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Author: COLLECTF, DAVID G MANDELBAUM, ROBERT A HAHN, PATRICIA H FLEMING, SCOTT S ROBINSON, FREDERIC ENGEL, SCOTT S ROBINSON, OTHERS Title: Current Anthropology, a World Journal of the Sciences of Man, Vol 14, N° 3, June 1973.
Description: The University of Chicago Press, 1973. Contains : The Study of Life History : Gandhi, by David G. Mandelbaum ( 40 p., with C. A. comment). The Politics of Marriage among non-Catholic European Royalty, by Patricia H. Fleming (20 p., with C. A. comment). The Declaration of Barbados : For the Liberation of the Indians, by Scott S. Robinson (4 p.). Investigation of an Early Neolithic Community in Poland, by Sarunas Zivanovic (4 p.)... others. 1 volume small 4°, page 173 to 332, paperback. Good condition. (freight for the USA & Australia : 2,5 euros ¶ The University of Chicago Press, 1973. Contains : The Study of Life History : Gandhi, by David G. Mandelbaum ( 40 p., with C. A. comment). The Politics of Marriage among non-Catholic European Royalty, by Patricia H. Fleming (20 p., with C. A. comment). The Declaration of Barbados : For the Liberation of the Indians, by Scott S. Robinson (4 p.). Investigation of an Early Neolithic Community in Poland, by Sarunas Zivanovic (4 p.)... others. 1 volume small 4°, page 173 to 332, paperback. Good condition. (freight for the USA & Australia : 2,5 euros
Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 169833