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Title: The Ecumenical Review, The Quarterly of the World Council of Churches. Volume IV, Number 1, October 1951. Contains : The Responsibility of the Churches and the World Council in Times of Tension, by Bidshop E. Berggrav (12 p.). Some thoughts on Modern Israel (9 p.). The Ecumenical Movement and the Doctrine of the Church (13 p.). ' His Labor ', by Hamilcar S. Alivisatos (8 p.)...
Description: World Council of Churches, 1951. Contains also : The ' Kirchentag ' in Berlin, by Reinold von Thadden (5 p.). The situation of the Christian Church in China : an attempt at Understanding (12 p.)..... 1 volume in-8, 110 p., broché. Bon état. Good condition. ¶ World Council of Churches, 1951. Contains also : The ' Kirchentag ' in Berlin, by Reinold von Thadden (5 p.). The situation of the Christian Church in China : an attempt at Understanding (12 p.)..... 1 volume in-8, 110 p., broché. Bon état. Good condition.


Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 555731