Bibliothek Dr. Jur. Viktor Achter
75965: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 297, 9. - 10. Dezember 1992: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts. Insel Sammlung Gerd Plantener.
75966: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 278, 29. - 30. November 1989: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
76775: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 329, 26. - 27. November 1997: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
76776: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 353, 22. -23. November 2000: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
76781: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 310, 23. - 24. Mai 1995: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
77824: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 302, 24. - 25. November 1993: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
77835: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 298, 26. - 27. Mai 1993: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
77839: HAUSWEDELL & NOLTE - Auktion 307, 23. - 24. November 1994: Wertvolle Bücher Und Autographen Des 15. - 20. Jahrhunderts.
18681: BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE FEU. M. ÉMILE NONNY. - Vente 11 Et 12 Décembre 1976. (Paris)
68609: NORBAEK, JENS FR. - Danske Holberg-Illustrationer Fra Abildgaard Til Arnel
65737: DEKKER & NORDEMANN - List 53/1980 Linguistics General, Romance Languages, Germanic Languages, Slavonic Languages, Other Languages, Literary Criticism, Romance Languages, Germanic Languages, Slavonic Languages
65738: DEKKER & NORDEMANN - Catalogue 11 N.D. Political History the History of Politics Including Political Economy Mainly from a Professoral Library
65739: DEKKER & NORDEMANN - Sale 2nd to 4th October 1980 Fine and Illustated Old and Rare Books Humanities Social Sciences
65740: DEKKER & NORDEMANN - Catalogue 25 N.D. Old Rare and out of Print Books and Periodical on Religion and Jewish History
12101: BECK'SEN - NÖRDLINGEN. - Catalogue 155/1882: Curiosa, Seltenheiten, ältere Illustrierte Werke. Incunabeln Und Manuscripte.
21380: BECK'SEN - NÖRDLINGEN. - Catalogue 196/1890: Curiosa, Seltenheiten, Altere Illustrierte Werke. Alte Medizin. Bad- Und Pestschriften, Kräuterbücher. Die Slavenländer, Ungarn Und Türkei.
58641: NORDLUNDE, C. VOLMER - Typografisk ABC for Bogvenner
61112: NORDLUNDE, VOLMER - Tidlos Nutid: Giovanni Mardersteig. Bogtrykker I Verona
61116: NORDLUNDE, C. VOLMER - En Typografisk Selvbiografi
61117: NORDLUNDE, C. VOLMER - Emery Walker Og Boctrykkets Genrejsning
22852: NORDSTRAND, OVE K. - Danmarks Aeldste Papirmøller Og Deres Vandmaerker.
61110: NORGAARD, M.K - Fra Boglaeser Til Bogsamler - Og Retur
57748: PARLEY NORMAN - New Methods of Reproduction of Books & Manuscripts. With Five Examples of 'Replika' Process.
56001: NORMAN, HASKELL F. - Freud, Osler and the Norman Collection.
61106: NORN, OTTO - Guld Og Farver
69526: NORRINGTON, A.L.P. - Blackwell's 1879-1989. The History of a Family Firm.
14727: NORRINGTON, A.L.P. - Blackwell's 1879-1989. The History of a Family Firm.
81725: NORRO, GISÈLE. - Beauté de la Reliure D'Art en Belgique / Regard Sur Notre Imprimerie.
79303: ROGERS BRUCE NORTHAMPTON - Catalogue 47. 18-21 April 2002: The Veatchs Arts of the Books.
79960: CUMBERLAND RARE BOOKS - NORTHAMPTON - Catalogue 1/1996 : Continental Books 1500-1700.
56899: NADOR GEORGE & VERA - NORTHWOOD. - Catalogue 60/N.D. : Rare Books.
56900: NADOR GEORGE & VERA - NORTHWOOD. - Catalogue 36/N.D. : Association Copies and Autographs in Philosophy and the Humanities.
56901: NADOR GEORGE & VERA - NORTHWOOD. - Catalogue 35/N.D. : Mysticism and Cabbala.
53201: NADOR GEORGE & VERA - NORTHWOOD. - List 42/N.D. : Jewish Law + Laws Concerning Jewry.
53251: NADOR GEORGE & VERA - NORTHWOOD. - List 52/N.D. : Philosophy. Special Emphasis on Platonism.
55150: NADOR GEORGE & VERA - NORTHWOOD. - List 57/N.D. : Philosophy. Special Emphasis on Platonism, Existentialism, Cabbala.
55151: NADOR GEORGE & VERA - NORTHWOOD. - List 32/N.D. : History of Religion.
55152: NADOR GEORGE & VERA - NORTHWOOD. - Catalogue 64/N.D. : Rare Books on Religion and Philosophy.
25122: NORVIL, N. - Praktisk Haandbog I: Bogbinderi, Papirarbejde Og Papstøjd.
21141: NOSBÜSCH, MANFRED (ANTIQUARIAT) - BONN. - Catalogue 1/Juni 1987: Philosophie.
71166: NOSBÜSCH, MANFRED (ANTIQUARIAT) - BONN. - Catalogue 1/Juni 1987: Philosophie.
81205: NOSBÜSCH, MANFRED (ANTIQUARIAT) - BONN. - Catalogue 5/N.D. : Reisen / Travel and Exploration.
2831: NOSKE, F.R. - Forma Formans.
12391: NOULHAC, MAITRE RELIEUR HENRI. - Beaux Livres Modernes, Prov. De la Bibl. De ---.
57214: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 269/1935 :
57220: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 270/1935 :
53218: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 247/1932: Litterature, Editions Originales, Livres Illustrées, Livres Anciens Rares Ou Curieux, Histoire, Mémoires, Bibliographie, Gastronomie Etc.
53219: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 248/1933: Voyages Anciens Et Modernes.
53227: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 287/1938: Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
53228: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 290/1938: Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
55197: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 204/1927: Beaux Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
55194: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 171/1923: Littérature, Livres Illustrés, Livres Anciens, Rares Et Curieux, Reliures, Ouvrages Sur Les Voyages, Etc. Editions Originales Modernes.
55195: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 180/1924: Littérature, Livres Illustrés, Poètes Français, Histoire, Incunables, Livres Anciens, Rares Et Curieux, Ouvrages Sur Les Voyages, Etc. Editions Originales Modernes.
55198: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 226/1929: I. Grand Ouvrages. Collections. Dictionnaires. Revues. II. Littérature, Histoire, Bibliographie. Gastronomie. Préhistoire. Etc.
