Author: COLLECTIF, GORDON W HEWES, A E MOURANT, LORAND B SZALAY, BELA C MADAY, OTHERS Title: Current Anthropology, a World Journal of the Sciences of Man, Vol 14, N° 1-2, February-April 1973.
Description: The University of Chicago Press, 1973. Contains : Primate Comunication and the Gestural Origin of Language, by Gordon W. Hewes, with C.A. comment (20 p.). Did the Australopithecines Sing ?, by Frank B. Livingstone (5 p.). The Evolution of of Brain Size, Speech, and Psychosexual Development, by A. E. Mourant (3 p.). Verbal Associations in the analysis of subjective culture, by Lorand B. Szalay and Bela C. Maday, with C.A. comment (18 p.). On the quality of evidence for origin and dispersal of cultivated plants, by Jack R. Harlan and J. M. J. de Wet, with C. A. comment (14 p.). Published portraits of anthropologists and workers in allied fields, bye Margaret E. Kenna and John C. Kenna (20 p.)... 1 volume small 4°, 172 p., paperback. Good condition. (freight for the USA & Australia : 2,5 euros) ¶ The University of Chicago Press, 1973. Contains : Primate Comunication and the Gestural Origin of Language, by Gordon W. Hewes, with C.A. comment (20 p.). Did the Australopithecines Sing ?, by Frank B. Livingstone (5 p.). The Evolution of of Brain Size, Speech, and Psychosexual Development, by A. E. Mourant (3 p.). Verbal Associations in the analysis of subjective culture, by Lorand B. Szalay and Bela C. Maday, with C.A. comment (18 p.). On the quality of evidence for origin and dispersal of cultivated plants, by Jack R. Harlan and J. M. J. de Wet, with C. A. comment (14 p.). Published portraits of anthropologists and workers in allied fields, bye Margaret E. Kenna and John C. Kenna (20 p.)... 1 volume small 4°, 172 p., paperback. Good condition. (freight for the USA & Australia : 2,5 euros)
Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 169829