Author: COLLECTIF, JUDITH ROBINSON, ALLAN H PASCO, JACQUES BIRNBERG, ARMINEL MARROW, K R DUTTON Title: Australian Journal of French Studies, Vol V N° 3, September-December 1968.
Description: Hawthorn Press, Monash University, 1968. Contient : The Centenary of a neglected French Thinker : Alain on the subject of War, by Judith Robinson (22 p., in english). Albertines's Equivocal Eyes, by Allan H. Pasco (6 p., in engl.). Etat présent des études polonaises sur Apollinaire, par Jacques Birnberg (32 p., en français). Form and Meaning in Apollinaire's Picture-Poems, by Arminel Marrow (8 p., in engl.). Apollinaire and Communication, by K. R. Dutton (26 p., in engl.). ... 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état. ¶ Hawthorn Press, Monash University, 1968. Contient : The Centenary of a neglected French Thinker : Alain on the subject of War, by Judith Robinson (22 p., in english). Albertines's Equivocal Eyes, by Allan H. Pasco (6 p., in engl.). Etat présent des études polonaises sur Apollinaire, par Jacques Birnberg (32 p., en français). Form and Meaning in Apollinaire's Picture-Poems, by Arminel Marrow (8 p., in engl.). Apollinaire and Communication, by K. R. Dutton (26 p., in engl.). ... 1 fascicule in-8, broché. Bon état.
Price: EUR 14.00 = appr. US$ 15.22 Seller: Librairie Pettit
- Book number: 57441