55199: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 243/1932: Littérature. éditions Originales. Livres Illustrés. Ouvrages Sur Les Beaux-Arts. Histoire. Mémoires. Bibliographie. Gastronomie.
55200: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 244/1932: Littérature. éditions Originales. Livres Illustrés Du XVI. Impressions Populaires. Histoire. Mémoires. Bibliographie. Gastronomie. Gothiques.
55201: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 245/1932: Littérature. éditions Originales. Livres Illustrés Impressions Du XVI. Histoire. Mémoires. Bibliographie. Gastronomie. Gothiques. Auteurs Grecs Et Latins en éditions Anciennes.
55202: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 246/1932: Littérature. éditions Originales. Livres Illustrés. Livres Anciens Rares Et Curieux. . Histoire. Mémoires. Bibliographie. Gastronomie.
55204: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 252/1933: Littérature. éditions Originales. Livres Illustrés. Livres Anciens Rares Et Curieux. . Histoire. Mémoires. Bibliographie. Gastronomie.
55205: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 254/1933: Bon Et Beaux Livres a Prix Exceptionnels.
55206: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 255/1933: Bons Et Beaux Livres a Prix Exceptionnels.
55207: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 256/1933: I. Livres Anciens Et Modernes en Tous Genres. II. Bibliographie Et Bibliophilie: Reproductions de Miniatures, Ouvrages Sur L'Imprimerie Et la Reliure. Catalogues de Bibliothèques CéLèbres.
55208: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 257/1933: I. Livres Anciens Et Modernes en Tous Genres. II. Beaus Arts.
55209: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 258/1933: Bons Et Beaux Livres a Prix Exceptionnels.
55210: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 259/1934: Beaux Livres Modernes Et Anciens.
55211: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 260/1934: Voyages Anciens Et Modernes.
55212: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 261/1934: Bons Et Beaux Livres a Prix Exceptionnels.
55213: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 264/1934: Bons Et Beaux Livres a Prix Exceptionnels.
55214: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 267/1935: Bons Et Beaux Livres a Prix Exceptionnels.
55215: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 268/1935: Bons Et Beaux Livres a Prix Exceptionnels.
55216: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 286/1938: Voyages Anciens Et Modernes.
32461: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 210/Décembre 1927: Beaux Livres Anciens Et Modernes.
60127: NOURRY, EMILE /J.THIÉBAUD - PARIS - Catalogue No. 273/Avril 1936: Livres Anciens Et Modernes
60128: NOURRY, EMILE /J.THIÉBAUD - PARIS - Catalogue No. 274/Juin 1936: Livres Anciens Et Modernes
60129: NOURRY, EMILE /J.THIÉBAUD - PARIS - Catalogue No. 276/Octobre 1936: Livres Anciens Et Modernes
60131: NOURRY, EMILE /J.THIÉBAUD - PARIS - Catalogue No. 280/Avril 1937: Livres Anciens Et Modernes, Albums Romantiques Et Autres, Armes Et Armures, Bibliographie Et Bibliophilie, Bretagne,Cartonnages Romantiques Illustrés, Céramique,Champagne,Danse Des Morts, Dentelles Et Broderies, Gastronomie...
60132: NOURRY, EMILE /J.THIÉBAUD - PARIS - Catalogue No. 281/Mai 1937: Livres Anciens Et Modernes
60133: NOURRY, EMILE /J.THIÉBAUD - PARIS - Catalogue No. 283/Juillet 1937: Livres Anciens Et Modernes
60134: NOURRY, EMILE /J.THIÉBAUD - PARIS - Catalogue No. 285/Novembre 1937: Livres Anciens Et Modernes, Costumes en Couleurs,Musique Et Musicien,Napoléon,...
69841: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 206/1927: Bulletin Mensuel de Livres D'Occasion Anciens Et Modernes.
69842: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Catalogue 251/1933: Le Bibliophile Français: Bulletin Mensuel.
73419: NOURRY, ÉMILE - PARIS. - Vente 20-22 Mars 1923 : éditions Originales Des Auteurs Contemporains, la Plupart en Grand Papier, Livres Modernes Illustrés Provenant de la Bibliothèque D'Un Amateur.
73682: NOVOTNY, FRITZ - Zu Einer 'Kopie' Von Cézanne Nach Ostade.
19452: ANTIQUARIAAT M. EDELMANN - NÜRNBERG. - Catalogue 75/172: Reformationsdrucke, Von Den Anfängen Luthers Bis Zum Ende Des 16. Jahrhunderts.
66156: E R KINSTER NÜRNBERG - Katalog 97/N.D. Literature Illutrierte Bücher Literatur- Und Sprachwissenschaft
19659: NUSSER, URSULA - MÜNCHEN. - Catalogue84/1986: Moderne Kunst, Kunstliteratur.
53886: DRUKKERIJ ROSBEEK - NUTH. - Greens Borders.
17491: DRUKKERIJ ROSBEEK - NUTH. - Ter Gelegenheid Van de 1393e Verjaardag Van de Sint Servaaskerk.
56141: NYE, BILL. - Suggestions for a School of Journalism, As Found in Bill Nye and Boomerang, or, the Tale of a Meek-Eyed Mule, and Some Other Literary Gems, Chicago; Belford, Clarke, and Col, 1881.
18483: NYPELS, C. - Blad, Boek & Band.
69413: NYPELS, C. - Blad, Boek & Band.
70103: NYPELS, C. - Over Typografie
66767: OAK KNOLL BOOKS & PRISCILLA JUVELIS, INC - Catalogue, January 2001, Contemporary Private Press & Artists' Books , 1980-2000.
53252: ARCHAEOLOGIA - OAKLAND. - Catalogue No Nr. /Summer 1990: The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome, the America's, the Far East.
53636: ARCHAEOLOGIA - OAKLAND. - Catalogue No Nr. /Summer 1986: The Archaeology of Egypt, the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome.
75765: ARCHAEOLOGIA - OAKLAND. - Catalogue No Nr. / Fall 1991: The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome, the America's.
75766: ARCHAEOLOGIA - OAKLAND. - Catalogue No Nr. / Fall 1995: Luxor. The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome, the America's.
76060: B&L ROOTENBERG - SHERMAN OAKS - Catalogue Nine/1997 : Fine Books in Science and Medicine
10490: OATES, J.C.T. - A Catalogue of the Fifteenth Century Printed Books in the University Library of Cambridge.
71342: OATES, J.C.T. & H.L. PINK - Three Sixteenth-Century Catalogues of the University Library
71343: OATES, J.C.T. - Cambridge Books of Congratulatory Verses, 1603-1640, and Their Binders.
