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Author: COLLECTIF, THEODORE O WEDEL, ROBERT S BILHEIMER, R D REES, FREDERICK O NOLDE, W A VISSER 'T HOOFT, CONSTANTINE NICHOLAS DOMBALIS, WALTER FREYTAG Title: The Ecumenical Review, Volume IV, N° 4, July 1952 . Contains : The Body-Spirit Paradox of the Church, by Theodore O. Wedel (10 p.). Problems in Ecumenical Action, by Robert S. Bilheimer (13 p.). British Churches and World Affairs, by R. D. Rees (10 p.). The Christian Witness to the World of Nations, by Frederick O. Nolde (7 p.)...
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1952. Contains also : Renewal and Wholeness, by W. A. Visser 'T Hooft (8 p.). A Symposium on the Occasion of the 1500th Anniversary of the Council of Chalcedon : Introduction, by Constantine Nicholas Dombalis (11 p.). Mission and Unity, by Walter Freytag (9 p.)....1 vol in-8, page 345 à page 456, broché. Bon à très bon état. Good condition. ¶ The Ecumenical Review, Volume IV, N° 4, July 1952 . Contains : The Body-Spirit Paradox of the Church, by Theodore O. Wedel (10 p.). Problems in Ecumenical Action, by Robert S. Bilheimer (13 p.). British Churches and World Affairs, by R. D. Rees (10 p.). The Christian Witness to the World of Nations, by Frederick O. Nolde (7 p.)...
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 193104