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Author: COLLECTIF, BISHOP GOTTFRIED NOTH, PAUL D DEVANANDAN, MASAO TAKENAKA, JOSEPH A SITTLER, ARCHBISHOP MICHAEL RAMSEY, NIKOS NISSIOTIS, KLAUS VON BISMARCK, E V, MATTHEW AND MOLLIE BATTEN, BISHOP LESSLIE NEWBIGIN, W A VISSER 'T HOOFT Title: The Ecumenical Review, Volume XIV, N° 2, January 1962 . Contains : Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, by Bishop Gottfried Noth (13 p.). Called to Witness, by Paul D. Devanandan (10 p.). Called to Service, by Masao Takenaka (13 p.). Called to Unity, by Joseph A. Sittler (11 p.)...
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1962. Contains also : Unity, Holiness and Truth, by Archbishop Michael Ramsey (4 p.). The Witness and the Service of Eastern Orthodoxy to the One Undivided Church , by Nikos Nissiotis (9 p.). The Laity : the Church in the World, by Klaus von Bismarck .. (4 p.). The Missionary Dimension of the Ecumenical Movement, by Bishop Lesslie Newbigin (9 p.)... 1 vol in-8, page 141 à page 274, broché. Bon à très bon état. Good condition. ¶ The Ecumenical Review, Volume XIV, N° 2, January 1962 . Contains : Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, by Bishop Gottfried Noth (13 p.). Called to Witness, by Paul D. Devanandan (10 p.). Called to Service, by Masao Takenaka (13 p.). Called to Unity, by Joseph A. Sittler (11 p.)...
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 193107