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Title: Social History, N°2, volume 4, may 1979. Contents : The role of state violence in the period of transition to industrial capitalism : the example of Prussia from 1815 to 1848, by A. Lüdtke (48 p.). Peasant revolts in the German empire in the late Middle Ages, by P. Blickle (18 p.). Economic power and political stability reconsidered : heavy industry in Weimar Germany, by B. Weisbrod (24 p.). Base-processes and the problem of organization : outline of a social history research project, by D. Groh (20 p.).
Description: University of Hull, 1979. Also : Agrarian social protest, populism and economic development : some problems and results from recent studies, by M. Hildermeier (14 p.). ¶ Social History, N°2, volume 4, may 1979. Contents : The role of state violence in the period of transition to industrial capitalism : the example of Prussia from 1815 to 1848, by A. Lüdtke (48 p.). Peasant revolts in the German empire in the late Middle Ages, by P. Blickle (18 p.). Economic power and political stability reconsidered : heavy industry in Weimar Germany, by B. Weisbrod (24 p.). Base-processes and the problem of organization : outline of a social history research project, by D. Groh (20 p.).


Price: EUR 9.00 = appr. US$ 9.78 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 51938