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Author: COLLECTIF, CHARLES CLAYTON MORRISON, STEPHEN C NEILL, S A MORRISON, ABRAM W SANGREY, H B DEHQANI-TAFTI Title: The Ecumenical Review, Volume III, N° 1, October 1950 . Contains : The Ecumenical Trend in American Protestantism, by Charles Clayton Morrison (13 p.). Crisis in Tropical Africa, by Stephen C Neill (12 p.). The Ecumenical Movement in Egypt, by S A Morrison (3 p.)...
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1950. Contains also : A Younger Church in America, by Abram W. Sangrey (13 p.). The Church and its Youth in Iran, by H. B. Dehqani-Tafti (5 p.)....1 vol in-8, 104 pages, broché. Bon à très bon état. Good condition. ¶ The Ecumenical Review, Volume III, N° 1, October 1950 . Contains : The Ecumenical Trend in American Protestantism, by Charles Clayton Morrison (13 p.). Crisis in Tropical Africa, by Stephen C Neill (12 p.). The Ecumenical Movement in Egypt, by S A Morrison (3 p.)...
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 193105