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Title: International Labor and Working-Class History, N° 33, spring 1988. Contains : A new view of industrialization : ' Protoindustry ' or the rôle of small-scale, labor-intensive manufacture in the capitalist environment, by J. H. Quataert (19 p.). Foreign workers in Soviet Russia, 1920-1940 : their experience and their legacy, by A. Graziosi (22 p.).
Description: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Contains also : Workers and politics in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany, by Mary Nolan (8 p.). Marx, Russia, and Soviet History, by R. G. Suny. 1 fascicule of 148 pages, paperback, good condition, no wear and no marks on text. ¶ International Labor and Working-Class History, N° 33, spring 1988. Contains : A new view of industrialization : ' Protoindustry ' or the rôle of small-scale, labor-intensive manufacture in the capitalist environment, by J. H. Quataert (19 p.). Foreign workers in Soviet Russia, 1920-1940 : their experience and their legacy, by A. Graziosi (22 p.).


Price: EUR 8.00 = appr. US$ 8.69 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 52330