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Title: Australian Journal of French Studies, Vol XII N° 1, January-April 1975
Description: "Victoria, Monash University, 1975. Contient : André Spire : influences humanitaires dans ""Et vous riez !"" (Documents inédits), par Pauline Newman-Gordon (54 p., en français). The Artificial Paradise and the Lost Paradise. Baudelairian themes in Cocteau's ""Les Enfants terribles"", by Mary Maclean (in english, 32 p.). Complexity of character and overlapping of a single personality in Cocteau's ""Les Enfants terribles"", by Jane P. Kaplan (engl., 16 p.). The ""Revirement"" : s structural key to the novels of François Mauriac, by C. D. E. Tolton (english, 8 p.). 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état." ¶ "Victoria, Monash University, 1975. Contient : André Spire : influences humanitaires dans ""Et vous riez !"" (Documents inédits), par Pauline Newman-Gordon (54 p., en français). The Artificial Paradise and the Lost Paradise. Baudelairian themes in Cocteau's ""Les Enfants terribles"", by Mary Maclean (in english, 32 p.). Complexity of character and overlapping of a single personality in Cocteau's ""Les Enfants terribles"", by Jane P. Kaplan (engl., 16 p.). The ""Revirement"" : s structural key to the novels of François Mauriac, by C. D. E. Tolton (english, 8 p.). 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état."


Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 57423