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Author: COLLECTIF, J C BENNETT, JAMES OF MELITA, HILLYER H STRATON, ROBERT C MACKIE Title: The Ecumenical Review, volume IX, N° 1 Number 1, October 1956. English edition. Contents : The Christian Response to Social Revolution, by J C Bennett (15 p.). The significance of the World Council of Metropolitan Churches for the Older Churches, by James of Melita (3 p.). The Ecumenical Movement and the Parish Minister, by Hillyer H Straton (8 p.)...
Description: World Council of Churches, 1956. Contains also : Impressions of the Church of South India, by Robert C. Mackie (6 p.). Report of the Executive Commitee to the Central Commitee 1955-1956 (7 p.). Bishop K. H. Tink on the life of the Churches in China (3 p.).É 1 volume in-8, 99 pages, good condition. ¶ World Council of Churches, 1956. Contains also : Impressions of the Church of South India, by Robert C. Mackie (6 p.). Report of the Executive Commitee to the Central Commitee 1955-1956 (7 p.). Bishop K. H. Tink on the life of the Churches in China (3 p.).É 1 volume in-8, 99 pages, good condition.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 450548