81663: OBBEMA, P. - De Middeleeuwen in Handen. Over de Boekcultuur in de Late Middeleeuwen.
53585: OBEDEIJN, H.; H. KRAMP; M. FABER; J. V. LIESHOUT & - De Wellustige Streling Van Kamerbrede Behaaglijkheid. Over Reclame en Taal.
56922: OBERLÉ, GÉRARD. - Catalogue 24/C. 1990 :
2844: OBERLÉ, GÉRARD. - "la Bibliothèque Bleue". Belle Collection de Livres de Colportage Du XVII Au Xixe S. Almanachs, Romans de Chevalerie, Bandits, Saints Et Patrons, Facéties, Types, Pedagogie, Livrets en Caracteres de Civilité, Diableries Et Nombreux Autres Sujets Plaisants
76679: OBERLE, GERARD CHEZ - CERCY LA TOUR - Catalogue 23/Mai 1988: Beaux Livres Anciens. Incunables, Livres Du Xvie Siècle. Livres Des Xviie Et Xviiie Siècles. Important Ensemble de Voyages, Antilles, Esclavage, Etc... Gastronomie, Vin, Botanique, Sciences, ésotérisme, Livres Romantiques Et Modernes
53861: BRUNNARIUS KARL - UETZE-OBERSHAGEN. - Catalogue 35/ N.D. : Konvolute Stadtansichten Und Berufe.
56281: BRUNNARIUS KARL - UETZE-OBERSHAGEN. - Catalogue 28/N.D. : Alte Stadtansichten Dekorative Graphik
56283: BRUNNARIUS KARL - UETZE-OBERSHAGEN. - Catalogue 27/N.D. : Alte Stadtansichten Dekorative Graphik
56284: BRUNNARIUS KARL - UETZE-OBERSHAGEN. - Catalogue 24/N.D. : Alte Stadtansichten Dekorative Graphik
60921: OETKER, RUDOLF HALLE - Bielefeld '72. 11. -14. Mai 1972: Landesverbands-Postwertzeichenausstellung IM Rang II Mit Internationaler Beteiligung
66949: OFENBACHER, EMIL - List 17, Winter 1964-65, Medicine and Science Incl Three Optical Classics : Gregory. Optica Promota. 1663 / Newton. Opticks. 1704 / Scheiner. Oculus. 1619
19434: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 28/1976: Rare Books in the History of Medicine and Chemistry.
19443: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 27/1975: Sources of Medicine and Science.
19446: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 33/1981: Medicine and Science. A Selection of Rare Books.
19447: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 31/1979: A Selection of Rare Books in the Fields of Science and Medicine.
19448: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 30/1978: Notable Books in the History of Medicine and Science.
52683: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 42/1990: A Selection of Rare Books on Medicine, Science and Technology.
53565: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 26/1974: 100 Books on Medicine & 100 Books on Science.
55219: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 36/1984: Rare and Significant Books on Medicine, Science and Technology.
55220: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 37/1985: Rare Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science.
55221: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 38/1986: Medicine and Science. A Selection of Rare Books.
55222: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 39/1987: Medicine,Science and Technology. A Selection of Rare Books on
55223: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 40/1988: Medicine,Science. A Selection of Rare Books on
55224: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 41/1989: Medicine, Science and Technology. A Selection of Rare Books.
69915: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 30/1978: Notable Books in the History of Medicine and Science.
69916: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 30/1978: Notable Books in the History of Medicine and Science.
69917: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 35/1983: Medicine and Science. A Selection of Rare Books.
69918: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 29/1977: Rara Scientifica Et Medica.
69919: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 28/1976: Rare Books in the History of Medicine and Chemistry.
71095: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 42/1990: A Selection of Rare Books on Medicine, Science and Technology.
71096: OFFENBACHER, EMIL - KEW GARDENS. - Catalogue 42/1990: A Selection of Rare Books on Medicine, Science and Technology.
61162: OFFENBERG, MARIO - Sozialismus Oder Zionismus? Die Palästinadiskussion in Den Beziehungen Zwischen Der Komintern Und Der Poalei-Zion-Organisation 1919-1922
71482: OFFENBERG, A.K. - Hoe Waterdicht Zijn Dateringen Met Watermerken?
70957: OFFERHAUS, J. (ED.). - 77 Geïllustreerde Boeken Uit Duitsland. Schenking Van Ulrich & Inge Von Kritten.
14798: OFFERHAUS, J. (ED.). - 77 Geïllustreerde Boeken Uit Duitsland. Schenking Van Ulrich & Inge Von Kritten.
71281: NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE - Printing in a Competitive World. Report of the Printing and Publishing Edc's Joint Mission to Printing Firms in Five Countries.
54287: OFFNER, ELLIOT. - Calligraphy & Printing at the Smith College Student Printing Office & the Rosemary Press. Notes for a Talk to the Wynkyn de Worde Society.
73822: TECHNISCHE FORUM "OFFSETDRUCK" - Verslag Vn de Technische Forums "Offsetdruck" in 1955-1956 Gehouden Te Rotterdam - Eindhoven - Utrecht - Amsterdam - Deventer - Groningen.
68051: VAKGROEP STEEN- EN OFFSETDRUK - Handleiding Op de Technische Normen/ Berekeningsvoorschrift Steen- en Offsetdrukwerk
6911: OGG, OSCAR. - Lettering As a Book Art.
78216: OHLY, KURT - WERNER KRIEG - Aus Der Welt Des Bibliothekars. Festschrift Für Rudolf Juchhoff Zum 65. Geburtstag.
57303: OLBRICH, WILHELM. - Karl W. Hiersemann. Antiquariat, Verlag, Exportsortiment. Geschichte Und Arbeitsgebiete Der Firma.
58231: OLDENBOURG). - Werden Und Wesen Des Hauses R. Oldenbourg München. Ein Geschichtlicher ûberblick 1858-1958.
81755: OLDEWARRIS, HANS. - H. Th. Wijdeveld. Art Deco-Ontwerpen Op Papier / Art Deco Design on Paper.
12295: OLDHAM, J. BASIL. - English Blind-Stamped Bindings.
54565: OLDHAM, J. BASIL. - Shrewsbury School Library.
80645: OLIVIER, PHILIPPE - Bibliographie Des Travaux Relatifs Aux Relations entre la France Et Les Etats-Unis.
5527: OLLIGS, HEINRICH (ED). - Tapeten. Ihre Geschichte Bis Zur Gegenwart.
