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Author: COLLECTIF, A J F KÖBBEN, NAPOLEON WOLANSKI, DONALD STANLEY MARSHALL, LAURA THOMPSON, ELIZABETH COLSON É Title: Current Anthropology, a World Journal of the Sciences of Man, February-April 1967. Contains : Why exceptions ? The Logic of Cross-Cultural Analysis, by A. J. F. Köbben (32 p.). Basic Problems in Physical development in Mn in relation to the evaluation of development of Children and Youth, by Napoleon Wolanski (26 p.). Toward a general and unified Anthropology, by Donald Stanley Marshall (6 p.)...
Description: Current Anthropology, a World Journal of the Sciences of Man, February-April 1967. Contains : Why exceptions ? The Logic of Cross-Cultural Analysis, by A. J. F. Köbben (32 p.). Basic Problems in Physical development in Mn in relation to the evaluation of development of Children and Youth, by Napoleon Wolanski (26 p.). Toward a general and unified Anthropology, by Donald Stanley Marshall (6 p.). Competence and Incompetence in Context of Independence, by Elizabeth Colson (8 p.). É 1 volume in-4, 144 p., broché. Bon état.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 4157747