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Title: Australian Journal of French Studies, Vol II, N° 1, january-april 1965. Contents : 1) in english : Old Franch ' acroire sor s'ame (sor la hart, etc) ', by T. B. W. Reid (8 pages). The Staging of the Jeu de Saint Nicolas : an analysis of movement, by F. W. Marshall (30 p.). Balzac's relationships with the caricaturists and popular dramatic satirics of the July Monarchy : an investigation based on an unpublished plan for a satirical novel, by A. G. Paradissis (23 p.)...
Description: P. W. Cheshire, Monash University, 1965. Contient également, en français : Fantaisies Humanistes : Ronsard, Amours de Cassandre, I, 4, par Alphonse Bouvet (6 p.). La France découvre l'Aistralie : l'expédition du Géographe et du Naturaliste (1801-1803), par Jean-Paul Faivre (14 p.). Epos et Lyrisme, par Antoine Denat (12 p.)...1 fascicule in-8, 104 pages, broché. Très bon état. ¶ Australian Journal of French Studies, Vol II, N° 1, january-april 1965. Contents : 1) in english : Old Franch ' acroire sor s'ame (sor la hart, etc) ', by T. B. W. Reid (8 pages). The Staging of the Jeu de Saint Nicolas : an analysis of movement, by F. W. Marshall (30 p.). Balzac's relationships with the caricaturists and popular dramatic satirics of the July Monarchy : an investigation based on an unpublished plan for a satirical novel, by A. G. Paradissis (23 p.)...


Price: EUR 11.00 = appr. US$ 11.96 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 53755