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Author: COLLECTIF, NIKOS A NISSIOTIS, WALTER HARRELSON, PAUL EVDOKIMOV, LUDOLF MÜLLER, JEAN DANIELOU, PHILIP WATSON, KONSTANTIN BONIS, PAUL VERGHESE Title: The Ecumenical Review, a Quarterly published by The World Council of Churches. Volume XV, April 1963, Number 3. Contents : Eastern and western Theologians study together Spiritualy, by Nikos A. Nissiotis. The Biblical Understanding of Spirituality, by Walter Harrelson. The Theological Significance of a Critical Attitude in Hagiography, by Ludolf Müller. Spiritual Life in the Tradition of the Western Church, by Jean Daničlou. Wesley and Luther on Christian Perfection, by Philip Watson. The Orthodox Conception of the Spirituality of the Church in Relation to Daily Life, by Konstantin Bonis. The rôle of Monasticism and a ' New Askesis ' for our Time, by Paul Verghese É
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1963 1 issue in*8, pages 245 to 355. Good to very good condition. Paperback. Not common.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 291110