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Title: The Ecumenical Review, Volume I, N° 1, Autumn 1948 . Contains : New Beginning, by Yngve Brilioth (7 p.). The Unity of Christendom in the Strife between East and West, by Nicholas Berdyaev (14 p.). The Church, Russia and the West, by Martin Wight (21 p.). Lost Unity ?, by Ernst Wolf (11 p.)...
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1948. Contains also : The American Churches in the Ecumenical Situation, by John C. Bennett (8 p.). The Asian Scene, by Stephen C. Neill (9 p.). Forerunners of the World Council (15 p.).... 1 vol in-8, page 121 pages, broché. Bon à très bon état. Good condition. ¶ The Ecumenical Review, Volume I, N° 1, Autumn 1948 . Contains : New Beginning, by Yngve Brilioth (7 p.). The Unity of Christendom in the Strife between East and West, by Nicholas Berdyaev (14 p.). The Church, Russia and the West, by Martin Wight (21 p.). Lost Unity ?, by Ernst Wolf (11 p.)...


Price: EUR 16.00 = appr. US$ 17.39 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 184276