43182: OLMER, GEORGES. - Du Papier Méchanique Et de Ses Apprêts Dans Les Diverses Impressions.
80697: OLMER, GEORGES. - Du Papier Méchanique Et de Ses Apprêts Dans Les Diverses Impressions.
57165: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 128/C. 1957 : Cento Libri Desiderabili.
57166: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 169/N.D. : Science Antiche.
10808: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Livres à Figures Des XV Et XVI S: Italie. = Incomplete Part V/1923 of the Complete Set of Five.
56920: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue. 1 (New Serie)
27580: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 151/N.D. : Venezia E IL Veneto.
27720: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 138/1960: Status Constitutiones Lois D'Italie.
28510: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 143/1967: Lettere Di Diversi Noblissimi, Huomini, Et Eccellentissimi Igegni, Scritte in Diuerse Materie.
52006: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 127/N.D. : Quattro Centurie Di Libri Rari Curiosi Istruttivi.
51693: OLSCHKI, LUCIGNANO. - Catalogue 171/N.D. : Travels: Ways and Means.
53112: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 153/N.D. : A Century of Books 1500-1600.
15134: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 149/1971: Scienze Antiche.
14618: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 154/N.D. : Scienze Antiche.
15509: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 145/N.D. : Scienze Antiche.
15753: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 141/N.D. : Theatre Italien Du Xvie Au Xixe Siecle.
53883: OLSCHKI, LUCIGNANO. - Catalogue 60/N.D. : A Small Choice of Books.
6184: OLSCHKI, LUCIGNANO. - Catalogue 157 I, II, III, IV (1976): Theology.
56087: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 142/N.D. : One Hundred Books from the Stock of Leo S. Olschki Bookseller.
5768: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 72/(1909): Liturgie.
17685: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 71/ 1909: Incunabula Typographica.
57042: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 170/C. 1980 : Aliquid Omnibus IV.
60976: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - Catalogo 171/N. D: Travels: Ways and Means / Viaggi: Come E Dove
66839: OLSCHKI, LEO S. STUDIO BIBLIOGRAFICO - Catalogue 164, 212 Books on 51 Subjects
66840: OLSCHKI, LEO S. STUDIO BIBLIOGRAFICO - Catalogue 157, Theology, Part IV, Pla - Z.
66847: OLSCHKI, LEO S. STUDIO BIBLIOGRAFICO - Catalogo 156, Scelta Di 300 Libri Dal XVI Al XIX Secolo
66854: OLSCHKI, LEO S. STUDIO BIBLIOGRAFICO - Catalogue1, New Series, a Choice of Books
66861: OLSCHKI, LEO S. STUDIO BIBLIOGRAFICO - Catalogo 140, Libri Curiosi ( Astrologia / Erotica / Gastronomia / Incunaboli / Judaica / Medicina / Musica / Occulta / Scienze / Teatro / Toscana / Venezia )
70756: OLSCHKI, LUCIGNANO. - Catalogue 157 I, II, III, IV (1976): Theology.
70757: OLSCHKI, LUCIGNANO. - Catalogue 157 I, II, III, IV (1976): Theology.
70758: OLSCHKI, LUCIGNANO. - Catalogue 157 I, II, III, IV (1976): Theology.
67016: OLSCHKI, LEO S. STUDIO BIBLIOGRAFICO - Catalogo 147, Arte E Architettura
57043: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 147/1970 : Arte E Architettura.
80606: OLSCHKI, LEO S. - FLORENCE. - Catalogue 147/1970 : Arte E Architettura.
58252: OLTHETEN, T.H. - Raad en Daad. Een Antwoord Op Vragen Uit de Practijk Van Het Grafische Leven. Voorzien Van Een Register
68086: OLTHETEN, T.H. - Raad en Daad. Een Antwoord Op Vragen Uit de Practijk Van Het Grafische Leven. Voorzien Van Een Register
61023: OLTHETEN, TH.H. - Raad en Daad. 1953-54. Een Antwoord Op Vragen Uit de Practijk Van Het Grafische Leven Voorzien Van Een Register.
61031: OLTHETEN, TH.H. - Het Bedrijf en Zijn Mensen
2864: OMONT, H. - Catalogue Des Manuscrits Américains de la Bibliothèque Nationale.
70675: OMONT, H. - Catalogue Des Manuscrits Américains de la Bibliothèque Nationale.
79446: OMONT, H. - Recherches Sur la Bibliothèque de L' église Cathédrale de Beauvais. Extrait Des Mémoires de L'Académie Des Inscriptions Et Belles-Lettres, Tome XL.
80772: OMONT, H. - Catalogue Des Manuscrits Américains de la Bibliothèque Nationale.
80987: OMONT, H. - Un Premier Catalogue Des Manuscrits Grecs Du Cardinal Ridolfi.
71277: GRAFISCH ONDERWIJS - Grafish Onderwijs in Zwitserland. Rapport Van Een Studiereis Naar Zwitserland Van 5tot 14 September 1953
53376: ONKENHOUT, J.E. - HILVERSUM. - Letterproef.
73964: DRUKKERIJ ONKENHOUT - Grafisch Zakwoordenboekje.
24191: ONODERA, KEIJI & SONJA ARNTZEN. - Modern Japanese Calligraphy: Canadian Tour.
2871: OOMS, OFM, H. - Catalogue Des Incunables Du Collège Saint-Bonaventure de Quaracchi.
69595: OOMS, OFM, H. - Catalogue Des Incunables Du Collège Saint-Bonaventure de Quaracchi.
60878: OOSTERKAMP, J. EN HERM J. JACOBS - Beroepsmogelijkheden in Het Grafisch Bedrijf. Van Mameren's Beroepskeuze. B 3.
51726: OOSTERS ANTIQUARIUM, HET - LEIDEN - Catalogue 589/(1992): Asia General, Central Asia, India, Indochina, South East Asia, Tibet & Mongolia, China, Japan & Korea.
82036: OOSTROM, FRITS VAN. - De Waarde Van Het Boek.
55900: OOSTROM, FRITS VAN. - De Waarde Van Het Boek.
71661: OOSTROM, FRITS VAN. - De Waarde Van Het Boek.
80900: OOSTROM, FRITS VAN. - De Waarde Van Het Boek.
13431: ORCUTT, WILLIAM DANA - In Quest of the Perfect Book. Reminiscences & Reflections of a Bookman.
81603: ORCUTT, WILLIAM DANA - In Quest of the Perfect Book. Reminiscences & Reflections of a Bookman.
