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Title: The Ecumenical Review. Volume IX, Number 4, July 1957.
Description: The World Council of Churches, 1957. Contents : The Old Problem : Science and the Christian Faith, by Hans Heinrich Wolf (10 p.). Contemporary Science and Human Life, by Erik Ingelstam (13 p.). The Church and the Scientists, by Samuel H. Miller (15 p.). International Church Assistance an Rapid Social Change, by Robert S. Bilheimer (8 p.). Count Zinzendorf : an 18th Century Ecumenist, by E. H. Zorb (10 p.)... 1 volume in-8, page 357 to page 484. Paperback. Complete. Good condition. ¶ The World Council of Churches, 1957. Contents : The Old Problem : Science and the Christian Faith, by Hans Heinrich Wolf (10 p.). Contemporary Science and Human Life, by Erik Ingelstam (13 p.). The Church and the Scientists, by Samuel H. Miller (15 p.). International Church Assistance an Rapid Social Change, by Robert S. Bilheimer (8 p.). Count Zinzendorf : an 18th Century Ecumenist, by E. H. Zorb (10 p.)... Good condition.


Price: EUR 16.00 = appr. US$ 17.39 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 555724