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Author: COLLECTIF, W. A. VISSER 'T HOOFT, EIVIND BERGGRAV, LESLIE NEWBIGIN , EBERHARD MULLER, J.K.S. REID, J. ROBERT NELSON, V. E. DEVADUTT, OTHERS Title: The Ecumenical Review, a Quarterly published by The World Council of Churches. Volume XI, January 1959, Number 2. Contents : Bishop Bell's Life - Work in the Ecumenical Movement, by W. A. Wisser 'T Hooft. George Bell, by Eivind Berggrav. The Structure of Modern Society and the Structure of the Church, by Eberhard Muller. African Travelogue, by Egbert de Vries. Lambeth on Church Unity, by J. K. S. Reid. The Lambeth Conference of 1958, and the Plan of Church Union, North India and Pakistan É
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1959 1 issue in*8, pages 133 to 236. Good to very good condition. Paperback. Not common.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 291109