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Author: COLLECTIF, S N EISENSTADT, WILLIAM H SEARS, LASZLO VERTES Title: Current Anthropology, a World Journal of the Sciences of Man. Contains : Six selected as candidates for 1961 Viking Medal (4 p.). Anthropological Studies of Complex Societies, by S. N. Eisenstadt (20 p.). The Study of Social and Religious Systems in North American Archaeology, by William H. Sears. (22 p.). An Experiment in Exhibition : ' The Palaeolithic Age ' in the Hungarian National Museum, by Laszlo Vertes (8 p.). More on Cross-Cultural Education (10 p.). É
Description: Glasgow,University Press, June 1961. Good condition
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 4157744