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Author: COLLECTIF, JOSEPH B BIRDSELL, NOBUO SHIMAHARA, RAOUL NAROLL, I P TROUFANOFF, GRANT MCCALL, Title: Current Anthropology, April 1970. Contains : Local Group Composition among the Australian Aborigines : a critique of the evidence from fieldwork conducted since 1930, by Joseph B. Birdsell (28 p.). Enculturation : a reconsideration, by Nobuo Shimahara (87 p.). The Ahtena Tomahawks in the museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R, by I P Troufanoff (5 p.).
Description: "The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, april 1970. Contains also ; .American Anthropological interests and Prospects in Basque Studies, by Grant McCall.... 1 fascicule in-4, Page 113 to Page 248. Good condition."
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 4157804