16963: ORCUTT, WILLIAM DANA - From My Library Walls, a Kaleidoscope of Memories.
8426: ORCUTT, REGINALD. - Merchant of Letters.
68479: ORIENT). - Orientalistik
65931: DAVIS & ORIOLI - List 6.N. D. Rare Books Part II L- Z
57486: LABORATOIRES SERVIER - ORLEANS. - Apocalypse & Book of Daniel.
54895: LEFEBVRE - ORLEANS. - Catalogue No Number, 3e Série/1989: Variétés Littéraires.
54896: LEFEBVRE - ORLEANS. - Catalogue No Number/N.D. : Livres Illustrés Du Xxe Siècle.
56406: LEFEBVRE - ORLEANS. - Catalogue Hors-Serie N6 /1989 : Choix de Livres Anciens Rares Et Curieux
56407: LEFEBVRE - ORLEANS. - Catalogue Hors-Serie N2 / 1987 : Livres Anciens Et Modernes
57582: ORNITHOLOGY). - Sale 24 February 1987: Ornithology. The Scholarly Library of Mr. François Haverschmidt. With an Appendix of Books and Periodicals in Other Fields of Natural History.
9307: OSBORN, MAX. - Der Holzschnitt.
24731: OSBORNE, LUCY EUGENIA. - A Short-Title List of the Books in the Chapin Library, Williams College.
15012: OSCHILEWSKI, W.G. - Der Buchdrucker. Brauch Und Gewohnheit in Alter Und Neuer Zeit.
24681: OSLEY, A.S. - Calligraphy and Palaeography. Essays Presented to Alfred Fairbank on His Seventieth Birthday.
33592: DAMMS ANTIKVARIAT - OSLO. - Catalogue 100/N.D. : Rare Books and Manuscripts from Ten Centuries. In Commemoration of the 125th Anniversary of Damms Antikvariat.
14782: DAMMS ANTIKVARIAT - OSLO. - Catalogue 90/1960: Incunabula, Atlases, History, First Editions.
68464: DAMMS ANTIKVARIAT - OSLO. - Catalogue 653, November 1998, Plate and Colour, Plate Books, 1595-1898
57150: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 396, Wertvolle Bücher, 1485-1750
56703: HARLINGHAUSEN - OSNABRUCK - Catalogue XVI/1977: Portratsverzeichnis Von Hessen.
56704: HARLINGHAUSEN - OSNABRUCK - Catalogue XXII/1983 : Verzeichnis Wertvoller Und Grossformatiger Porträts.
56769: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 216/N.D. : Varia.
56770: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 218/N.D. : Varia
56771: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 222/N.D. : Varia.
56772: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 219/N.D. : Varia
56774: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 224/N.D. : Varia.
56783: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 232/N.D. : Varia
56784: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 231/N.D. : Varia
57429: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 354/N.D. : Stadtansichten Und Landkarten.
57435: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 196/N.D. : Bibliographie. Buch- Und Schriftwesen. Bibliotheken, Buchhandel, Papierkunde.
57436: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 285/N.D. : Stadtansichten Und Dekorative Graphik.
57437: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 284/N.D. : Landkarten.
57438: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 330/N.D. : Stadtansichten Und Landkarten.
57439: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 324/N.D. : Stadtansichten Und Landkarten. Berufsdarstellungen.
57442: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 290/N.D. : Literatur, Kunst. Almanache, Illustrierte Bücher, Kinderbücher, Literaturwissenschaft, Buchwesen, Musik, Theater, Zeitschriften, Lexika.
19567: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 342/1987 (?): Literatur, Bibliographie, Sprache, Buch Und Schrift. L-Z.
20237: SCHÖNINGH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 114/1910: Deutschen Städte- U. Landesgeschichte.
53303: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Auktion 23. November 1988: Wertvolle Bücher, Graphik.
53304: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Auktion 18 Mai 1985: Wertvolle Bücher, Dekorative Graphik.
53305: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Auktion 29 November 1986: Wertvolle Bücher, Dekorative Graphik.
53306: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Auktion 24 Mai 1986: Wertvolle Bücher, Dekorative Graphik.
53307: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Auktion 17 November 1989: Wertvolle Bücher, Dekorative Graphik.
53308: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Auktion 23 November 1985: Wertvolle Bücher, Dekorative Graphik.
53398: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 205/N.D. : Varia. Geschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Kunst Und Architektur, Geographie Und Landeskunde, Literatur, Geisteswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaft Und Technik.
53456: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 200/N.D. : Varia. Geschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Kunst Und Architektur, Geographie Und Landeskunde, Literatur, Geisteswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaft Und Technik.
53524: SCHÖNINGH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 199/1921: Kunstwissenschaft, Galeriewerke, Illustrierte Bücher.
46522: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 359/N.D. : Philosophie, Psychologie, Kirchengeschichte.
54814: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 212/N.D. : Varia. Geschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Kunst Und Architektur, Geographie Und Landeskunde, Literatur, Geisteswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaft Und Technik.
54815: KRAEMER & HANSEN GMBH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 209/N.D. : Varia. Geschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Kunst Und Architektur, Geographie Und Landeskunde, Literatur, Geisteswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaft Und Technik.
55472: SCHÖNINGH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 245/1927: Literatur/Geschichte/Kunst/Philosophie/Freimaurerei/Okkultismus/Geheimwisse Nschaft/Judentum.
55473: SCHÖNINGH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 261/C. 1930: Saxonia Inferior. Niedersachsen.
57062: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 307/1983
65609: H. TH. WENNER OSNABRÜCK - Katalog 385 N.D. Wertvolle Alte Bücher
69623: WENNER - OSNABRÜCK.H.TH. - Catalogue 342/1987 (?): Literatur, Bibliographie, Sprache, Buch Und Schrift. L-Z.
20234: SCHÖNINGH - OSNABRÜCK. - Catalogue 361/1951: Deutsche Orts- Und Landesgeschichte.
18355: LUDWIG & MAYER - FRANKFURT AM MAIN-OST. - Jost Mediaeval Antiqua Und Kursiv.
18356: LUDWIG & MAYER - FRANKFURT AM MAIN-OST. - Lautenbach - Kursiv. Eine Schwungvolle Zirkular- Und Akzidenzschrift Gezeichnet Von Eduard Lautenbach.
67211: OSTENDERHOFF, ANTIQUARIAT - Katalog 223: Genealogie, Heraldik, Urkundenbücher, Chroniken, Landes Und Ortsgeschichte.
