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Author: COLLECTIF, C H HWANG, ROSWELL P BARNES, BORIS BOBRINSKOY, J K S REID, M M THOMAS Title: The Ecumenical Review, volume XVI, N° 5 Number 5, October 1964. English edition. Contents : Come, Creator Spirit ! For the Calling of the Churches Together, by C. H. Hwang (15 p.). The Prospects for the Ecumenical Movement in the USA, by Roswell P. Barnes (12 p.). The Continuity of the Church and Orthodoxy, by Boris Bobrinskoy (18 p.)...
Description: World Council of Churches, 1964. Contains also : The Holy Spirit and the Ecumenical Movement, by J K S Reid (16 p.). Christianity and World History, by M M Thomas (7 p.). .É 1 volume in-8, page 485 to page 592. Good condition. ¶ World Council of Churches, 1956. Contains also : The Holy Spirit and the Ecumenical Movement, by J K S Reid (16 p.). Christianity and World History, by M M Thomas (7 p.). .É 1 volume in-8, page 485 to page 592. Good condition.
Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 450549