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Title: Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol XXIV N°3, september-december 1987. Contains : The Utopia the never was É the American episode in Manon Lescaut, by A. Rosenberg (8 p.). ' Les Quatre Saisons littéraires ' and the ' Journal de Paris ' : the history of a ' censure ', by Alexander A. Sokalski (10 p.). ' Paul et Virginie ' : a roman poétique, by Malcolm Cook (8 p.)....
Description: Monash University, 1987. Contains also : Some documents on the History of the French Book Trade in the Eighteenth Century, by Wxallace Kirsop (56 p.). The Musician's Madness : Goethe and Hegel on ' Le Neveu de Rameau ', by Margaret Stoljar (24 p.)... 1 fascicule in-8, page 225 - 336, broché. Bon état.


Price: EUR 12.00 = appr. US$ 13.04 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 523481