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Author: COLLECTIF, J. ROBERT NELSON, GABRIEL HEBERT, S.S.M., ERNEST BEST, BISHOP CASSIAN, J. B. SOUCEK, N A DAHL Title: The Ecumenical Review, volume IX, N° 2 Number 2, January 1957. English edition. Contents : Many images of the One Church, by J. Robert Nelson (9 p.). The Church Which is his Body, by Gabriel Hebert, S.S.M. (8 p.). The Body of Christ, by Ernest Best (7 p.). The Family of God, by Bishop Cassian (14 p.)...
Description: World Council of Churches, 1957. Contains also : The Good Shepherd and his Flock, by J. B. Soucek (11 p.). The People of God, by N A Dahl (8 p.)É 1 volume in-8, page 105 to 219, good condition. ¶ World Council of Churches, 1952. Contains also : The Good Shepherd and his Flock, by J. B. Soucek (11 p.). The People of God, by N A Dahl (8 p.)É 1 volume in-8, page 105 to 219, good condition.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 450547