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Author: COLLECTIF, KAREL VALOCH, GERALD D BERREMAN, GUTORM GJESSING, KATHLEEN GOUGH, K. KORTMULDER, GROVER S. KRANTZ, LEWIS, É Title: Current Anthropology, December 1968. Contains : Evolution of the Palaeolithic in Central and Eastern Europe, by Karel Vqaloch (40 p.). Social Responsabilities Symposium, by Gerald D. Berreman, Gutorm Gjessing & Kathleen Gough (87 p.).
Description: The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1968. Contains also : An Ethological theory of the Incest Taboo and Exogamy, by K. Kortmulder (14 p.)... 1 vol in-4, page 349 to page 474. Good condition.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 4157795