Author: FRIEDLAND (SUSAN R.). Title: Vegetables - Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2008.
Description: Totnes, Prospect Books, 2009 in-8, 237 pp., broché In this continuing series, the topic of vegetables embraces a wide range of pieces from English, American and overseas scholars. Their treatments encompass both a broader consideration of the vegetable diet and the history of the cultivation and consumption of specific varieties. Cookery and consumption are not highlighted at the expense of cultivation, so there are some interesting essays on allotments, market gardening in the Paris region, early-modern vegetable gardening in England and the development of markets in India. The theme has been treated with admirable latitude in contributions on vegetables and diplomacy, vegetable carving, and vegertables in Renaissance art
Price: EUR 20.00 = appr. US$ 21.74 Seller: Librairie Millescamps
- Book number: 975