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Author: THE JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, SOLOMON ZEITLIN, JOSHUA BLAU, ABRAHAM KATSH, VICTOR REICHERT, EMANUEL FELDMAN Title: The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume LXIII, N°1 July 1972. Main Contents : Encyclopaedia Judaica : The status of Jewish scholarship by S. Zeitlin (28p), The Rabbinic Lament by E. Feldman (25p), On the problem of the synthetic character of classical arabic as against judaeo-arabic (Middle arabic) by J. Blau (10p), Unpublished Geniza Talmudic fragments of Tractate Shabbath in the Antonin Collection in the U.S.S.R by A. Katsh (9p), The silence of Pius XII by J. Hughes (6p)
Description: Philadelphia, Published by the Dropsie College, 1972. 1 volume in-8, softcover, 95 pp., good condition. Safe shipment with tracking number to the U.S.A. and UK in +/- 10 days. ¶ Encyclopaedia Judaica : The status of Jewish scholarship by S. Zeitlin (28p), The Rabbinic Lament by E. Feldman (25p), On the problem of the synthetic character of classical arabic as against judaeo-arabic (Middle arabic) by J. Blau (10p), Unpublished Geniza Talmudic fragments of Tractate Shabbath in the Antonin Collection in the U.S.S.R by A. Katsh (9p), The silence of Pius XII by J. Hughes (6p)
Price: EUR 10.00 = appr. US$ 10.87 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 41354