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Title: The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume LX, N°1 July 1969. Main Contents : Nachmanides' commentary of the book of the Job by D. J. Silver (18p), A survey of jewish Historiography : from the Biblical books to the Sefer Ha-Kabbalah with special emphasis on Josephus by S. Zeitlin (32p), Unpublished poetry of the 12th and 14th centuries in the Baron David Guenzburg collection by A. Katsh (8p), Biblical Exegesis of 4QpIs by J. Rosenthal (5p)
Description: Philadelphia, Published by the Dropsie College, 1969. 1 volume in-8, softcover, 88 pp., good condition. Safe shipment with tracking number to the U.S.A. and UK in +/- 10 days. ¶ Nachmanides' commentary of the book of the Job by D. J. Silver (18p), A survey of jewish Historiography : from the Biblical books to the Sefer Ha-Kabbalah with special emphasis on Josephus by S. Zeitlin (32p), Unpublished poetry of the 12th and 14th centuries in the Baron David Guenzburg collection by A. Katsh (8p), Biblical Exegesis of 4QpIs by J. Rosenthal (5p)


Price: EUR 8.00 = appr. US$ 8.69 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 41353