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Title: The Ecumenical Review, The Quarterly of the World Council of Churches. Volume V, Number 2, January 1953. Contains : A scottish Reflection on Lund, by A. C. Craig (6 p.). Signs of Renewal in the European Churches, by H. H. Walz (11 p.). Ecumenical Attitudes in the Antipodes, by Alan A. Brash (4 p.)...
Description: World Council of Churches, 1953. Contains also : Ecumenical Reformation, par Carl Edward Schneider (6 p.). Christian Courtesy, by Reuben E. Nelson (5 p.). Evangelism and Unity in Brazil, by Jorge Cesar Mota..... 1 volume in-8, p. 125 to 226, broché. Bon état. Good condition. ¶ World Council of Churches, 1953. Contains also : Ecumenical Reformation, par Carl Edward Schneider (6 p.). Christian Courtesy, by Reuben E. Nelson (5 p.). Evangelism and Unity in Brazil, by Jorge Cesar Mota..... 1 volume in-8, p. 125 to 226, broché. Bon état. Good condition.


Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 555732