75426: THULINS ANTIKVARIAT AB - ÖSTERBYMO - Catalogue 316/N.D. : The Nineteenth Century Part I Continental ; Part II Nordic
75944: THULLINS - ÓSTERBYMO - Bulletin on Travels and Local History.
78019: OSTERMANN, THEODOR - Bibliographie Der Schriften Karl Vosslers 1897-1951. Sitzungsberichte Der Bayerischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Jahrgang 1950, Heft 11.
52689: PARITÄTISCHEN KOMMISSION DER BUCHBINDER ÖSTERREICH. - Einheitlicher Stücktarif Für Buchbinder-Arbeiten.
76303: VERBAND DER ANTIQUARE ÖSTERREICHS. - 17. Internationale Antiquariatsmesse Wien 1998, Hofburg 9. -11. Oktober 1998 / 17th Internationale Antiquarian Book Fair / 17e Foire Internationale Du Livre Ancien.
71467: OTEGEM, MATTHIJS VAN - Het Boek Van Meester Jacobus Boschman
55225: OTTERLOO, ANTIQUARIAAT VAN - DOORN. - Catalogue 3 and 4/N.D. : 3: De Wereld Van Het Boek in Negen en Veertig Kleine Hoofdstukken. 4: A. Boeken Uit de Bibliotheek Van S. Hartz. B. Boeken Door Hem Gedrukt, Verzorgd, Geillustreerd of Geschreven en Boeken over Hem.
55817: OTTILLINGER, EVA B. - Korbmöbel.
52374: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 393/1923: Ostasien. China. Mandschurei, Mongolei, Tibet, Japan Und Korea, Indochina, Indonesien Und Ozeanien.
54670: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 229/1898: Indochinesiche, Ostasiatische Und Polynesich-Malayische Se Prachen.
54671: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 259/1901: Chinesiche, Indochinesische, Ostasiatische Und Polynesisch-Malayische Sprachen Und Völker.
54674: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 346/1912: Europäische Zeitperioden. Geschichte, Nach Geordnet.
54675: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 349/1912: Deutsche Altertumskunde Und Kulturgeschichte. Deutsche Sprache Und Literatur Bis Zum Ausgange Des Mittelalters.
54676: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 351/1912: Europäische Länder- Und Ortsgeschichte.
54677: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 357/1913: Ozeanien. Polynesien. Australien. Völker Und Sprachen.
54679: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 372/1916: Deutsche Geschichte Mit Besondere Berücksichtigung Der Kulturgeschichte Einschliesslich Der Nichtslavischen Länder Von Oesterreich-Ungarn.
54680: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 442/1932: Ozeanien. Indonesien, Melanesien, Polynesien, Australien, Philipinen.
54681: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 474/C. 1939: Bibliothek Theodor Wiegand. Teil II: Orientalische Kunst.
54682: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 488/1954: Das Alte ägypten. Papyruskunde Und Koptologie.
58682: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 409/1927: Südosteuropa in Alter Und Neuer Zeit. Geschichte Und Kultur Der Donau- Und Balkanländer. Byzanz Griechenland Und Die Levante
68797: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 260/1901, Aegyptologie Sprache Und Gescichte Koptisch, Dr. Victor Von Strauss U. Torney
71406: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 344/1911: Celtica. Allgemeine Und Vermischtes Zur Geschichte Und Volkskunde Der Kelten. Keltische Literatur Und Sprachen. Anglonormannisch.
71407: HARRASSOWITZ - LEIPZIG.OTTO - Catalogue 344/1911: Celtica. Allgemeine Und Vermischtes Zur Geschichte Und Volkskunde Der Kelten. Keltische Literatur Und Sprachen. Anglonormannisch.
56286: OUDE BOEK, HET - NIJMEGEN - Cat 24-25-26-27-28-29-30-34-35-36/N.D. : ''Buitenlandsche Letterkunde, Kunst en Cultuur Tot 1600, Nederlandsche Geschiendenis en Plaatsberschrijving'', ''Varia (Zie Het Register Aan Het Eind)'', '' Teologie. Philosophie. Letterkunde. Diversen'', '' Theologi
33581: DE OUDE LIBRIJE,KOOLEMANS, C. - AMSTERDAM. - Catalogue 12/N.D. : Old Books & Drawings.
65707: DE OUDEIBRIJE, ANTIQUARIAAT - Catalogus 26, Oktober 1961, Archeology & Ethnology, Botany & Biology, Classics, Dutch Books, Elzevir Press, Emblems, Genealogy, General History, Ecclesiastical History, Law, Linguistics, Medicine & Chemistry...
56444: OUSPENSKI, MIKHAÏL. - Cent Aspects D'Edo. Série D'Estampes par andô Hiroshige.
2886: OUTHUYS, G. - Geschiedkundig Verslag Der Voornaamste Uitgaven Van de Biblia Polyglotta, Gedeeltelijk Uit Het Fransch Vertaald en Met Bijvoegselen en Aanteekeningen Vermeerderd.
56011: OVENELL, R.F. - Brian Twyne's Library.
72183: ALFABETHISCH OVERZICHT - Catalogus: Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge.
43542: OVINK, G.W. - Kastanjes Uit Het Vuur. Inventie en Innovatie in de Grafische Technieken.
14383: OVINK, G.W. - De Ontembare Lettergieter.
2890: OVINK, PROF. DR. G.W.(ED.) - Anderhalve Eeuw Boektypografie 1815-1965.
52957: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
58408: OVINK, G.W. - Jan Van Krimpen(Gouda, 12 Februari 1892-Haarlem, 20 October 1958)
70604: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70605: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70608: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70609: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70610: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70612: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70613: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70616: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70617: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70618: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70619: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70620: OVINK, G.W. - Fashion in Type Design.
70629: OVINK, G.W. - Revivals of Fifteenth-Century Typefaces. An Annotated Inventory.
70632: OVINK, G.W. - Revivals of Fifteenth-Century Typefaces. An Annotated Inventory.
71002: OVINK, G.W. & H. FRIEDLÄNDER. - Die Gesinning Des Typographen. Laudatio Anlässlich Der Verleihung Des Gutenberg-Preises 1971 Der Stadt Mainz Am 21. Juni 1971 an Herni Friedlaender (Ovink). & Dankwort. (Friedländer).
73533: OVINK, G.W. - Honderd Jaren Lettergieterij in Amsterdam 1851-1951.
73067: OVINK, G.W. - De Hachelijkheid Van Toekomstspeculaties over Het Gedrukte Woord.
