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Title: The Ecumenical Review, The Quarterly of the World Council of Churches. Volume V, Number 3, April 1953. Contains : Implications of Ecumenical Loyalty, by Leslie E Cooke (10 p.). Hope needs Faith and Love, by Reinhold Niebuhr (7 p.). The Relevance of Eschatology for Social Ethics, by Heinz-Dietrich Wendland (5 p.). Intercommunion at Lund, by Daniel Day Williams (13 p.)...
Description: World Council of Churches, 1953. Contains also : A Solitary Ecumenical Prophet (J H Gunning), by Hendrik Kraemer (5 p.). Abbé Paul Couturier : in memoriam, by Maurice Villain (6 p.)....... 1 volume in-8, p. 349 to 448, broché. Bon état. Good condition. ¶ The Ecumenical Review, The Quarterly of the World Council of Churches. Volume V, Number 4, July 1953. Contains : Implications of Ecumenical Loyalty, by Leslie E Cooke (10 p.). Hope needs Faith and Love, by Reinhold Niebuhr (7 p.). The Relevance of Eschatology for Social Ethics, by Heinz-Dietrich Wendland (5 p.). Intercommunion at Lund, by Daniel Day Williams (13 p.)...


Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 555733