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Author: COLLECTIF, THOMAS F TORRANCE, RICHARD M. FAGLEY, NIELS H SOE, PHILIPP POTTER, PAUL D DEVANANDAN, OTHERS Title: The Ecumenical Review, a Quarterly published by The World Council of Churches. Volume XI, October 1958, Number 1. Contents :Sermon by Bishop G.K.A. Bell. What is the Church ?, by Thomas F. Torrance. The Population Problem and Family Planning, by Richard M. Fagley. The Theological Basis of Family Planning, by Nils H. Soe. Asian Impressions, by Philip Potter. The Renascence oh Hinduism in India, by Paul D. Devanandan....
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1968 1 issue in*8, pages 1 to 126. Good to very good condition. Paperback. Not common.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 291108