73068: OVINK, G.W. - Proost Prikkels No. 233/10 Februari 1959 : G.W. Ovink, de Industrie Van Het Boek.
73532: OVINK, PROF. DR. G.W.(ED.) - Anderhalve Eeuw Boektypografie 1815-1965.
73852: OVINK, G.WILLEM - From Fournier to Metric, and from Lead to Film.
73863: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73854: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73856: OVINK, G.WILLEM - The Rise and Fall of Th (Dutch) Exlibris.
73857: OVINK, G.WILLEM - The Rise and Fall of Th (Dutch) Exlibris.
73858: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73859: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73860: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73861: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73862: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73866: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73868: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73869: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73870: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73871: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73872: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73873: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - III.
73874: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73876: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73877: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73878: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73879: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73880: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73881: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73882: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73883: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73884: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73885: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73886: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Book Reviews. Two Books on Stanley Morison. How to Retain the Qualities of Handwork in Mechanical Production.
73890: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - I. Introduction, Caslon, Old Style, Old Style Antique.
73893: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - II.
73894: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - II.
73896: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - II.
73897: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - II.
73898: OVINK, G.WILLEM - Nineteenth-Century Reactions Against the Didone Type Model - II.
81706: OVINK, PROF. DR. G.W.(ED.) - Anderhalve Eeuw Boektypografie 1815-1965.
17743: OVINK, G.W. - Het Aanzien Van de Eeuw, de Periode 1856-1956 Weerspiegeld in 950 Illustraties Uit de Voornaamste Nederlandse Familiebladen, Uitgekozen en Ingeleid Door ---.
80215: OVINK, G.W. - De Hachelijkheid Van Toekomstspeculaties over Het Gedrukte Woord.
80789: OVINK, G.W. - Honderd Jaren Lettergieterij in Amsterdam 1851-1951.
6917: OWENS, L.T. - J.H. Mason 1875-1951, Scholar-Printer.
56459: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue A1142/1979: Antiquarian Science and Medicine
19281: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue No. No/1988: Children's Literature.
18645: DOLPHIN BOOK CO. - OXFORD. - Catalogue 41/1962: Latin America and the Philipines.
19736: HANBOROUGH BOOKS - OXFORD. - Catalogue 16/1983: Illustrated Books.
21043: HANBOROUGH BOOKS - OXFORD. - Catalogue No. 12/1981: Illustrated Books.
21044: HANBOROUGH BOOKS - OXFORD. - Catalogue No Nr. /N. D: 20th Century Illustrated Books.
21514: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 71/N.D. : Rare, Unusual & Standard Books on Many Subjects in Spanish & Portuguese Including Books Concerning Spain & Portugal and Their Overseas Possessions in Other Languages.
20972: HANBOROUGH BOOKS - OXFORD. - Catalogue No 21/N.D. : 20th Century Illustrated Books.
53262: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 74/N.D. : History, Travel, Literature & Languages Concerning North America, Australasia, Africa, Palestine, Israel in English & Other Languages.
22801: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue A40/1928: Bibliography and Allied Subjects.
54221: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue 567/(1951): Middle and Near East.
53803: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue 454/1939/40: Topography. Great Britain & Ireland Incl. Histories of Counties, Towns and Villages, Family Histories, Parish Registers, Visitations, Natural History, Dialects Etc. Etc.
53804: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue 604/C. 1955: Islamica.
53805: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue 779/1964: Bibliography. Palaeography.
55285: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue VI/1946: Rare Books.
55287: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 24/C. 1950: Bibliography.
55289: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 45/N.D. : Varia. Important Standard Works, First Editions, Etc.
55291: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 53/C. 1958: Varia.
55292: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 66/N.D. : Rare, Unusual & Standard Books on Many Subjects.
55293: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 67/N.D. : Judaica & Hebraica.
55294: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 68/N.D. : Rare, Unusual & Standard Books on Many Subjects.
55295: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 73/N.D. : Rare, Unusual & Standard Books on Many Subjects.
55286: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 20/1950: A Selection of Five Hundred Rare Books & Manuscripts.
55290: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 50/(1957): Choice & Important Books & Manuscripts with an Appendix of Bibliogtaphies and Other Refence Works for Libraries & Scolars.
55296: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 75/(1969): Rare & Unusual Books & Manuscripts. Many in Fine Bindings from French, Spanish and Portugese Royal Libraries.
56304: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue B105/N.D. : Part I, Children's Literature ; Part II, Miniatures & Near-Miniatures
18445: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue A1077, 21 March 1977: On Art Architecture & Bibliography, with a Selection of Books on the Performing Arts.
65283: PARKERS OF OXFORD - Catalogue Nr 272 History: Philosophy of History, General and World History, Military and Naval History, British History the Commonwealth, Europe, the Americas, Australasia and the Pacific
81103: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 71/N.D. : Rare, Unusual & Standard Books on Many Subjects in Spanish & Portuguese Including Books Concerning Spain & Portugal and Their Overseas Possessions in Other Languages.
72199: HYDE FARM HOUSE - OXFORD - Prospectus: Curent & Forthcoming Books 1998-1999: The Alembic Press, Books About Books, Typography, Paper and Printing History, Miniature Books and Standard Size.
75206: WATERFIELD'S - OXFORD - Catalogue 173/1998 : Classics and Ancient History.
75246: WATERFIELD'S - OXFORD - Catalogue 187/2001 : Pamphlet 1645-1900.
75416: WATERFIELD'S - OXFORD - N.D. : Recent Acquisitions: An Antiquarian Miscellany
76547: WATERFIELD'S - OXFORD - Catalogue 201/2003 : 17th and 18th Century Books.
76548: WATERFIELD'S - OXFORD - Catalogue 198/2003 : Literature and History.
76621: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue B115/N.D. : Antiquarian and Modern Books.
76665: WATERFIELD'S - OXFORD - Catalogue 204/2003 : History. Ancient, Medieval and Modern. Books from Hodgkin Family Library.
76780: WATERFIELD'S - OXFORD - Catalogue 202/2003 : 19th Century Books. British and Foreign Topography, Science and Natural History, Theology and Philosophy, History, Literature and Arts.
76782: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue B114/N.D. : Antiquarian and Modern Books.
77272: TITLES OF OXFORD - Catalogue No. 64/N.D. : Books in the History of Science Antiquarian and Secondhand Incl. Books by Abney, Accum, Bradley, Darwin, Dirac, Einstein, Glanvill, Hutton, Huxley, Lalande, Richard Mead, Dr. Pitcairn, Rutherford, Napier Shaw, Svedberg, Tyndall,...
