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Author: SOCIAL HISTORY, JANET BLACKMAN, KEITH NIELD, GEOFF ELEY, HANS MEDICK, MICHAEL ANDERSON, AE MUSSON, JOHN FOSTER Title: Social History, N° 3, october 1976. Contents : Defining social imperialism : use and abuse of an idea, by G. Eley (26 p.). The proto-industrial family economy : the structural function of household and family during the transition from peasant society to industrial capitalism, by H. Medick (26 p.). Class struggle and the labour aristocracy, 1830-1860, by A. E. Musson (22 p.). Sociological history and the working-class family : Smelser revisited, by M. Anderson (16 p.).
Description: University of Hull, 1976. 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état. (good condition). ¶ Social History, N° 3, october 1976. Contents : Defining social imperialism : use and abuse of an idea, by G. Eley (26 p.). The proto-industrial family economy : the structural function of household and family during the transition from peasant society to industrial capitalism, by H. Medick (26 p.). Class struggle and the labour aristocracy, 1830-1860, by A. E. Musson (22 p.). Sociological history and the working-class family : Smelser revisited, by M. Anderson (16 p.).
Price: EUR 9.00 = appr. US$ 9.78 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 51933