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Author: COLLECTIF, LAURA NADER, KLAUS F KOCH, BRUCE COX OCTAVIAN BUHOCIU, ALEC J. KELSO, IGNACIO BERNAL, LOUIS DUMONT, BERNHARD BOCK, ROBERT H. LOWIE Title: Current Anthropology, June 1966. Contains : The Ethnography of Law : a Bibliographic Survey, by Laura Naader, Klaus F Koch and Bruce Cox (28 p.). Folklore and Ethnography in Rumania, by Octavian Buhociu (20 p.). The National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico, by Ignacio Bernal (7 p.).
Description: The Wenner-Gren Foundation for anthropological Research, 1966. Contains also : Book Review of ' Une Sous-Caste d'Inde du Sud ', and ' Hierarchy and Marriage Alliance in South Indian Kinship, by Louis Dumont (20 p.). É 1 fascicule in-4, page 265 à page 388 to 393, broché. Bon état. Good condition.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 4157796