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Author: SOCIAL HISTORY, JANET BLACKMAN, KEITH NIELD, KATHLEEN M DAVIES, PETER BORSAY, MICHEL VOVELLE, ALAN MACFARLANE Title: Social History, N° 5, may 1977. Contents : ' the sacred condition of equality ' - how original were Puritan doctrines of marriage ?, by K. M. Davies (17 p.). The English urban renaissance : the development of provincial urban culture c. 1680-c. 1760, by P. Borsay (24 p.). le tournant des mentalités en France 1750-1789 : la ' sensibilité ' pré-revolutionnaire, par M. Vovelle (en français, 26 p.). ...
Description: University of Hull, 1977. Other articles : History, anthropology and the study of communities, by A. McFarlane (22 p.). 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état. (good condition). ¶ Social History, N° 5, may 1977. Contents : ' the sacred condition of equality ' - how original were Puritan doctrines of marriage ?, by K. M. Davies (17 p.). The English urban renaissance : the development of provincial urban culture c. 1680-c. 1760, by P. Borsay (24 p.). le tournant des mentalités en France 1750-1789 : la ' sensibilité ' pré-revolutionnaire, par M. Vovelle (en français, 26 p.). ...
Price: EUR 9.00 = appr. US$ 9.78 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 51931