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Author: SOCIAL HISTORY, DAVID BLACKBOURN, ROY HAY, DAVID CANNADINE, BOB SCRIBNER Title: Social History, N° 4, january 1977. Contents : The ' Mittlestand ' in German Society and Politics, 1871-1914, by D. Blackbourn (24 p.). Employers and social policy in Britain : the evolution of welfare legislation, 1905-1914, by Roy Hay (21 p.). Victorian cities : how different ?, by David Cannadine (26 p.). Is there a social history of the Reformation ?, by Bob Scribner (24 p.). Reflections on Braudel, by Victor Kierman (6 p.).
Description: University of Hull, 1977. 1 fascicule of 150 pages, paperback, good condition, no wear and no marks on text. ¶ Social History, N° 4, january 1977. Contents : The ' Mittlestand ' in German Society and Politics, 1871-1914, by D. Blackbourn (24 p.). Employers and social policy in Britain : the evolution of welfare legislation, 1905-1914, by Roy Hay (21 p.). Victorian cities : how different ?, by David Cannadine (26 p.). Is there a social history of the Reformation ?, by Bob Scribner (24 p.). Reflections on Braudel, by Victor Kierman (6 p.).
Price: EUR 9.00 = appr. US$ 9.78 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 52346