77881: WATERFIELD'S - OXFORD - Catalogue181/N.D. (2000): The Grove 18 Th & 19th Century Books.
78061: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue A97/1989: Fyfield Miscellany No. 10. Architecture, Art, Archaeology, Classics, History, the Sciences...
79123: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 52/N.D. : Juadica & Hebraica.
79124: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 47/N.D. : History of the Jews.
79125: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 51/N.D. : Rare and Unusual Books. Anglo-Judaica. Palestine - Israel - Zionism.
79126: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 14/1949 : Bible, Hebrew Studies and Rabbinics (1816-1948) from the Library of the Late Chief Rabbi Dr. A. Büchler and Other Well-Known Scholars Incl. Biblical, Archaeology, Grammars, Karaitica, Liturgica, Samaritan Literature... .
79128: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 77/N.D. : Palestine Zionism Israel. A Collection of Rare and Standard Books in Many Languages from 1684 to 1969.
79129: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 76/N.D. : An Important Collection of Books on History of the Jews in Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe in Many Languages.
79130: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 78/N.D. : Judaica & Hebraica.
79132: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 63/N.D. : Palestine Zionism Israel. Books from the Libraries of Judge Neville Laski, the Late Israel Cohen and Others.
79133: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 62/N.D. : Rare, Unusual and Standard Books on Many Subjects.
79139: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 57/N.D. : The Jews in France. Judaica & Hebraica.
79140: ROSENTHAL A. - OXFORD - Catalogue 55/N.D. : Reference and Standard Books.
53802: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue 580/C. 1950: Far East. China, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, Himalaya.
79855: BLACKWELL'S - OXFORD. - Catalogue A1/1979: A Centenary Catalogue of Antiquarian and Rare Modern Books.
12692: OZALID, COMP. LTD. - Catalogue of Equipment and Materials.
55236: PABST, MICHAEL - VIENNA. - Catalogue 4/N.D. : Bücher Und Zeitschriften Des XX. Jahrhunderts.
19393: PÄCHT, OTTO. - The Master of Mary of Burgundy.
28641: PÄCHT, OTTO. - Buchmalerei Des Mittelalters. Eine Einführung.
79985: CEDAM - PADOVA - Recentissime No. 3 (Maagio-Giugno) 1991
45142: PAGAN, HUGH LTD. - RICHMOND. - Catalogue 4/N.D. : Architecture.
52465: PAGAN, HUGH LTD. - RICHMOND. - Catalogue 10/(1991): The City of Rome. With Some Related Books on Italian Architecture and Travel.
22760: PAGAN, HUGH LTD. - RICHMOND. - Catalogue 12 (1991)/13 (1992)/17 (1993): Architecture.
46382: PAGAN, HUGH LTD. - RICHMOND. - Catalogue 8/1990: Architecture.
26066: PAGAN, HUGH LTD. - RICHMOND. - Catalogue 14/1992: Architecture and the Allied Arts.
67001: PAGAN, HUGH LIMITED - Catalogue 3, Architecture and the Fine Arts
67002: PAGAN, HUGH LIMITED - Catalogue 16, Architecture with Some Books on Landscape Art
67043: PAGAN, HUGH LIMITED - Catalogue 5, Architecture and Architectural Periodicals
67047: PAGAN, HUGH LIMITED - Catalogue 15, Architecture and the Allied Arts
74983: PAGAN, HUGH LIMITED - Catalogue 41/2001: Architecture.
75245: PAGAN, HUGH LIMITED - Catalogue 42/2002: Architecture.
76803: PAGAN, HUGH LIMITED - Catalogue 43/2002: Architecture Incl. Perspective and Thetre Design.
6921: PAGANY, HEINRICH. - Der Mehrfarbenbuchdruck. Eine Praktische Anleitung.
16849: PAGE, WALTER H. - A Publisher's Confession.
81931: PAGNIER, CH. & CH. WALTER-JAY. - Traité Pratique de Dorure Et de Mosaique Sur Cuirs à L'Usage Des Amateurs. Application à la Décoration Du Livre Et de la Maroquinerie.
79563: PAINE, BRIAN - Some Thoughts on English Book Design Today.
73640: PAL, PRATAPADITYA - The Lord of the Tent in Tebetan Paintings.
65112: PALAIS DES BEAUX-ARTS , BRUXELLES - Vente Des 25 26 Et 27 Janvier 1951 Bibliotheque Du Baron L. De Crassier Seconde Partie Beaux Livres Et Gravures D'Autres Provenances
60073: PALAIS DES BEAUX- ARTS, BRUXELLES - Vente 10 Et 11 Octobre 1947 Bibliotheque Du Baron de Brouwer, Premiere Partie
65315: PALAIS DES PAPES, AVIGNON - Vente Du 25 Avril 1987 de Livres Et Dessins - Art Nouveau - Art Deco Et Moderne: Barbier, Schwabe, Laurens, Steilen, Van de Velde, Burne-Jones,... Chagall: Le Plafond de L'Opéra de Paris. Exemplaire Enrichi D'Un Dessin Original en Couleurs
72627: PALAIS DES BEAUX- ARTS, BRUXELLES - Vente 10 Et 11 Octobre 1947 Bibliotheque Du Baron de Brouwer, Premiere Partie
65326: CAPPOLINI PALAZZO - 19 Giugno 1981 Catalogo Di Libri Pregiati
60056: PALEXPO, GENEVE - Vente 15 Et 16 Mai 1987 Livres Anciens Romantiques Et Fin de Siecle Architecture Atlas Incunables
80507: PALLIER, DENIS - La Fin de la Succursale Plantinienne de Paris (1577): Emmanuel Richard, Facteur de Plantin
81133: PALMER, RICHARD & MICHELLE P. BROWN. - Lambeth Palace Library. Treasures from the Collection of the Archbishops of Canterbury.
31570: PALMSTIERA, CARL-FREDERICK & WILLY STILLERT. - Kungens Böcker. Ett Reportage Om Gustav VI Adolfs Privata Bibliothek.
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69993: PANDORA). - Schriften Für Lebendige ûberlieferung No. 4/1946: Sprache Und Schrift.
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11055: ART-PAPER. - Exh. Cat. Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, 1987.
11455: PAPER). - Die Farbstoffe in Der Paperinduststrie.
10977: PAPER). - The Pulp and Paper Industry in the U.S. A. A Report by a Mission of European Experts.
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25742: ARCHIV FÜR DRUCK UND PAPIER. - Internationaler Fachzeitschrift.
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