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Author: THE JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES, A. E. ASTIN, A. BAY, D. FISHWICK, M. GRIFFIN Title: The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume LXII 1972. Contents : Cato Tusculanus and the Capitoline Fasti by A. E. Astin, The Letters SC on Augustan Aes Coinage by A. Bay, The Temple of the Three Gauls by D. Fishwick, The Elder Seneca and Spain by M. Griffin, Mint and Fiscal Administration under Diocletian, his Colleagues and his Successors by M. Hendy, Roman Gold-mining in North-west Spain, II : workings on the Rio Duerna by D. G. Bird, Cicero the Historian and Cicero the Antiquarian by E. Rawson, The date of the Lex Repetundarum and its Consequences by A. N. Sherwin-White...
Description: Society for the promotion of Roman Studies, 1972. 1vol 4to, good condition. Other contents : Some Problems of Romano-Parthian Sculpture at Hatra by J. M. C. Toynbee, The Hippodrome at Thessaloniki by M. Vickers, Roman Private Law and the Leges Regiae ¶ Cato Tusculanus and the Capitoline Fasti by A. E. Astin, The Letters SC on Augustan Aes Coinage by A. Bay, The Temple of the Three Gauls by D. Fishwick, The Elder Seneca and Spain by M. Griffin, Mint and Fiscal Administration under Diocletian, his Colleagues and his Successors by M. Hendy, Roman Gold-mining in North-west Spain, II : workings on the Rio Duerna by D. G. Bird, Cicero the Historian and Cicero the Antiquarian by E. Rawson, The date of the Lex Repetundarum and its Consequences by A. N. Sherwin-White...
Price: EUR 13.00 = appr. US$ 14.13 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 40084