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Author: COLLECTIF, THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER, ROBERT C MACKIE, W A VISSER 'T HOOFT, ANTOINE KARTACHOFF, LAKDASA KURUNEGALA, MICHAEL BRUCE Title: The Ecumenical Review, Volume VIII, Number 1, october 1955. Contains : The Peaceful use of Atomic Energy, a Sermon by the Bishop of Chichester (7 p.). The Responsability of the Churches in the World Council towards the Needs of the Churches and of the Peoples of Asia and Africa, by Robert C. Mackie (10 p.). Various Meanings of Unity and the Unity which the World Council of Churches seeks to promote, by W A Visser 't Hooft (12 p.)...
Description: World Council of Churches, 1955. Contains also : Orthodox Theology and the Ecumenical Movement, by Antoine Kartachoff (6 p.). Experiments in Ceylon, by Lakdasa Kurunagala (6 p.).The Church in England and South India : The Convocations Decisions, by Michael Bruce (13 p.).... 1 volume in-8, p. 1 to 108, broché. Bon état. Good condition ¶ The Ecumenical Review, Volume VIII, Number 1, october 1955. Contains : The Peaceful use of Atomic Energy, a Sermon by the Bishop of Chichester (7 p.). The Responsability of the Churches in the World Council towards the Needs of the Churches and of the Peoples of Asia and Africa, by Robert C. Mackie (10 p.). Various Meanings of Unity and the Unity which the World Council of Churches seeks to promote, by W A Visser 't Hooft (12 p.)...
Price: EUR 16.00 = appr. US$ 17.39 Seller: Librairie Pettit - Book number: 555764