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Author: COLLECTIF, B HANDSPICKER, LUKAS FISCHER, VICTOR E W HAYWARD, OTHERS Title: The Ecumenical Review, a Quarterly published by The World Council of Churches. Volume XIX, January 1967, Number 1. Contents : An Ecumenical Exercise, Introduction, by M. B. Handspicker and Lukas Vischer (Editors). The Southern Baptist Convention. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church. The Kimbanguist Church in the Congo. The Pentecostal Movement in Europe, The World Council's Fourth Assembly, by Victor E. W. Hayward. Press Comments on the World Conference on Church and Society (15 p.). Report from Asian Conference on the Church and the Churches (7 p.). É
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1967 1 issue in*8, pages 1 to 112. Good to very good condition. Paperback. Not common.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 291106