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Title: Current Anthropology, a World Journal of the Sciences of Man, June 1971. Contains : Maize and the Mande Myth, by M. D. W. Jeffreys (30 p.). Toward Ethics and Anthropology, by Joseph G. Jorgensen (14 p.). Clans and Moieties in North America, by Elizabeth Tooker (20 p.). Book review of the Emergence of Man, byJohn Pfeiffer É
Description: The University of Chicago Press, June 1971. (Vol 12 N° 3). 1 vol in-4, page 289 to page 416, not bound. Good condition. Not common.


Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 4157794