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Title: International Labor and Working-Class History, N° 34, Fall 1988. Special Issue : Religion and the Working Class. Contains : ' Citizens of the Kingdom ' : toward a social history of radical christianity in Latin America, by M. F. Jiménez (19 p.). The transforming power of the machine : popular religion, ideology, and secularization among Polish immigrant Workers in the United States, 1880-1920, by J. J. Bukowczyk (17 p.).
Description: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Contains also : Religion and Trade Union politics en the United States, 1880-1920, by K. Fomes-Wolf (17 p.). The sexual crisis and popular religion in London, 1770-1820, by Anna Clark (14 p.). Catholic Working-Class movements in Western Europe, by C. Strikwerda (16 p.). Popular religion and the laboring classes in nineteenth-century Europe, by Cl. Garrett (6 p.)...... 1 fascicule of 144 pages, paperback, good condition, no wear and no marks on text. ¶ International Labor and Working-Class History, N° 34, Fall 1989. Special Issue : Religion and the Working Class. Contains : ' Citizens of the Kingdom ' : toward a social history of radical christianity in Latin America, by M. F. Jiménez (19 p.). The transforming power of the machine : popular religion, ideology, and secularization among Polish immigrant Workers in the United States, 1880-1920, by J. J. Bukowczyk (17 p.).


Price: EUR 9.00 = appr. US$ 9.78 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 52333