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Title: John Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy.
Description: New York, Charles Scribner"s Sons, 1903 2 volumes in-8, 328 et 379 pp., 6 planches hors-texte, demi-basane bleue à coins, dos à nerfs ornés, têtes dorées. (coins et coiffes émoussés, une charnière légèrement fendue, manque pièces de titre) The biography of John Paul Jones is also the biography of the founding of America"s Navy, the American Revolutionary War, and the events of the time period. A well written biography and history of America. Half leather binding, corners and spine-ends torn outs, spine labels missing


Price: EUR 60.00 = appr. US$ 65.21 Seller: Librairie Millescamps
- Book number: 378